Aged aliens who were lawfully residing in the U.S. on 8/22/96 and are blind or disabled
may be eligible for SSI benefits. (See SI 00502.142 for the eligibility requirements.) Therefore, when interviewing aged aliens, be alert
to the existence of medically determinable impairments commonly associated with the
aging process, e.g., osteoporosis, arthritis, vision and hearing loss, and memory
loss. Question claimants specifically about these impairments during the initial interview.
Also, question these individuals about daily activities and limitations, especially
when there is limited or no history of medical treatment.
Do not give applications and other disability-related forms to aged aliens to complete
on a self-help basis unless there is no alternative. Assist claimants in completing
these forms.
If interpreter services are needed, see GN 00203.011. Also notify the disability determination
services (DDS) on the SSA-831-C3/U3 that interpreter services will be needed at the
consultative examination.
NOTE: A disability determination is needed to establish eligibility. (See SI 00502.142.)