When Central Office (CO) receives incoming inmate information it compares the report
data previously received from a reporting correctional or mental institution to eliminate
duplicate reports. The report information is then matched against the Master Beneficiary
Record (MBR and (SSR) to locate eligibility/entitlement to social security benefits.
Once entitlement/eligibility is found, an alert is sent to the Program Center (PC),
OCO-ODO or the field office (FO) for processing as follows:
The PC/OCO-ODO will receive title II PUPS alerts and records only when the following
information is always on the PUPS alert:
Confinement Date (04/01/00 or later and the date of the confinement is at least 30
days prior to the run processing date on the PUPS Alert/Record)
The FOs will receive all other title II PUPS alerts and all title XVI PUPS alerts.