TN 51 (12-24)

GN 03940.020 Title II — Processing Center Processing of Fee Agreements on Initial Level Claims

A. Unfavorable Decision

Take no action under the fee agreement process for unfavorably decided claims. (But see GN 03940.003D. concerning concurrent Titles II and XVI claims where only one claim is unfavorable).

B. Favorable Decision — General

Take actions based on whether a claim is District Office Final Authorization (DOFA) or non-DOFA, whether processing is fully or partially automated, and whether the decision maker approved or disapproved the fee agreement. See GN 01010.027A to determine if a claim is a DOFA or non-DOFA.

NOTE: Although the instructions below refer to specific positions because operating procedures differ among processing centers (PC), each PC may designate the position(s) responsible for completing the following actions.

C. Process

These instructions apply to claims the field office (FO) has forwarded to the PC, following GN 03940.015A.2.

1. DOFA Award – Modernized Claim System (MCS)/Single Payment System (SPS) Complete Notice

In fully automated claims with complete notice coding, the system:

  • Calculates the fee under the fee agreement process, if the decision maker approved the fee agreement;

  • Withholds up to 25 percent of past-due benefits towards direct payment when the representative is eligible for and did not waive direct payment;

  • Prepares the award notice advising the claimant and representative of the determination on the fee agreement and, if the decision maker approved the agreement, the amount of the authorized fee;

  • Calculates the assessment based on the direct payment amount (see GN 03920.019, Assessment on Representatives Who Receive Direct Payment); and

  • Deducts the assessment and pays the balance to a representative who is eligible for and has not waived direct payment, or to an eligible entity when there is a valid assignment, if the payment can be made when the claimant's award is processed.

2. DOFA Award — MCS Incomplete Notice

In claims with incomplete notice coding, the system:

  • Withholds 25 percent of past-due benefits towards direct payment when the representative is eligible for and has not waived direct payment; and

  • Produces an alert (see MSOM MS 03509.009).

D. DOFA Award

Apply these procedures to claims the field office (FO) has forwarded to the PC following GN 03940.015A.

1. MCS Earnings Computation (EC) Award with a Notice Alert

The claims specialist (CS) or other appropriate technician will take the following actions:

  • If the representative is a non-attorney and information is received that indicates a change in the representative's direct payment eligibility, follow the procedures in GN 03940.020E.1. below to verify eligibility and record the results.

  • Identify and complete the necessary paragraphs for the award notice, advise the parties of the fee agreement determination, and advise the parties of the right to request administrative review of the determination. If the decision maker approved the fee agreement, also advise the parties of the fee authorized under the fee agreement and of the right to request administrative review of the authorized fee amount.

  • Access the Special Message screen through MONET (or MACADE) and select standard special message 52. Process standard special message 52 to the MBR. Special message 52 will display: "APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE(S) INVOLVED – SEE RASR, APPREP, AND APPFEE DATA LINES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION."

2. A101/EF 101 Award

Follow general claims processing instructions when processing non-MCS or MCS exclusion claims, and take the following additional actions:

  • If the representative is a non-attorney and information is received that indicates a change in the representative's direct payment eligibility, follow the procedures below in GN 03940.020E.1. to verify eligibility and record the results.

  • Ensure that the notice language refers to the fee agreement process, advises the parties of the fee agreement determination, and advises the parties of the right to request administrative review of the determination. If the decision maker approved the fee agreement, also advise the parties of the fee authorized under the fee agreement and of the right to request administrative review of the authorized fee amount.

  • Withhold the authorized fee amount (or 25 percent of past-due benefits if the authorized fee amount is not known) if the representative did not waive a fee and is eligible for direct payment. Also, see the note in GN 03940.007A.

  • Deduct any funds the representative holds in escrow from the authorized amount if the escrow amount is known.

  • Certify direct payment of the authorized fee less the previously deducted escrow funds and the assessment to the representative who is eligible for direct payment or the entity if there is a valid assignment, and release any remaining past-due benefits to the claimant and any auxiliary beneficiaries, unless the claimant filed concurrently for Title II and Title XVI benefits and windfall offset is still pending.


These instructions apply to claims favorably decided by a PC decision maker.

1. MCS EC Award

Approve or disapprove the fee agreement, as explained in GN 03940.001D.

If the fee agreement is approved, determine if a non-attorney is eligible for direct fee payment by checking RASR. See GN 03920.018, Direct Payment for Non-Attorney Representatives, for detailed information. Record the results on the MCS DW01 screen as follows:

  • ISSUE – EDPNA (stands for “eligible for direct payment non-attorney").

  • REC – Input date of verification.

  • REMARKS – Based on results of checking the list, type “Elgble for Direct Pymnt” (or “EDP”), “Not elgble for direct pymnt” (or “NEDP”), or “Not on list.”

  • If the non-attorney representative is eligible for direct payment, the NOT2 screen should show “Eligible for Direct Pay Non-Attorney.” If the non-attorney representative is not eligible for direct payment at the time the claim is being processed, verify that the Appointed Representative type on the NOT2 screen shows “2,” “non-attorney”. See GN 03920.016B. for the requirements for a representative to be eligible for direct payment. See GN 03920.016C. for policy on direct payment to representatives, or to entities if there is a valid assignment.

If the non-attorney states they are eligible for direct payment but our records show they are not eligible, advise the representative that we cannot make direct payment. Model language to use in these situations follows:

You advised your client, (beneficiary's name), and indicated on the Form SSA-1696 (Claimant's Appointment of a Representative) that you are eligible for direct payment. Under Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act, certain non-attorney representatives have the option to have approved fees withheld and paid directly from a claimant's past-due benefits. However, [select the conclusion that describes the status]

  • you do not meet all the qualifications to be eligible for direct payment; or

  • you did not meet all the qualifications to be eligible for direct payment until after we effectuated the favorable decision on your client's claim; or

  • you failed to maintain your eligibility for direct payment.

We will not make direct payment of a fee in this case. Accordingly, we will not pay any authorized fee directly to you. You must look to the claimant for payment of the fee authorized in this case.

If a representative has validly assigned direct payment of their authorized fee to an entity as set forth in GN 03920.021, determine if that entity is eligible to receive direct payment of fees by querying RASR to ensure that the entity has registered and has not been placed on the Ineligible for Direct Payment Entity list.

Follow the instructions in MS 03509.009 for MCS claims processing, and GN 03940.020D.1 or GN 03940.020D.2., as appropriate.

NOTE 1: MCS withholds the lesser of 25 percent of past-due benefits or the specified dollar amount of the fee cap indicated in GN 03940.003B.3. if the representative is eligible for direct payment and has not waived direct payment or waived a fee.

NOTE 2: The SPS will (1) calculate the assessment based on the fee amount SSA authorizes the representative who is eligible for direct payment to charge and (2) pay the authorized fee, less the assessment, to a representative who is eligible for and has not waived direct payment if SSA certifies the fee payment to the representative or an entity if there is a valid assignment, as per GN 03920.021, when the claimant's award is processed. Refer to GN 03940.053 for more information about the assessment, also called a “user fee,” and guidance on when manual calculation is required.

Release remaining withheld funds, if any, to any beneficiaries unless the claimant filed concurrently for Title II and Title XVI benefits and windfall offset is still pending.

2. A101 or EF101 Award

  • Enter the remark “Fee Agreement Case” and the name and address of the representative, or if there is a valid assignment the entity's name and address on the A101 BCRN screen;

  • Follow the procedures above in GN 03940.020E.1. that pertain to a non-attorney representative and eligibility for direct payment;

  • Withhold 25 percent of past-due benefits, up to the specified dollar amount of the fee cap indicated in GN 03940.003B.3., if the representative is eligible for direct payment; and

  • Designate the fee agreement paragraphs for the notice.

F. DOFA Award - No Fee Agreement Determination

If the FO CS neither approved nor disapproved the fee agreement and you are the PC CS, CTE or Senior Claims Processing Specialist (SCPS):

  • Verify with the FO that there was no undocumented reason for not approving the fee agreement;

  • Approve or disapprove the fee agreement, as explained in GN 03940.001D;

  • If the fee agreement is approved and the representative is a non-attorney, check the DW01 for the EDPNA ISSUE to determine if the FO verified the representative's direct payment eligibility. If not, follow the procedures in GN 03940.020E.1.; and

  • Follow the procedures for fee authorization, notice preparation, and withholding of past-due benefits (if applicable) above in GN 03940.020D.1. or GN 03940.020D.2., as appropriate.

Do not return the fee agreement to the FO.

G. Fee Agreement Approved Incorrectly

If you believe the CS incorrectly approved the fee agreement because it either does not meet the requirements of the Act (GN 03940.003B) or an exception to the fee agreement process applies (GN 03940.003D), take the following actions:

  • Process the claim to payment.

  • Withhold 25 percent of past-due benefits if the representative did not waive their fee and is eligible for direct payment .

  • Request an incomplete notice, using “neutral” language paragraphs regarding the representative's fee (see GN 03940.075).

  • Refer the claim to a reviewing official (the “reviewer” defined in GN 03960.001D.12.) for a determination on the fee agreement. If the reviewing official agrees that the CS incorrectly approved the fee agreement, the reviewing official will disapprove the fee agreement.

  • If the reviewing official disapproves the fee agreement, prepare and issue a notice advising the claimant and representative of the disapproval.

NOTE 1: If the representative assigned direct payment of their fee to an entity and we receive information or discover that the representative has died, send a copy of this notice to the entity’s POC. For information on assignment of direct payment of fees, including the roles and responsibilities of a POC, see GN 03920.021.

NOTE 2: In claims at the initial or reconsideration level, we usually will not have notified the claimant and representative of the CS's determination on the fee agreement. Therefore, the notice does not have to “reverse” the prior determination. However, if we already issued a notice (e.g., MCS DOFA award), use language in the notice stating SSA is no longer approving the fee agreement because it does not meet the requirements of the Act or is otherwise excepted. At present, this action requires special dictated language. 

H. Claim Results in No Past-Due Benefits

  • NOT2 for FEE Agreement Type - Leave blank.

    • MCS will automatically code ATY04 to the DW01 when NOT2 "Fee Agreement Type" is blank.

  • NOT2 for Fee Agreement % - Leave blank.

  • NOT2 for Fee Agreement Amount - Leave blank.

  • NOT2 for Last Withholding Date - Enter the month prior to the month of adjudication, see GN 03920.030B.

  • On the DW01 screen, receipt in the automatic ATY04 with "XXXXXX."

  • Add a new issue for ATY00.

    • Add the remark "no past due benefits" next to the ATY00 issue.

  • Add an RPOC to document disapproval of the fee agreement because no past-due benefits are involved.

  • The Notice must advise the claimant and the representative(s) that the representative must file a fee petition to charge and collect a fee.

    • For cases adjudicated via MCS EC, no additional notices are required; MCS will generate the correct notice.

    • For cases not adjudicated via MCS EC, include attorney notices on the A101 or EF101 in the remarks/notice fields, and technicians should include ATYR15.

      NOTE: If the representative assigned direct payment of their fee to an entity and we receive information or discover that the representative has died, send a copy of this notice to the entity’s point of contact (POC). For information on assignment of direct payment of fees, including the roles and responsibilities of a POC, see GN 03920.021.

  • Delete the automatic 098/099 diary on DECI screen, since there are not past-due benefits and SSA will not control for cases that do not result in past-due benefits.

  • After adjudicating the claim via MCS EC, on the following business day, the technician will add a special message to the record showing the representative's name and adding remark, "Case resulted in no past-due benefits, fee petition, fee paid by claimant."

  • For cases adjudicated via MACADE, technicians will provide the special message to the BA.

NOTE: These instructions apply to Title II-only cases. For concurrent cases, the "Fee Agreement Type" should be coded as approved unless past due benefits for Title XVI are known. If there are no past-due benefits for Title II and Title XVI, the "Fee Agreement Type" is coded using the instructions above.


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GN 03940.020 - Title II — Processing Center Processing of Fee Agreements on Initial Level Claims - 12/09/2024
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