GN 02607.000 Prisoner Provisions

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 02607.001 Provisions for Confinements Beginning 04/01/2000 and Continuing TN 84 04-23
GN BOS02607.001 Connecticut Department of Corrections Release Programs
GN PHI02607.001 Prisoner Provisions Pre 4/1/00
GN 02607.050 Title XVI Prisoner Provision TN 84 04-23
GN 02607.160 Title II Prisoner Suspension Provisions TN 84 04-23
GN 02607.200 Special Legal Considerations For Prisoner Suspensions TN 97 02-24
GN 02607.310 Title II Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI) Provisions TN 97 02-24
GN 02607.330 Title II Incompetent to Stand Trial (IST) Provisions TN 85 04-23
GN 02607.350 Title II Sexually Dangerous Person (SDP) Provisions TN 97 02-24
GN BOS02607.360 Identifying Sexually Dangerous Persons
GN CHI02607.360 Identifying Sexually Dangerous Persons (RTS 2-001 - 04/2003)
GN KC02607.360 Identifying Sexually Dangerous Persons (TN 7 – 10/2004)
GN PHI02607.360 Identifying Sexually Dangerous Persons (TN 02 - 01/2012)
GN 02607.400 Prisoner (Inmate) Reporting Agreements TN 20 02-14
GN 02607.410 SSA’s Prisoner Systems and Matching Operation TN 94 11-23
GN 02607.420 Incarceration Reporting and Control System (IRCS) TN 22 06-14
GN 02607.460 Field Office Processing of Inmate Reports TN 27 08-14
GN 02607.465 Transferring Prisoner Update Processing System (PUPS) Records TN 33 09-15
GN 02607.500 Processing Claims When a Prisoner Update Processing System (PUPS) Record Exists TN 85 04-23
GN 02607.510 Enumeration Verification System (EVS) Codes On PUPS Records And PUPS Alerts TN 3 02-02
GN 02607.520 PUPS Skeleton Records TN 85 04-23
GN 02607.530 Correcting PUPS Records With Missing Inmate Data TN 85 04-23
GN BOS02607.530 Processing Pups Alerts From The Massachusetts Department Of Correction Containing The Facility Code MA0060
GN BOS02607.531 Processing PUPS Alerts from the Vermont Department of Corrections Containing the Facility Code VT0012 (TN 2-96 -- 11/2004)
GN 02607.550 Payments to Prisoners and Correctional Institutions TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.600 Developing Prisoner Update Processing System (PUPS) Records and Alerts TN 86 04-23
GN BOS02607.650 Inmate Data Development and Verification Processing for Massachusetts Department of Correction (3MAP) (TN 2-93 - 6/2018)
GN BOS02607.651 Verifying Information From The Connecticut Department Of Corrections
GN 02607.670 Obtaining Missing Information on Reporters and Facilities TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.680 Third Party Sources To Use to Locate Missing Inmate Information TN 106 11-24
GN BOS02607.680 Third Party Sources to Use to Locate Missing Inmate Information (TN 2-95 - 10/2004)
GN 02607.700 Suspending Title II Benefits To Prisoners, NGRIs, Incompetent to Stand Trial or Sexually Dangerous Persons By Using PUPS TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.705 Suspending Title XVI Payments TN 88 05-23
GN 02607.710 Selecting the Correct Inmate Report for Processing When Multiple Reports Exist TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.720 Processing Cases Through PUPS Where the Inmate Is Not Currently Convicted/Commitment TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.730 Processing Cases Through PUPS After the Conviction/Commitment Is Confirmed TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.740 PUPS Automated Processing Exclusions TN 86 04-23
GN 02607.750 T2R Exceptions TN 6 10-04
GN 02607.760 Beneficiary Protests Suspension of Title II Benefits TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.770 Recipient Appeals Suspension of Title XVI Payments TN 88 05-23
GN 02607.780 Processing Title II and Title XVI Concurrent Prisoner Cases TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.790 Reviewing and Analyzing Title II Federal Bureau of Prison PUPS Alerts/Records TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.792 Processing Title II 3BOP PUPS Alerts or Records TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.794 Additional Processing Instructions for Suspension and Reinstatement Actions on 3BOP PUPS Alerts/Records TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.795 3BOP Inmate Status Codes On PUPS Records/Alerts TN 4 07-02
GN 02607.800 SSA's Title II and Title XVI Incentive Payment Programs TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.820 Requesting Manual Incentive Payments TN 93 11-23
GN 02607.830 Correctional or Mental Health Institution Problems Involving Incentive Payments TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.832 Recovery of Incorrectly Paid Prisoner Incentive Payments TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.840 Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (Title II) Reinstatement Policies for Prisoners TN 89 07-23
GN 02607.850 Title II Reinstatement Policies for NGRIs TN 89 07-23
GN DEN02607.850 Title II Reinstatement Policies for Colorado Insanity Acquittees On Temporary Removal Release
GN 02607.852 Reinstating Benefits to Individuals Found Incompetent to Stand Trial TN 90 08-23
GN 02607.854 Reinstating Benefits to Sexually Dangerous Persons TN 90 08-23
GN 02607.860 Processing Title II Benefit Reinstatements TN 90 08-23
GN 02607.870 Processing a Resumption Action for an Incorrect Title II Benefit Suspension TN 6 10-04
GN 02607.875 Title XVI Reinstatement Procedures for Prisoner Suspension (N22) TN 90 08-23
GN 02607.880 PC/OCO-ODO Processing of Prisoner or NGRI, Incompetent to Stand Trial, or Sexually Dangerous Person Inmate Cases TN 3 02-02
GN 02607.890 Requests for Prisoner Record Changes, Updates, or Deletions to the Prisoner Update Processing Systems (PUPS) TN 97 02-24
GN 02607.970 Exhibits - Advance Notification Letters TN 90 08-23
GN 02607.972 Prisoner and NGRI Notices and Paragraphs TN 3 02-02
GN 02607.975 Enumeration Verification System (EVS) and Inmate Status Codes on PUPS Alerts and Records TN 90 08-23
GN 02607.995 Processing of Title II Prisoner Systems Exclusions and Exceptions TN 107 02-25

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