RM 03870.000 Development of Earnings Records Inaccuracies

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RM 03870.001 Earnings Records Inaccuracies Development - General TN 41 12-23
RM 03870.004 SSA Component Responsibility - Earnings Records Inaccuracies TN 20 12-21
RM 03870.006 Limits On Earnings Records Development TN 44 01-24
RM 03870.008 Development Record of Earnings Investigation TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.010 Form SSA-7008 (Request for Correction of Earnings Record) TN 43 12-23
RM 03870.012 Request for Earnings Record Correction Under Item Correction TN 29 10-23
RM 03870.015 Development of Earnings Records Inaccuracies TN 28 10-23
RM 03870.020 Incorrect SSN or Surname on W-2 TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.025 Discrepancy Between NH's Allegation and Employer's Statement or W-2c TN 32 10-23
RM 03870.035 Coverage or Wage Question TN 16 07-20
RM 03870.040 Earnings Records Inaccuracies - Establishment Reporting TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.045 Scrambled Earnings - General TN 25 10-23
RM 03870.048 Development of Scrambled Wages TN 45 05-24
RM 03870.052 Establishing NH's True Identity TN 42 12-23
RM 03870.055 Scrambled SEI TN 23 08-23
RM 03870.057 When Earnings May Be Transferred TN 46 06-24
RM 03870.060 Accepting Statement Disclaiming Earnings TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.062 Issuance of a Second SSN TN 37 12-23
RM 03870.065 Earnings Posted to Young Children - General TN 33 10-23
RM 03870.070 How to Develop YCER Cases TN 38 12-23
RM 03870.075 Action When YCER Development Complete TN 26 10-23
RM 03870.080 Earnings Reported After NH's Death TN 30 10-23
RM 03870.085 How to Resolve Earnings After Death Cases TN 31 10-23
RM 03870.090 Action When Earnings After Death Development Is Complete TN 40 12-23
RM 03870.094 Exemption From Prosecution for Aliens Legalized Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 TN 39 12-23
RM 03870.100 Form SSA-7008 (Request for Correction of Earnings Record) TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.101 Form SSA-L7013 (Social Security Request for Wage Information) TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.102 Form SSA-7011-F4 (Statement of Employer) TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.104 Form SSA-L7014 (Letter to NH Regarding Earnings Information) TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.105 Form SSA-L7015 (Social Security Request to Respond) TN 10 10-94
RM 03870.120 Form SSA-4156 (Employee Identification Statement) TN 15 11-19

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