TN 16 (06-19)

SI 00603.002 Explanation of Deferred and Simultaneous Development

A. Definitions

1. Deferred Development

Deferred development is a procedure whereby full nondisability development is postponed until a field office (FO) receives a notice of disability allowance. This procedure saves FO resources. See SI 00515.001 and SI 01140.206 for the requirement to obtain permission to contact any financial institution (FI) and to verify FI accounts when a deferred application is filed.

2. Simultaneous Development

Simultaneous development is a procedure whereby the nondisability and disability factors are developed at the same time. This procedure is used when an alleged impairment is severe enough that an allowance is likely or when developing a claim simultaneously is otherwise more efficient or provides better service. (See SI 00603.002C. for specific guidelines on when to use simultaneous development.)

B. When To Use Deferred Development

Use deferred development in all claims that do not meet the requirements for simultaneous development in SI 00603.002C.

(Deferred development systems procedures are located in SM 01005.650 and SM 01010.055. For MSSICS cases, see MSOM MSSICS 008.003 .

C. When To Use Simultaneous Development

Use simultaneous development in the following situations.

1. Disability Allowance Likely

a. TERI Cases

Use simultaneous development when an FO or the Disability Determination Services (DDS) determines a case meets terminal illness (TERI) criteria (DI 11005.601C). See SI 00603.002C.1.d. (For systems procedures, see SM 01005.460 and MSOM MSSICS 008.010 ).

b. Presumptive Disability/Blindness

Use simultaneous development when an FO or DDS makes a presumptive disability /blindness (PD/PB) determination (DI 11055.230 - DI 11055.240 and DI 23535.010). See SI 00603.002C.1.d.

c. DDS Identifies a Quick Disability Determination (QDD) or Compassionate Allowance (CAL) Case

Use simultaneous development for QDD and CAL Cases. See Processing Quick Disability Determinations (QDD) Cases-Field Office (FO) Instructions in DI 11005.603 and Processing Compassionate Allowances (CAL) in the Field Office (FO) in DI 11005.604.

d. Meets Medical/Vocational Guidelines

Use simultaneous development when a claimant is otherwise likely to be found disabled (a judgment the claims representative makes using guidelines in DI 11010.025D.).

e. DDS Identifies TERI or PD/PB Claims

When DDS identifies a deferred development claim as TERI or PD/PB, the FO must initiate simultaneous development for that claim.

2. Multicategory Claim

Use simultaneous development in a multicategory claim if payment is possible for at least one month in the life of the application without the disability determination (e.g., an aged individual alleges blindness and resides in a State that pays a higher supplement to blind individuals, or the claimant will attain age 65 before the date you expect the disability determination to be made). (See SI 00501.300 for definition of a multicategory claim).

3. Other Claim Involved

Use simultaneous development in the following situations where processing of another claim impacts on or is impacted by the SSI claim you are processing.

a. Deeming Involved

Use simultaneous development when all of the following conditions are met:

  • the claimant is subject to deeming, and

  • another claimant's eligibility determination will impact on the amount of deemed income or resources, and

  • the other claim meets the criteria for simultaneous development or is an aged claim not requiring a disability determination.

    (See SI 01320.600 - SI 01320.650 for a further explanation of this situation.)

b. Spouse Also Filing

Use simultaneous development if the claimant's spouse is also applying for benefits and the spouse's claim meets the criteria for simultaneous development or is an aged claim not requiring a disability determination (i.e., is age 65 or is a Title II disability adoption).

4. Expeditious Handling Essential

Use simultaneous development in each of the following situations.

  • Claimant is homeless, or

  • Claim is obtained under a prerelease agreement (SI 00520.900), or

  • Conditional benefits procedures apply per SI 01150.200.

    RATIONALE: Any processing delay permanently disadvantages a claimant since conditional benefits are effective only after DDS has made a favorable decision and the FO has notified the claimant.

  • It is the opinion of the FO manager (or designated representative) that unique circumstances indicate that the claimant is better served by simultaneous development.

5. Aged Alien Claim

Nondisability development should not be deferred in aged alien claims. That is, when a disability determination is needed to establish that an aged individual is an “eligible alien” under 1996/1997 Welfare Reform, the FO should simultaneously develop disability and non-disability factors of entitlement. (See SI 00502.142 to determine when a disability determination is needed).

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