Concurrent Title II and Title XVI fugitive felon suspension case processing will be
done independently of one another except when the beneficiary provides good cause
and it is accepted.
The T16 warrant information will be received through the FFAP system per GN 02613.100A.2. Process the warrant information per SI 00530.000.
If theT16 beneficiary requests good cause, process per SI 00530.015.
The T2 warrant will be received through the FFSCF system as indicated in GN 02613.100A.2.
The T2 warrant information will be processed per GN 02613.100B.
If the T2 beneficiary requests good cause, process the good cause information per
GN 02613.025.
Review of T16 or T2 Fugitive Felon or Probation or Parole Violator Suspension Cases
Uncovers Entitlement on Other Title
Under the old (pre-11/19/2005) fugitive felon or probation or parole violator warrant
processing environment the matching criteria used against the MBR or SSR did not always
identify concurrent entitlement when matching the warrant to each payment record system
(i.e. the MBR or SSR). If you discover while reviewing the fugitive felon or probation
or parole violator suspension that only one title in a concurrent (T2/T16) entitlement
has been suspended due to fugitive felon or probation or parole violator suspension,
you must process the fugitive felon or probation or parole violator suspension for the other
NOTE: Only one good cause determination for the same warrant will be necessary for the
concurrent beneficiary (Title II/Title XVI). Updating of the good cause determination
will, however, be necessary on each separate title as well as updating payment issues
for Title XVI.. For the Title XVI good cause coding use FFAP, for Title II good cause
coding use the FFSCF. If good cause is found, annotate a good cause determination
for the concurrent good cause determination per GN 02613.025C.6.