TN 24 (09-23)

SI 02005.015 AI Diaries

A. Introduction

Since January 1986, we use the ongoing Title II increase to compute the SSI payments for January and February when we COLA coordinate. The ongoing Title II increase does not have to be related to a COLA increase for COLA coordination to apply. We specifically exclude a one-time Title II increase from the COLA coordination computation to avoid the possibility of double counting the one-time increase; once for COLA coordination and again 2 months later for Retrospective Monthly Account (RMA) computation. Since the payment system cannot always identify the existence of a one-time Title II increase on the supplemental security record (SSR), the AI diary was established. The AI diary identifies SSI records in which the system may have incorrectly included one-time Title II income in the automated COLA coordination computation.

B. Process

1. AI Diary Selection

Central Office (CO) will identify cases that may have been incorrectly COLA Coordinated. AI diary selection occurs every year in late February on records with the following criteria:

  1. a. 

    The computation month (CM) is January or February;

  2. b. 

    The payment status code is C01 or E01;

  3. c. 

    The budget month flag (BMF) for January is “1” or “2” or the BMF for February is “2”;

  4. d. 

    In the CM, there is one-time Title II income (type “A” with a frequency code of “N”); and

  5. e. 

    Total Title II income in the budget month (BM) is greater than zero. (Title II income includes unearned income types “A”, “G”, (Title II income in a Title XVI offset computation), and “W” (Title II income in a Title II offset computation)).

2. AI Diary Listings

Field Offices can access the AI diaries using the CHINET diary Program.


C. Procedure

1. Resolving AI Diaries

  1. a. 

    Verify (through a query response) that COLA coordination was applied (that Title II income in the CM exceeds total Title II income in the BM).

  2. b. 

    Obtain a query response from the payment history update system (PHUS) for each case that meets the above criteria to identify the one-time Title II increase to exclude from COLA coordination. (See SM 00630.010 for PHUS query response instructions.)

  3. c. 

    If the PHUS query response is inadequate to identify the amount to exclude from COLA coordination, phone the appropriate processing center for a description of the Title II benefit. (Use the Overpayment Telephone (OPTEL) procedures in GN 01070.230.) This step is necessary because you cannot assume that the amount subject to COLA coordination equals the Title II income in the next month.

  4. d. 

    Reduce the type “A” unearned income for the CM on the supplemental security record (SSR) by the amount of the one-time increase to be excluded. This action reduces the Title II income used in COLA coordination. If this will make the total Title II income in the CM less than the total Title II income in the BM, use the Title II income amount in the BM to compute the payment.

    Under “Verified Amount”, on the Social Security Benefit Page in MSSICS, enter the ongoing monthly Title II payment amount that includes the increased Monthly Benefit Credited (MBC) amounts for January and February. See MSOM INTRANETSSI 014.044 for input instructions. Enter “A” as the type in the “TYPE (A, S)” field. For non-MSSICS cases, transmit data using SSA-1719B (see SM 01305.280) with the revised type “A” unearned income amount.

  5. e. 

    Transmit to the SSR type “ST” unearned income for the excluded amount in the CM. This action will prevent the excluded amount from being used in COLA coordination, while maintaining the amount of unearned income used to compute the SSI benefit for a later month.

    For MSSICS cases, select the “Show Income that is not subject to COLA Coordination” check box. Then enter the dates for the “Date from” and “Date To”, and enter in the “Amount” field the excluded amount. This will build type "ST" on the SSR. For non-MSSICS cases, post unearned income type "ST" and include the notation "T2N0COLACOOR" in the claim identification number segment of the unearned income history (UMIH) field on the SSR.

  6. f. 

    Suppress the SSI underpayment notice the system would generate (see SM 01301.675) and issue a manual notice per SI 02005.015C.3.

  7. g. 

    Delete the AI diary on the MSSICS UDIA screen (MSOM BUSSR 002.019)

2. Example

a. Rates

  • The FBR in 2002 is $545 per month

  • The FBR in 2001 is $531 per month

b. Title II Income









c. Amount Excluded from COLA Coordination









d. Amounts for COLA Coordination









e. NOTE:

Title II in January subject to COLA coordination ($358) does not equal the continuing Title II amount ($360). This is because the event that caused the $36 one-time increase in January also caused a monthly increase starting in February.

f. CI for January Payment Computation


Title II in November

+   8

January Title II subject to COLA


coordination-November Title II



- 20

General exclusion



g. January Payment Computation



- 338




h. CI for February Payment Computation


Title II in December


February Title II - December Title II



- 20

General exclusion



i. February Payment Computation

$ 545


- 340


$ 205


j. March Payment Computation

$ 545


- 374

CI from January ($394-$20 general exclusion)

$ 171


k. Summary

The one-time Title II increase of $36 in January (as part of the $394) does not affect the benefit for January. It only affects the benefit for March.

3. Manual Notice Requirement

NOTE: Follow the special notice procedures in NL 01001.010 if the notice will be sent to a claimant, beneficiary, or representative payee who alleges being blind or visually impaired.

a. Prepare Manual Notice

A system-generated notice would incorrectly tell the person they are due more SSI based on a lower Title II income amount than they received, and “other income” they never received.

Complete an SSA L8100-U2, “SSI Notice of Change in Payment,” following the guidelines in NL 00803.005. Use the sample paragraph and fill-ins in b. below in explaining the underpayment.

b. Underpayment Paragraph Fill-ins

“The reason we are sending (1) this money is that we counted too much of the Social Security benefits (2) got in (3) when we figured (4) SSI payment. We counted (5), when we should only have counted (6).”


  1. (1) 

    Choice 1 - you

    Choice 2 - them

  2. (2) 

    Choice 1 - you

    Choice 2 - you and your spouse

    Choice 3 - they

  3. (3) 

    the computation month (January or February) and year

  4. (4) 

    Choice 1 - your

    Choice 2 - their

  5. (5) 

    $$$.00 (amount of Title II income in the computation month)

  6. (6) 

    $$$.00 (amount of Title II income used to compute the payment)

4. SSI Notice of Change in Payment

Social Security Administration

Supplemental Security Income

Notice of Change in Payment

Office Address:
Office Hours:
Telephone Number:
Social Security Number






Dear Mr(s)____________


*Type of Payment*


We are writing to tell you about changes in your Supplemental Security Income payments. The following chart shows the SSI money due you for the months we changed. As you can see from the chart, we are only changing your payments for months in the past. The rest of this letter will tell you more about this change.


Your Payments Will Be Changed As Follows:


From Through Amount Due

Each Month


Information About Your Payments


This action does not change your current payment amount.




See Next Page


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Your Payment Is Based On These Facts

You had monthly income, which must be considered in figuring your eligibility as follows:

  • Your Social Security benefits— before deductions for Medicare premiums, if any— of $xxx.xx for November 2000 through December 2000 and $391.00 for January 2001.

  • Your wages of $xx.xx for November 2000, $xxx.xx for December 2000 and $xxx.xx for January 2001.

You Can Review The Information in Your Case

The decisions in this letter are based on the law. You have a right to review and get copies of the information in our records that we used to make the decisions explained in this letter. You also have a right to review and copy the laws, regulations and policy statements used in deciding your case. To do so, please contact us. Our telephone number and address are shown under the heading "If You Have Any Questions."

Things To Remember

  • We may be in touch with you later about any payments we previously made.

  • This decision refers only to your claim for Supplemental Security Income payments.

  • This determination replaces all previous determinations for the above periods.

If You Disagree With The Decision

If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal. A person who hasn't seen your case will look at it. That person will be an Administrative Law Judge. In the rest of our letter we'll call this person an ALJ. The ALJ will correct mistakes and look at any new facts you have before deciding your case. We call this a hearing.

  • You have 60 days to ask for a hearing.

  • The 60 days start the day after you get this letter. We assume you got this letter 5 days after the date on it unless you show us that you did not get it within the 5-day period.

  • You'll have to have a good reason for waiting more than 60 days to ask for a hearing.

  • You have to ask for a hearing in writing. We'll ask you to sign an SSA form HA-501, called "Request for Hearing." Contact one of our offices if you want help.




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How A Hearing Works


A hearing works like this.

  • The ALJ will tell you the time and place for the hearing.

  • The ALJ will explain the law in your case. The ALJ will state the known facts and tell you what has to be decided.

  • You can tell the ALJ why you think we're wrong. You can give the ALJ more facts. And you can bring people to say why you're right.

  • The ALJ can make people come to your hearing and bring important papers. You can question these people at your hearing.

  • We'll ask if you want to go to the hearing in person. If you say you want to go, you should attend if at all possible. If you change your mind or if you can't get to the hearing, you should tell us. You should know that your being there may help the ALJ decide your case.

If You Want Help With Your Hearing

You may want help from a friend, lawyer or someone else. There are groups that can find you a lawyer. Some can give you a free lawyer. We can give you the names of these groups.

If You Have Any Questions

For general information about Supplemental Security Income, visit our website at on the Internet. There, you will also find the law and regulations about Supplemental Security Income eligibility and SSI payment amounts.

For general questions about SSI or specific questions about your case, you may call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213, or call your local Social Security office at 1-508-427-5386.






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If you call or visit our office, please bring this letter with you and ask for (CR). If you plan to visit an office, you may call ahead to make an appointment. This will help us serve you more quickly when you arrive at the office.


Office Manager




D. References

COLA Coordination Resolution—AI Diary SM 02101.048

Deeming of Income from an Ineligible Spouse   SI 01320.400

MMSS Eligibility and Payment Computations Under RMA SI 02005.084

Special Blind Income Disregards - Applying Specific October 1972 State Plan Rules SI 01210.500

Specific Rules — Type A (Social Security) — CAN Correct SM 01305.280

Title XVI Rate Increases and Rate Charts SI 02001.020

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SI 02005.015 - AI Diaries - 09/08/2023
Batch run: 02/21/2025