TN 111 (09-23)

SI 00835.140 Separate Consumption

See SI 00835.625 for instructions on completion of form SSA-8011.

A. Policy

Policy Principle: An individual is not subject to the VTR when they separately consume their meals because they do not receive both food and shelter from the household in which they reside.

Separate consumption means that an individual (or at least one member of an eligible couple) is taking all meals elsewhere (i.e., they consume all their food outside of the household in which they resides) and is not reimbursed by the householder. Any ISM received is subject to the PMV (SI 00835.300, SI 00835.320).

B. Policy — separate consumption

As a step in the sequence of household living arrangement (LA) development, consider separate consumption when:

  1. 1. 

    The individual lives in a household with at least one person other than a spouse, child (as defined in SI 00501.010), or person whose income is deemable to the individual; and

  2. 2. 

    The individual does not have ownership interest (SI 00835.110) or rental liability

    (SI 00835.120); and

  3. 3. 

    A public assistance household does not exist (SI 00835.130); and

  4. 4. 

    The individual or at least one member of an eligible couple alleges eating no meals in the household during a month.

C. Procedure

1. General - Development and Documentation

Obtain the individuals statement, signed or on a Report of Contact page, regarding separate consumption and verify the allegation with a knowledgeable adult member of the household, other than the individual's spouse. Obtain a signed statement from the knowledgeable member or record the contact on a Report of Contact page.

If the individual is the householder the individual's signed statement about separate consumption is sufficient documentation.

If separate consumption is established, ISM from within the household in the form of shelter must be considered. See SI 00835.340.

When the individual does not pay for food consumed outside the household, consider the possibility that the individual receives ISM in the form of food. Such food is classified as ISM to one person (SI 00835.400).

2. Posteligibility Requirements

Verify separate consumption per SI 00835.140C.1. above only when:

  1. a. 

    Separate consumption is alleged during a redetermination and the allegation cannot be confirmed by reference to the SSR or through review of a prior file, if available (the allegation of separate consumption is confirmed by the SSR if the LA code is “A” and the CG field shows “LA 30”); or

  2. b. 

    The individual changes residence and alleges separate consumption for the new residence; or

  3. c. 

    The individual alleges having begun to separately consume in the same residence.

If separate consumption is established, ISM from within the household in the form of shelter must be considered. See SI 00835.340.

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