Complete all required fields on Form SSA-635, Waiver Determination. For instructions on how to prepare the SSA-635, refer to GN 02250.315.
a. Title II
On the Debt Management System (DMS) Remarks (RMKS) screen, document the initial waiver determination. On the DMS Remarks Index (RMKI) screen, select 5=OTHER and title the remark "Initial Waiver Determination." For additional information about DMS, complete the Process Personal Conference (DRPC) screen in the DMS after you have conducted the personal conference and prepared your decision, refer to MS 01106.009.
If you are denying a Title II waiver that we completely recovered, request the payment center (PC) repost the overpayment to the Recovery of Overpayments Accounting and Reporting (ROAR) system. Document DMS Remarks. Explain that once you deny the waiver request, we will ask the PC to take another action to correct the balance of the new overpayment to $0 after posting the waiver denial. Once reposted, enter the waiver request and denial.
Annotate the RMKS screen with a summary of the initial waiver determination. Prepare and send the waiver determination notice using the DPS. You must complete all Title II waiver determination notices manually.
NOTE: The decisionmaker must complete the Waiver Disposition (DRWD) screen for the corresponding overpayment event to complete the DRPC screen. The decisionmaker cannot complete the DRPC screen if they also completed the DRWD screen. For instruction on completing these screens, refer to MS 01106.000, MS 01106.004, and MS 01106.009.
Fax any new documents, including the SSA-635, into the Non-Disability Repository for Evidentiary Documents (NDReD) using the Evidence Portal (EP).
b. Title XVI cases
On the Report of Contact screen, document the initial waiver determination and choose "Other" on the drop down menu and title the subject "Initial Waiver Determination." For additional information about the Report of Contact, refer to MS 08122.010. Fax any new documents, including the SSA-635, into NDReD using the EP.
Complete the Direct SSR Update screens: Overpayment Decisions (UOPD), Add/Change/Delete Overpayment Decisions (UODC), and Waiver (UOWV).
Annotate the Report of Contact with a summary of the initial waiver determination.
For instructions on completing the direct SSR input for a waiver decision and the Direct SSR Update screens, refer to MS 00304.007 through MS 00304.009. Waiver approval notices are automated, unless an exclusion to systems-generated notices applies. We complete waiver denial notices manually in DPS. Refer to NL 0803.205 and NL 00803.210. For a list of exclusions to systems-generated notices, refer to NL 00801.010.
If the overpaid individual has a representative payee (payee), send the payee's copy with the SSA-4017 and a return envelope. If the overpaid individual has a legal guardian or appointed representative who is not the payee, send a photocopy of the notice to each individual. Refer to NL
00803.225 for notice distribution information.