Effective 09/30/2024, if there is only one SSI applicant or recipient in the household, document the file
for each month in question to substantiate receipt of one or more PA payments by at
least one household member other than the SSI applicant or recipient. Evidence may
take the form of, for example, an award letter or Report of Contact page with the
paying agency.
Acceptable evidence for verifying a PA payment should include the individual's name,
type of public assistance, and period of eligibility within the type of evidence.
NOTE: Effective 09/30/2024, SNAP is included as a PA payment. Acceptable evidence of SNAP
receipt could include the following:
SNAP award letter or comparable document;
A Report of Contact with a representative from the toll-free phone number on the back
of the SNAP Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card or from the State's EBT customer
service number; or
Information from the applicant or recipient's account within an app authorized or
used by the applicable State SNAP agency.
Prior to 09/30/2024, you must document that every member of the household receives a PA payment (other
than the SSI applicant, who must meet all of the non-disability eligibility requirements)
to establish a PA household
Record the applicant's or recipient's statement on a Report of Contact page. For non-MSSICS
cases use a signed SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) paper form and fax into the Evidence
Portal (EP).