Identification Number:
GN 02406 TN 120
Intended Audience:See Transmittal Sheet
Originating Office:DCBFM OFPO
Title:Failure to Receive a Check/Payment - Title II, Title XVI
Type:POMS Full Transmittals
Link To Reference:


Part GN – General

Chapter 024 – Checks

Subchapter 06 – Failure to Receive a Check/Payment - Title II, Title XVI

Transmittal No. 120, 06/25/2024



Originating Component


Effective Date

Upon Receipt


This transmittal updates policies to reflect the recent Department of the Treasury Code of Federal Regulation changes regarding the Limited Payability Credit (LPC) and Payment Over Cancellation (POC) processes. The Office of Financial Policy and Operations (OFPO) is also seeking full review of the instructions outlined in these policies for accuracy and consistency within the current process.

Summary of Changes

GN 02406.180 Statutory Limitation on Processing Claims of Nonreceipt and Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Payments (Also Credits and Limited Payability)

Subsection B - We updated the language to reflect the new regulation made by Treasury where they will no longer be required to pay any check that is not negotiated by the FI within 12 months after the date on which the check was issued. We also made revisions per plain language guidelines.

Subsection C - We added a section for references.

GN 02406.200 Failure to Receive a Courtesy Disbursement Or Replacement Check -- Title II (Normal, Dire Need, and Abuse Situations)

Subsections A and B - We made formatting updates per plain language guidelines.

Subsection D - We separated the PC instructions from the FO and TSC instructions outlined in chart to better readability. We update the PC instruction for accuracy and consistency.

Subsection E - We made formatting updates per plain language guidelines.

Subsection F - We added a section for references.


GN 02406.207 Nonreceipt of Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check/ Type 9 Payment -- Field Office and Teleservice Center Instructions -- Title XVI

Subsection A - We replaced the references to the Q query with Treasury status query.

Subsection B - We updated the title of the section for clarity. We update the reference made to IP as the payment limit has been increased.


GN 02406.220 Failure to Receive Form FMS-1133 Claims Package, Forgery or Handwriting Analysis Determination – Follow-up

Subsections A, B, and C - We made formatting updates per plain language guidelines.


GN 02406.245 Payment Over Cancellation (POC)/Credit Reversal

Subsection A - We updated the title of the subsection to outlined the process used by Treasury when a nonreceipt stop code is input.

Subsection B - We updated the title of the subsection to outlined the process used by SSA when a nonreceipt stop code is input.

Subsection C - We updated the title of the subsection to outlined the process used by SSA to determine the status of a courtesy disbursement check.

Subsection D - We added a reference section.


GN 02406.260 FMS-1199 (Schedule of Courtesy Check Disbursements) — Possible Duplicate Payment

Subsections B and C - We made formatting updates per plain language guidelines.


GN 02406.300 Original and Courtesy or Replacement Check Cashed – Double Check Negotiation (DCN) – Potential Overpayment

Subsections A, B and C - We made formatting updates per plain language guidelines.

Subsection E - We added a references section.

GN 02406.180 Statutory Limitation on Processing Claims of Nonreceipt ( Credits and Limited Payability)

A. Paper check issued over 12 months ago

To process nonreceipt of a paper check issued more than 12 months ago, follow these procedures

  • GN 02401.901 Limited Payability for Title II and Title XVI

  • SM 01315.151 How to Handle a Nonreceipt Claim for a Paper Check Issued More Than Twelve Months Ago

B. Processing credits

1. Title II

If the beneficiary’s record reflects an uncashed payment within the past 12 months, SSA sends a notice to the beneficiary inquiring if the check was received and cashed. If the beneficiary does not respond or indicates a cashed payment, take no further action. If the beneficiary indicates the payment was not received and not cashed, SSA technicians will reissue payments or inquiry responses indicating payments were not received and cashed see, Beneficiary/Recipient Contacts SSA Concerning a Limited Payability Notice GN 02401.905.

Treasury cancels any check that has not been negotiated within 12 months after the issue date and returns the credit back to SSA in the13th month after issue date of the check. This credit appears on the Payment History Update System (PHUS) record in the form of an EVNT-169 UNNEG CK (Unnegotiated check). See, Unnegotiated Check Events SM 00545.300.

2. Title XVI

a. When an SSI check is uncashed for six months, Treasury issues a code 38

The SSA system converts code 38 to a code “N” in the Unnegotiated Check Indicator (UCI) field of the payment history (PMTH) segment on the Supplemental Security Income Record (SSR), and sends an L5 or L8 alert to the field office (FO). The FO investigates whether the recipient received the check by contacting the recipient via phone to determine the status of the check. If the recipient indicates the check was not received, the FO inputs a nonreceipt. (See SM 01315.085 for Stages of the Limited Payability Process).

b. If the check is not cashed within 12 months, Treasury issues a code 71

The SSA system converts code 71 to a code “T” in the U field of the PMTH indicating that a credit is forthcoming for the check in question. Treasury cancels any check that has not been negotiated within 12 months from the issue date and returns the credit to SSA in the 13th month.

In the 13th month, Treasury sends a code “L” and the SSA system post an “I” in the U field of the PMTH. This action indicates the credit has been received. A K5 diary post on the SSR simultaneously with a K5 alert to the FO. (See SM 01315.085B.) The FO calls the recipient to investigate the check status and input either a UL (if the check was not received) or UM (if the check was received). For more information on the different kinds of UCI codes, see SM 01315.095.

C. References

  • GN 02401.905 Beneficiary or Recipient Contacts SSA Concerning a Limited Payability Notice

  • SM 00545.300 Unnegotiated Check Events

  • SM 01315.085 Stages of the Limited Payability Process

  • SM 01315.095 Kinds of Unnegotiated Check Indicator (UCI) Codes

  • SM 00624.400 How the Returned Check Action (REACT) Program Processes Limited Payability Files

GN 02406.200 Failure to Receive a Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check -- Title II (Normal, Dire Need, and Abuse Situations)

A. Policy for initial follow-up

When an individual requests the status on an initial nonreceipt claim, attempt to respond immediately via phone call. If an immediate reply is not possible, make every effort to provide the information within one week. Do not refer the requestor to the Department of the Treasury (Treasury). This section provides instructions on how to conduct a follow-up on most checks.

B. Procedure for nonreceipt reported -- courtesy disbursement or replacement check - not issued

When SSA did not issue a courtesy disbursement or replacement check:

  • Obtain a Payment History Update System (PHUS) query to confirm that the action on the original check was transmitted to Treasury and that the appropriate event (nonreceipt - 069) was created on PHUS.

  • Check to see if Treasury received the original nonreceipt action by reviewing the disposition code posted in either the interim disposition field (TDDC) or the final disposition field (TDSC) on the PHUS query for the nonreceipt in question.

    The TDDC field represents codes received from the Regional Financial Services (RFC) and the TDSC field represents codes received from Financial Management Service (FMS) in Philadelphia, PA. An entry in either field indicates the condition which caused the code to be generated and what action should be taken by the technician. For more information on Treasury disposition codes, see SM 00609.610B.

  • Take appropriate action based upon the disposition code. If the code indicates Processing Center (PC) action needed, the Field Office (FO) or Teleservice Center (TSC) will notify the PC via MDW for processing.

  • If reinput of the original nonreceipt was necessary, inform the beneficiary that the check should be received in 7 to 10 days.

  • Query the nonreceipt input in 4-9 days to ensure that it transmitted properly.

  • If the delay is causing a hardship or a public relations problem, see GN 02406.200D. for specific instructions.

C. Procedure for second follow-up

The beneficiary/recipient may inquire for a second time concerning the status of the initial nonreceipt claim.

  • Obtain a PHUS to determine, based on Treasury disposition codes, whether the corrective action taken after the first inquiry transmitted properly.

  • If the nonreceipt input was transmitted properly and the courtesy disbursement, replacement check, or settlement check was issued but not received, follow instructions in GN 02406.200D to correct the specific problem. Follow this section also if the delay is causing a hardship or a public relations problem.

D. Procedure for courtesy disbursement or replacement check issued and not received

If queries indicate payment processed and was issued, make sure 10 calendar days have elapsed before considering nonreceipt. EXCEPTION: Mass Loss. See GN 02406.700.


Step Action
1 Determine if dire need exists. See criteria in RS 02801.010.
2 If dire need does not exist, issue a replacement through the Critical Payment System (CPS) for the full amount of the missing check. In the NPF field enter, “INPUT STOP PMT SFT-F FOR ORIG PMT DTD MM/DD/YY. REPLCMT PMT MADE BY CPS IN LIEU OF N/R. WHEN DISP REC'D FOLLOW GN 02408.020B and GN 02408.020C. For information on Critical Payment Amount Non-Receipt (CPNR), see ” MS 07901.005.
3 Input the TPT (type of payment) code of C43 to identify this as a Robinson/Reyf case (more specifically, to identify the CPS payment in response to Robinson/Reyf policy of replacing a missing payment quickly in a nonreceipt situation).
4 If dire need exist:

TSC: Refer the case to the FO via PRIORITY MDW.


  • Issue an Immediate Payment (IP) for up to $5,000.00 ($999 prior to 10/23/2023). Explain that the balance, if any, between the IP and the CPS payment will arrive in 7-10 days.

  • Record the IP and pay the BALANCE of the missing check using the CPS PAY 2 screen by inputting the full amount of the missing check in the RETROACTIVE AMOUNT field and the IP in the IMMEDIATE PAYMENT AMOUNT field. (The system will automatically make the calculation to pay the balance of the missing check as a CPS payment.)

  • Input a TPT of C43 in the TPT code field.

  • In the NPF (nature of problem) field enter, “INPUT STOP PMT SFT-F FOR ORIG PMT DTD MM/DD/YY. REPLCMT PMT MADE BY IP/CPS IN LIEU OF N/R. WHEN DISP REC'D FOLLOW GN 02408.020B and GN 02408.020C.MS 07901.005.

  • Refer the case to the PC via PRIORITY MDW to input the F-stop on the courtesy disbursement/replacement check.






Process the CPS payment, if needed, alert and transmit an F-stop on the missing courtesy disbursement/replacement check. For TPT C43, the remark, “Robinson/Reyf Case” will be printed on folder documents. The Critical Payment Details (CRNS) web page will include this remark when it is revised. For more information on CRNS, see MS 07901.004.


If Treasury determines that the check was not cashed, it returns a credit to SSA.


If Treasury determines that either the original and/or replacement checks were cashed, a claims package(s) will be sent to the servicing PC for the beneficiary to complete and return to SSA for a forgery determination by Treasury. If Treasury determines that forgery is involved, they will reclaim the money from the presenting financial institution and issue the credit to SSA. No overpayment exists.


If Treasury determines there is no forgery, the beneficiary is notified that an overpayment exists (beneficiary received CPS payment and original/replacement check have been cashed for same benefit month). Follow overpayment procedures in GN 02210.000. If claimant cashed both the original and replacement checks and was issued an IP and/or CPS, the overpayment amount is twice his monthly benefit amount since he was paid all checks issued to him in the same month.


If Treasury responds with no conclusion, the Questioned Documents Section (QDS) examiner will inform SSA that QDS could not reach a definitive conclusion on the signature based on the documentation submitted along with the request. This means additional information is required before QDS examiner can make a decision. SSA will analyze the information required and resubmit package back to Treasury for determination. For more information on when a handwriting analysis is needed on a

limited payability case, see GN 02401.910D.


If a double check negotiation overpayment exists and claimant protests the overpayment, see GN 02406.310.

E. Procedure - Claimant has abused the Nonreceipt Reporting System

If a claimant who has a history of abusing the nonreceipt reporting system alleges nonreceipt of a Title II courtesy disbursement or replacement check:

1. If dire need is involved


The TSC will:

  • Forward to the FO via PRIORITY MDW.

The FO will:

  • Issue an IP for up to $5,000.00 (NOTE: The limit was $999.00 prior to 10/23/2023). For Title II, this is a legally defined overpayment and the PC would apply due process rather than immediate adjustment against current benefits due.

  • Do not issue a CPS payment.

  • Input an F-Stop for the missing check. Replacement of the missing check will depend on the status determined by Treasury.

2. If dire need is not involved:

The TSC/FO/PC will:

Input a C-Stop for the missing recurring check. Replacement of the original check will be dependent upon the status determined by Treasury.

F. References

  • SM 00609.610 Treasury RFC and CSD Disposition Codes

  • GN 02406.700 General Information on Mass Loss of Checks and the Payment Delivery Alert System (PDAS)

  • GN 02408.020 Stop-Payments for Checks

  • GN 02401.910 Handwriting Analysis Needed on a Limited Payability Case

  • GN 02406.310 Request for Reconsideration of DCN Overpayment or Forgery Determination

  • GN 02406.150 When to Request Payment After Status – C-Stop – Normal and Dire Need Situations

  • RS 02801.010 Immediate Payment (IP) Criteria and Process

GN 02406.207 Nonreceipt of Courtesy Disbursement or Replacement Check/ Type 9 Payment -- Field Office and Teleservice Center Instructions -- Title XVI

IMPORTANT: Specific notations are made for action the TSC should take and when; once 10 calendar days have passed since the nonreceipt was input, the TSR should input an A-stop and send an MDW to the FO requesting that an AOTP be issued, unless abuse of the nonreceipt reporting system is a factor. If abuse is present, see GN 02406.207B. Refer to the TSCOG if there are further questions.

A. Procedure

The TSC/FO must follow these procedures to resolve a nonreceipt of a title XVI courtesy disbursement or replacement check (type 9 payment):

1. Does the Treasury status query for the original check show an interim reply code 01?

  • If no, go to Step 2.

  • If yes, go to Step 3.

    For information on how to read the Q query control, see SM 01315.206.

2. Have at least 10 days passed since the nonreceipt was input?

  • If no, advise the claimant to contact after 10 days have passed. STOP.

  • If yes, go to Step 3.

3. Is an F-Stop reflected on the Treasury status query for the replacement (courtesy) check (this would indicate that the original check was cashed)?

The TSC/FO will:

  • If no, input an A-Stop on the replacement and go to Step 4.

  • If yes, go to Step 5.

4. Is this a dire need situation (see criteria in SI 02004.100)?

If no:

  • The TSC will: Forward via MDW to FO to issue AOTP for full amount of the missing check.

The FO will: Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the original check.

When the system computes an overpayment, a B-3 diary will be established.

  • Input an N-TAC on the AOTP to temporarily resolve the overpayment.

  • Enter “AOTP for MMDDYYYY CK” (original check) in the SSR RMKS segment.

  • Stop.

If yes:

The TSC will: Refer the case to the FO via MDW.

The FO will:

  • Issue an immediate payment (IP) for the amount of the check not to exceed $5,000.00 (NOTE: The limit was $999.00 prior to 10/23/2023). (The IP is an advance against future payments. Depending on systems cutoff dates, the full amount will be recovered from the first or second check.)

  • Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the missing check (to satisfy immediate replacement requirement). For more information on IP, see SI 02004.100

  • Input an N-TAC on the AOTP to temporarily resolve the overpayment.

  • Enter “Dire need $    IP issued; AOTP of $    also issued for MMDDYY CK” in the SSR RMKS segment.

5. If an F-Stop is reflected on the Treasury status query:

  • Remove the N-TAC.

  • Release the overpayment letter.

  • Do not issue an AOTP.

  • Go to step 6.

6. Does claimant allege forgery? (See also GN 02406.310.)

If yes:

The TSC will: Refer case to FO via MDW.

The FO will:

  • Obtain a signed SSA-561-U2.

  • Input an L-TAC (after receiving the completed 561) to stop overpayment recovery.

  • Have recipient complete an FMS-1133 claims package.

  • Photocopy the claims package and keep for 1 year.

  • Forward claims package and check photocopy to Treasury. Go to step 7.

If no:

  • Begin recovery process.

7. Was the check forged? (See IMPORTANT information below in this section.)

If yes:

  • Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the missing check.

  • Annotate SSR RMKS segment.

If no:

  • Delete the L-TAC.

  • Begin recovery process. Stop

IMPORTANT: Examine the situation before taking action. There are 4 scenarios that may occur in this process:

  • The claimant may have cashed the original and not the replacement, in which case the claimant is not due any further money and there is no overpayment.

  • The claimant may not have cashed the original but did cash the replacement, in which case the claimant is not due any further money and there is no overpayment.

  • The claimant may not have cashed either check, in which case the claimant is due a payment and there is no overpayment.

  • The claimant may have cashed both checks, in which case there is a DCN overpayment. (See GN 02406.310, SI 02220.000, GN 02210.000.)

When credits are received from Treasury, either because checks were not cashed or because of reclamation causing an excess decision, delete the N- or L-TAC on the overpayment.

B. Procedure history of abuse (See criteria in GN 02406.150A.2. through GN 02406.150A.3.)

When a known abuser of the nonreceipt reporting system alleges nonreceipt of the original check, a C-Stop is input to obtain status of the original check before a replacement (type 9 payment) is issued. Therefore, it may take 3-5 weeks for status of the original check to show on the Treasury status query for:

  • the replacement to be issued if the original was not cashed, and

  • the replacement check to be considered a nonreceipt.

IMPORTANT: The following instructions do NOT pertain to nonreceipt of a settlement check (check issued after Treasury determines original was cashed over a forged signature). For nonreceipt of a settlement check, see GN 02406.202.

1. Status of C-stop input

Check the Treasury status query to determine the status of the C-Stop nonreceipt input and whether a replacement check has been issued.

If dire need is alleged:

  • TSC: Forward case to FO via priority MDW.

  • FO: Issue an IP for up to $5,000.00 (NOTE: The limit was $999.00 prior to 10/23/2023) and annotate the SSR RMKS segment.

2. “01” Interim Reply on Treasury status query

If the Treasury status query shows a C-Stop was input and an “01” interim reply code, Treasury is investigating the status of the original . No replacement check has been issued yet. Continue to monitor the Treasury status query for status. Go to step 3.

3. CP&R Code “31”

In addition to the C-Stop and the 01 status code, if there is a CP&R reply code of 31, the replacement check was issued, probably about 5 days after the date of the CP&R code, signifying that the original check was NOT cashed. If sufficient mail time has elapsed (about 5 days), go to step 5; otherwise, go to step 4.

4. CP&R Code “11”

If the CP&R code is 11, the original check was cashed; Treasury will send a claims package directly to the recipient. No settlement check will be issued unless Treasury determines forgery was involved. Go to step 9.

5. Is an F-Stop reflected on the Treasury status query for the replacement check?

If yes:

  • Go to step 10.

If no:

  • Input an A-Stop and go to step 6.

6. Do not issue an AOTP at this point.

Tell the recipient that status of the missing check must be obtained before a replacement can be made. Go to step 7.

7. Diary

Diary for 2-3 weeks for return of status code because of the A-Stop on the replacement check. Go to step 8.

8. Was type 9 check cashed?

If no:

  • The TSC will: Forward case to FO via priority MDW.

  • The FO will: Issue an AOTP for the full amount of the missing check.

If yes:

  • Go to step 9.

9. F-stop on Treasury status query?

If the Treasury status query shows an F-stop on the replacement check, this indicates the original was cashed after Treasury determined that it was not cashed and issued the replacement check.

  • Release the overpayment letter.

  • Do not issue an AOTP.

  • Go to step 10.

10. Does claimant protest the overpayment? (See also GN 02406.310.)

If yes:

The TSC will: Forward case to FO via MDW.

The FO will:

  • Have claimant complete an SSA-561-U2 and FMS-1133 claims package.

  • Input an L-TAC once a completed, signed SSA-561-U2 is received.

  • Photocopy completed claims package and forward original to Treasury. Go to step 11.

If no:

  • Begin overpayment recovery.

11. Was check forged?

If yes:

  • Treasury will issue a settlement check, if appropriate.

If no:

  • Remove the L-TAC.

  • Begin overpayment recovery.

GN 02406.220 Failure to Receive Form FMS-1133 Claims Package, Forgery or Handwriting Analysis Determination – Follow-up

A. Failure to receive Form FMS-1133 (Claims Against the United States for the Proceeds of a Government Check)

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) generates Form FMS-1133 when the Social Security Administration (SSA) inputs a nonreceipt or stop payment request for Title II or Title XVI checks. The form contains questions the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee must complete in order to assist Treasury in determining if the check in question is forged.

If the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee does not receive the form from Treasury, access the Payment History Update System (PHUS) for Title II or the Treasury Status Query for Title XVI to ensure the appropriate stop code is input. If the appropriate stop code is input the field office (FO) or program service center (PSC) may do a one-time print of the FMS-1133 from the Treasury Check Information System (TCIS) and send it to the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee. Since the TSC Customer Service Representative cannot print from TCIS, they will send an MDW to the FO instructing them to print the form from TCIS.

If the form cannot be printed, the FO and TSC should contact the Regional Office through normal communication (vHelp); PSC personnel can contact their Operations Analysis Staff (OAS); or contact Treasury at 855-868-0151directly.

NOTE: The form is available for print until Treasury receives the completed FMS-1133.

NOTE: An L-stop (certified photocopy request) will only produce the FMS-3858 and a copy of the check. Additionally, Treasury will not process a photocopy of an FMS-1133 for a non-receipt claim. For more information about an L-stop and the FMS-1133, see GN 02406.145 and GN 02406.160

B. Handling Form FMS-1133 if received in the FO, TSC or Processing Center (PC)

The FO, TSC or PC will immediately scan all pages of the form into the Evidence Portal, and forward the completed FMS-1133 claims package to Treasury for review.

  • Treasury makes a forgery determination when the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee files non-receipt timely and the check is 12 months or less.

  • Treasury makes a handwriting analysis determination when the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee’s non-receipt claim is not timely filed and the payment is over 12-months old (limited payability involved).

If a beneficiary, recipient or representative payee inquires about the status of a forgery or handwriting analysis determination, review TCIS or contact Treasury at 855-868-0151.

C. Follow-up on a Treasury determination

Treasury reviews the FMS-1133 package and provides a specific determination based on the age of the check.

  • A forgery determination occurs when the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee files a timely non-receipt and the age of the check is 12 months or less. If Treasury determines that a forgery is involved, their analysis staff will reclaim the funds from the financial institution and issue a payment to the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee. Treasury will also update TCIS with the repayment information. For more information on Forgery Determination, see GN 02406.310.

  • A handwriting analysis determination occurs when the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee’s non-receipt claim is not timely filed and the payment is over 12-months old Treasury cannot reclaim the money from the FI because of the age of the check. Treasury will inform the FO or PC of their determination and the technicians will take the appropriate action. For more information on Handwriting Analysis Determination, see GN 02401.901.

If the beneficiary, recipient or representative payee inquires about the status of a forgery or handwriting analysis investigation, the FO or PC will query TCIS or contact Treasury’s customer service staff at 855-868-0151 to obtain a status.

D. Follow-up on a FMS-1133 claims package

All technicians will query TCIS to check the status of the FMS-1133 claims package.

  • If sent, it will take five business days to receive the claims package.

  • If five business days have elapsed and no claims package received, contact Treasury’s customer service staff at 855-868-0151 and ask them to send another claims package.

1. TSC processing

  1. a. 

    Title XVI Cases: If there is a claims package available on TCIS, the TSC technician will send an MDW to the FO to follow the steps in 2.

  2. b. 

    For Title II Cases: If there is a claims package available on TCIS, send an MDW to the PC to follow the steps in 3.

2. FO processing

  1. a. 

    If a claims package is available in TCIS or if the FO receives an MDW from the TSC, the technician should print the package (one time print only) and distribute it accordingly.

  2. b. 

    If the technician is unable to print the package and they are unable to obtain a package from Treasury, the FO should contact the RO analyst via vHelp. The RO analyst can print the package multiple times and can send the package to the FO.

3. PC Processing

  1. a. 

    If a claims package is available in TCIS or if the PC receives an MDW from the TSC or FO, the technician should print the package (one time print only) and distribute it accordingly.

  2. b. 

    If the technician cannot print the package, contact the Processing Center Operations Analysis Section (PC OAS) Staff for assistance.

E. Follow up on Claims Package by RO Analysts and PC OAS Staff

  1. a. 

    Query TCIS for status of the claims package or forgery claim.

  2. b. 

    If query does not provide necessary information, contact Treasury at 855-868-0151 for assistance.

F. References

  • GN 02401.908 Description of Forms or Letters Used or Reviewed By the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) Questioned Documents Branch (QDB)

  • GN 02401.910 Handwriting Analysis and Checks Older than 12 Months

  • GN 02406.001 Glossary of Non-Receipt Terms

  • GN 02406.160B.2. When to Use Forms FMS-1133 and FMS-3858

  • SM 01315.132 How the SSI Nonreceipt/Stop Payment System Works

GN 02406.245 Payment Over Cancellation (POC)/Credit Reversal

A. Department of the Treasury (Treasury)process

By keying in specific stop codes, the Social Security Administration (SSA) requests Treasury to either issue a courtesy disbursement check prior to obtaining status of the original check (B-stop) or investigate the status first and issue a replacement check if the original check is still uncashed (C-stop). Refer to GN 02406.125 for a description of the nonreceipt codes on POS screens for Title II inputs and their relationship to the stop codes used by SSA and Treasury.

The following description of these stop codes also explains the circumstances that may lead to a payment over cancellation (POC).

1. Nonreceipt stop codes

a. B-stop

When the FO/PSC/TSC transmits a stop code of “B” (NRT = 1 or NC code B), the RFC will screen the claim and issue a courtesy disbursement if a check for the amount reported was issued and if the original check has not been returned. The claim is then sent to the Check Claims Branch (CCB) for processing. If the check has not been presented for payment (outstanding), CCB cancels the original check and uses the “credit” to fund the courtesy disbursement check.

b. C-stop

When the FO/PSC/TSC transmits a stop code of “C” (NRT = 2 or NC code C), the claim goes to the RFC first to determine if the original check was returned, if the check was issued, and to provide the check number and symbol. Then the RFC sends the claim to CCB who investigates to determine if the original check has been cashed and presented to Treasury for payment. If the check has not been negotiated, CCB cancels the original check, and notifies the RFC to issue a replacement check. The “credit” for the cancelled original check is used to fund the replacement check.

c. G-stop

When the FO/PSC/TSC transmits a stop code of “G” (NRT = 4 or NC code G) and the original has not been cashed, a credit is returned to SSA. The check can be reissued, if still due.

2. Mass Loss

If the Mass Loss procedure applies, the FO/PSC/TSC will transmit a stop code of “A” (NRT = 3 or NC code A) for Title II and Title XVI checks. When the “A-stop” is transmitted, Treasury will issue a courtesy disbursement if the check has not been returned to the RFC. The claim is then sent to CCB for processing. If the check is outstanding, CCB cancels the original check and returns credit to SSA. (See GN 02406.700 for additional information about mass loss.)

3. Payment over cancellation (POC)

A POC is negotiating any check for which Treasury has put under a stop payment order. For example, when Treasury cancels the original check, issues a courtesy disbursement check, and the original is later cashed, this is a possible POC.

Due to updates to Treasury  regulations, the FI must take reasonable measures to avoid POCs or the FI will be liable for the negotiated check payment. Treasury upgraded its post payment system to provide check return information to financial institutions (FI) and ensure they have current and accurate check information. This update will help reduce monetary losses arising from situations when Treasury puts a stop payment on a check, but the FI still negotiates payment on that check. Additionally, Treasury will no longer charge the issuing agency (SSA) in POC situations...[BT1]   [BT1] This is based on EM -23074 SEN REV

B. SSA process when a nonreceipt stop code is input

When Treasury cancels the original check, issues a courtesy disbursement check, and the original is later cashed, this is a possible payment over cancellation (POC), as well as a double check negotiation (DCN). For additional information on DCNs, see GN 02406.300.

The following events take place when this action occurs:

  • Treasury debits SSA when the original check was cashed after being replaced.

  • SSA's system posts a debit on PHUS for Title II and a “U” (credit reversal for either the original or replacement; dependent on the circumstances and timing of the Treasury transactions) in payflag 3 for Title XVI.

  • REACT generates an alert for the PC technician to input an F-Stop on the courtesy disbursement or replacement check.

    When Treasury's final disposition for the stop payment is posted to the PHUS record, REACT takes the appropriate action. If the courtesy disbursement or replacement check is uncashed, no further action is taken by REACT. If the check has been cashed, a DCN overpayment now exists and REACT establishes the overpayment on ROAR and the MBR.

  • If REACT cannot automate the notice, it will generate an alert for the PC technician to send an overpayment notice to the beneficiary about the DCN overpayment. The REACT alert will show a remark "BOUD NOTICE REQUIRED".

1. If nonreceipt input was a B-stop:

  • If a B-stop generated the courtesy disbursement check, for Title II the claims package goes to the PC from Treasury; for Title XVI cases, the claims package goes to the FO via the Division of Benefit Certification and Systems Analysis (DBCSA) for routing to the claimant.

  • See GN 02406.310 for procedures if claimant denies cashing one or more of the checks and requests reconsideration of the overpayment.

2. If nonreceipt input was a C-stop:

  • If a C-stop generated the replacement check (GN 02406.150), Treasury will send the claims package directly to the claimant.

  • If the claimant denies cashing one or more of the checks, see GN 02406.310 for procedures on reconsideration of the overpayment.

3. If nonreceipt input was a G-stop:

  • If a G-stop was input (because an endorsed check is lost, stolen or destroyed), and the check has not been presented for payment, Treasury will send credit to SSA so the check can be reissued if still due (GN 02406.235).

  • If the check is later cashed, Treasury will send a claims package to SSA and debit SSA for the POC.

C. Procedure to determine status of the courtesy disbursement check

1. Determine if the courtesy disbursement check has been returned:

  1. a. 

    Title II: Examine PHUS to see if the courtesy disbursement check has been returned. If so, no action is necessary.

  2. b. 

    Title XVI: Examine SSR to see if the returned check is indicated by an “S“ in

    Payflag 3.

2. Courtesy disbursement check not returned:

  1. a. 

    Title II: If the courtesy disbursement check has not been returned, input an F-stop through thePESP screen or SSA-4510 web application (MSOM MS 05602.005 and MS 05602.005), in order to determine the status of that check (TSCs and FOs will have to request that this action be taken by the PC). Obtain the check range and pay date from the listings provided by Treasury or from TCIS. Prepare a 30-day PCACS diary to ensure that the stop payment processes correctly. Take the appropriate action once the final disposition is received from Treasury. When interim/final disposition information is received, see SM 00609.610.

  2. b. 

    Title XVI: When the original check is cashed, the SSI nonreceipt system automatically transmits an F-stop on the courtesy disbursement check. If Treasury determines this check has been cashed, an overpayment is computed and posted to the SSR.

3. If courtesy disbursement check was:

  1. a. 

    Returned and cancelled, no further action is necessary.

  2. b. 

    Not cashed, Treasury will cancel the payment and return the credit to SSA. No further action is necessary.

4. If courtesy disbursement check negotiated:

  1. a. 

    Follow DCN procedures found at GN 02406.300.

  2. b. 

    If the original nonreceipt claim was Mass Loss, process per GN 02406.700.

D. References

  • GN 02406.150 When to Request Payment after Status C-Stop - Normal and Dire Need Situations

  • GN 02406.235 Holder in Due Course (Theft, Loss or Destruction of Check After Negotiation by the Original Payee)

  • GN 02406.300 Original and Courtesy or Replacement Check Cashed – Double Check Negotiation (DCN) – Potential Overpayment

  • GN 02406.310 Request for Reconsideration of DCN Overpayment or Forgery Determination

  • GN 02406.700 General Information on Mass Loss of Checks and the Payment Delivery Alert System (PDAS)

  • SM 00609.610 Treasury RFC and CSD Disposition Codes

GN 02406.260 FMS-1199 (Schedule of Courtesy Check Disbursements) — Possible Duplicate Payment

A. General information about the FMS 1199 (Schedule of Courtesy Check Disbursements)

The FMS-1199 Form is a multi-purpose Regional Financial Center (RFC) document used to initiate the process of debiting the agency for incorrect credits and reversing credits for cancelled checks.

The following examples are scenarios of reasons the Processing Center’s (PC) may receive FMS-1199s:

  • When the RFC fails to locate the Courtesy Check Disbursement items although a check cancels, the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issues a replacement check based on the nonreceipt procedures.

  • Treasury reverses erroneous cancelled check issuances and notifies the RFC responsible for the cancellation. The RFC prepares an FMS – 1199 form and submits it to the Debt Management Branch; the Accounting Technicians receives this information and completes the SF-224 Form (Statement of Transactions) for courtesy check disbursements.

There is a possibility that duplicate payments exist for items appearing on the FMS-1199 form. Treasury issues a replacement check when the original payment is cancelled. However, the PC may also issue another check for the original cancelled check.

B. Procedure for processing the FMS 1199 in Title II cases

PC personnel will send a photocopy of the Form FMS-1199 to the Customer Service Representatives (CSR), Benefit Earnings Technician (BET), or Development Support Examiner (DSE) for processing as follows:

  1. 1. 

    Examine the beneficiary’s Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) and Payment History Update System (PHUS) records for indications of original check status such as “held,” “returned,” or “cancelled.” If any of these indications exist, annotate the MBR with the remark “VOID--FMS-1199 RECEIVED FOR CANCELLED CK--(MO/YR).”

    Any PC action resulting in a beneficiary’s held, returned, and cancelled check action is erroneous due to Treasury's reversal of the check cancellation (reflected by Form FMS-1199).

  2. 2. 

    Submit cases with the erroneous actions to the Benefit Authorizer (BA), via Form SSA-559 (Transmittal Slip for Claims Folder), and indicate pertinent data. When incorrect actions are nonexistent, send the Paperless ACR to FIN.

C. Process for processing the FMS- 1199 in Title XVI cases

The Division of Benefit Accounting and Systems Requirements (DBASR) compiles documents to include into the SF-224 for Agency Location Code 28-04-0004 SSI. They send copies of this form to Treasury Operations Branch (TOB) for review or processing. The analysts in TOB reviews the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) and the Treasury Status Query Control Record for check status information and any subsequent actions related to that payment month. After reviewing and collecting the information, TOB updates the SSR or initiates field contact for case resolution.

GN 02406.300 Original and Courtesy or Replacement Check Cashed – Double Check Negotiation (DCN) – Potential Overpayment

A. Process

When nonreceipt is transmitted as a B-stop, “payment before status,” The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issues a courtesy disbursement check to replace the missing original check. A courtesy disbursement check is issued before the status of the original check is known and bears a different check number from the original check. The bottom of the check will also have a statement “Replaces check #12345678 dated MM/DD/YY.”

An A-stop for mass loss works the same way as a B-stop – payment before status, because SSA’s system changes it to a B before sending it to Treasury. Therefore, if the original check is cashed after a courtesy disbursement check is issued and cashed, a DCN will occur and Treasury will send out claims packages for both checks. DCNs in mass loss situations should be processed as any other DCN situation. See instructions below. If a C-stop (“payment after status”) is input and the original check has not been cashed, DT will issue a replacement check.

Although the beneficiary/recipient is advised not to cash both the original and courtesy disbursement, or replacement check, the original may be subsequently cashed and is a potential overpayment situation. This section explains what occurs when Treasury determines that the original and a courtesy disbursement or replacement check are cashed for the same benefit month.

  • Debit and credit information is posted to the PHUS, SSR, and the Treasury status query control record when the original check is cashed, and reflects each credit given or overpayment being charged to SSA. See SM 00545.295H.4. for debit and credit codes for Title II and SM 01315.200 for Title XVI.

A credit will usually be posted to PHUS, SSR, and ARS when Treasury has refunded money in stop payment cases.

  • SSA treats the courtesy disbursement or replacement check as an overpayment and initiates recovery action, and

  • SSA sends the claimant a notice of overpayment that explains the 60-day appeal period and the right to request reconsideration by SSA, waiver, personal conference, or a different rate of adjustment. It also explains that overpayment recovery will begin in 90 days unless a request for reconsideration is received.

IMPORTANT: Double check negotiations should NOT be waived as they indicate an intention to commit fraud by falsely stating that the check was not received. Similarly, the $1,000.00 waiver tolerance does not apply because the beneficiary or claimant is not “without fault.”

B. Process by Treasury on double check negotiations

When the original and courtesy disbursement or replacement check are negotiated:

  • Treasury debits (charges) SSA for the amount of the original check. Any credit previously given SSA by Treasury based on a nonreceipt report is reversed. (See Payment Over Cancellation procedures in GN 02406.245; SM 00609.380 for DCN system processing.)

  • If the original check had not been cashed at the time of the initial report of nonreceipt, but is later negotiated, SSA treats the courtesy disbursement check as an overpayment. For Title XVI, the system automatically creates an F-stop (nonentitlement) to determine the status of the replacement check before posting an overpayment.

  • For Title II, Treasury forwards the claims package (FMS-3858, FMS-1133, and photocopy of original check) to the PC for action.

  • For Title XVI, Treasury sends the claims package (described above) to the Division of Benefit Certification and Systems Analysis (DBCSA) in Central Office. DBCSA then forwards it to the FO of jurisdiction as shown on the FMS-3858 for action (see GN 02406.300D.1.).

C. Procedure - Program Center Action - Title II

1. General

The process modules in PSC 1-6 or the RAU in ODO receives debit/credit information and claims packages for each debit/credit listed (except for C-stops where Treasury sends the claims packages directly to the claimant). The claims packages are forwarded to the appropriate module for the following action:

  1. a. 

    Record the overpayment using the DMS, SMED screen.

  2. b. 

    Send an overpayment notice to the payee providing the proposed recovery action and the right to reconsideration, waiver, personal conference, or a different rate of adjustment (or refund by installment). Refer to GN 02210.000.

  3. c. 

    Begin recovery of the overpaid amount following normal recovery procedures.

  4. d. 

    File the blank FMS-1133, check photocopies and the FMS-3858 for future use if claimant protests the overpayment.

  5. e. 

    Annotate PHUS via SSA-1257-U2 with the amount of the courtesy disbursement/replacement check (see SM 00630.210).

  6. f. 

    After 60 days, if an appeal is not received or an overpayment is not protested, add the phrase, “DCN Abuse - Input as C-stop through mm/yy” in the SPMSG field. Additional DCN abuse should not occur during this period; however, if it does, change the date to reflect the new 24-month period.

    EXAMPLE: A claimant incurs a DCN in July, 2006. Because the claimant has abused the system, the warning statement should be put in Remarks/Special Message field as: "DCN Abuse - Input as C-stop through July, 2008." Any non-receipt allegations made from July 2006 through July, 2008 will be input as a C-stop; allegations beginning in August 2008 can be input as a B-stop.

2. Beneficiary deceased before DCN resolved

When a DCN occurs, Treasury sends claims packages for both checks. Ideally, the claimant would look at the check photocopies and would either deny signing one or both checks or would admit to the overpayment. Since the claimant died before the DCN was resolved, the reason for the forgery determination now is to determine if an underpayment exists and to see if there is someone entitled to receive it (see GN 02301.030 – Underpaid Person is Deceased), or determine if forgery was involved. Below are several scenarios and instructions to process each:

  1. a. 

    Deceased and no protest made to overpayment:

  2. b. 

    Deceased and protest was alleged prior to death:

    • Do not record/post the overpayment (if not already on the record).

    • If the FMS-1133 is already filled out by the beneficiary or can be completed by an individual eligible to receive an underpayment:

    • Show the exact date of death and attach one or more specimens of the deceased beneficiary’s signature and the check photocopy. Retain copies of the claims package and documentation.

    • Return the FMS-3858 and completed FMS-1133 to Treasury’s Questioned Documents Branch (QDB) for their investigation to:

      Department of the Treasury

      Bureau of the Fiscal Service

      P.O. Box 51318

      Philadelphia, PA 19115–6318

    • Once QDB makes a determination, Treasury sends a claims disposition notice to the PC/DBCSA/ODO. If forgery was established, the money will be reclaimed from the presenting bank; and

    • If appropriate, pay underpayment to person eligible to receive it. See GN 02301.001.

  3. c. 

    If the FMS-1133 has not been completed by the beneficiary and there is not an individual eligible to receive the underpayment who could fill out the FMS-1133:

    • Prepare a cover note of explanation providing the date of death of the beneficiary. Indicate that no one is available to complete the FMS-1133, and that we are requesting a forgery determination.

    • Attach one or more specimens of the deceased beneficiary’s signature to the note and the check photocopy. Do not send the FMS-1133 or the FMS-3858. This will only confuse the issue and will likely result in the package being returned because it is incomplete.

    • Send the signature specimens and check photocopy to Treasury’s Questioned Documents Branch at:

      Department of the Treasury

      Bureau of the Fiscal Service

      P.O. Box 51318

      Philadelphia, PA 19115–6318

  4. d. 

    Establish a 60-day diary for Treasury processing of the case. If no response is received within 60 days, prepare an FMS-3864 and follow up with DT on the disposition of the claim. CP&R can also be queried for the status/call Treasury’s general inquiries number at 855-868-0151.

  5. e. 

    If a completed FMS-1133 was not possible and only the note of explanation with the check photocopy and signature specimens were sent to Treasury’s QDB (in GN 02406.300C.2.c.), Treasury’s response to SSA will be by letter. If forgery is determined, no reclamation can be done because a completed FMS-1133 (the instrument needed to reclaim from the bank) was not available. Therefore, if an underpayment is due an eligible survivor, the money should be paid but Treasury will not reimburse SSA.

  6. f. 

    If there was no forgery, an overpayment exists. See GN 02201.013 for collection efforts.

3. Beneficiary protests the overpayment

See GN 02406.310 for information on reconsideration of an overpayment resulting from a DCN.

D. Procedure - Field Office Action - Title XVI

1. General

  1. a. 

    Send the overpayment notice (i.e., the SSA 8170, SSA-8171, or SSA 8172).

  2. b. 

    Prepare a file for the blank FMS-1133, check photocopies, and the FMS-3858.

  3. c. 

    Make the usual system input (notice date, collect decision, etc.).

2. Recipient deceased

See GN 02406.300C.2. and SI 02101.003 (SSI Underpayment Due – Individual Deceased – General).

3. Mass loss

See GN 02406.700 for complete description and action to be taken when a DCN occurs.

4. Recipient protests the overpayment

5. Overpayment not protested/appeal not filed

After 60 days, if an appeal is not filed or an overpayment is not protested, add the phrase, “DCN Abuse - Input as C-stop through mm/yy” in the RMKS segment field. Additional DCN abuse should not occur during this period; however, if it does, change the date to reflect the new 24-month period.

EXAMPLE: A claimant incurs a DCN in July, 2006. Because the claimant has abused the system, the warning statement should be put in Remarks/Special Message as: "DCN Abuse - Input as C-stop through July, 2008." Any non-receipt allegations made from July 2006 through July, 2008 will be input as a C-stop; allegations beginning in August 2008 can be input as a B-stop.

E. References

  • SM 00630.210 Event 010 DUP CHECK

  • SM 00545.295 Nonreceipt, Stop-Payment, and Photocopy Events

  • SM 01315.200 How to Respond to Treasury Process Messages

  • SM 00609.380 Double Check Negotiation (DCN) Process

  • GN 02406.245 Payment Over Cancellation (POC)/Credit Reversal

  • GN 02210.000 Methods of Recovery for Title II, Title VIII, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part I

  • GN 02301.001 Definition of an Underpayment

  • GN 02201.013 Administrative Tolerances Title II Overpayments

  • GN 02301.030 Title II Underpaid Beneficiary is Deceased – Statutory Order of Payment and Good Acquittance

GN 02406 TN 120 - Failure to Receive a Check/Payment - Title II, Title XVI - 6/25/2024