GN 00301.000 General Evidentiary Standards

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 00301.001 General Evidentiary Standards — Introduction TN 13 06-96
GN 00301.010 What is Evidence TN 70 10-22
GN 00301.015 Acceptance of Evidence TN 13 06-96
GN 00301.025 Custodian of Records TN 35 03-12
GN 00301.030 Acceptability of Documentary Evidence TN 111 01-24
GN 00301.031 Validity of Telefax Documents TN 35 03-12
GN 00301.035 Proofs from Other Government or State Agencies TN 82 06-23
GN BOS00301.035 SSA Access to State Records Online (SASRO) - Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) - (TN 2-91 — 10/2003)
GN BOS00301.037 Accessing State Records Online — Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance Connect (DTA Connect)
GN 00301.040 Resolving Conflicts in Evidence TN 40 05-12
GN BOS00301.040 SSA Access to State Records Online (SASRO) – Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) – (TN 2-98 – 02/2006)
GN 00301.045 Validity of Documents TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.055 Evidence in SSA's Possession TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.060 Emergency Evidentiary Procedures TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.065 Acceptance of Puerto Rico Birth Certificates TN 101 08-23
GN 00301.080 Certification by Custodian of the Record TN 95 08-23
GN 00301.085 What Forms an Adjudicator's Opinion TN 93 08-23
GN 00301.090 Personnel Authorized to Certify Documents and Records TN 99 08-23
GN 00301.095 Social Security Administration Certification of Photocopies TN 43 12-17
GN 00301.100 Certifying Photocopies of Evidence Already in SSA's Possession TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.105 Certification of Evidence for Totalization Claims TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.110 Acceptance of Evidence Submitted at Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearings TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.115 Forms Used for Certification of Contents of Documents or Public Records TN 21 05-06
GN DEN00301.125 Foreign Document Identification Guide
GN 00301.140 Determining What Evidence SSA Requires TN 36 04-12
GN 00301.150 Evidence of Mail Development TN 73 03-23
GN 00301.155 Telephone Contacts to Develop Evidence TN 39 05-12
GN 00301.180 Identifying Claimants Who May Need Assistance TN 92 08-23
GN 00301.185 Helping Claimants Obtain Evidence TN 13 06-96
GN 00301.190 Helping Claimants Obtain Foreign Evidence TN 39 05-12
GN 00301.195 Preparing Request for Documents TN 112 01-24
GN 00301.200 Enlisting the Help of Others TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.205 Requesting Help from Other Field Offices (FOs) TN 39 05-12
GN 00301.210 SSA Purchase of Evidence TN 100 08-23
GN 00301.215 Payment for SSA Purchase of Evidence TN 57 05-21
GN 00301.220 Recording Efforts to Help Claimants TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.225 Follow up and Final Request Precautions TN 59 07-22
GN 00301.230 Help in Obtaining Medical Evidence TN 40 05-12
GN 00301.235 Exhibits — Foreign-Language Versions of Requests for Documents TN 9 03-91
Care, Safeguard and Return of Documents
GN 00301.260 Annotating or Altering Documents or Writings TN 9 03-91
GN 00301.265 Safeguarding claimant's documents TN 9 03-91
GN 00301.275 Retention or Return of Documents TN 109 01-24
GN 00301.280 Photocopying process TN 65 10-22
GN 00301.285 Statements and other documentation TN 88 06-23
GN 00301.286 Electronic Evidence Documentation and Retention TN 108 08-23
GN 00301.287 How Evidence is Recorded on EVID and Report of Contact page in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) in PE Situations TN 86 06-23
GN 00301.288 What Information is Needed on EVID and the Report of Contact page in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) in PE Situations to Identify the Type of Evidence Submitted TN 105 08-23
GN 00301.289 Evidentiary Documentation Considerations TN 89 06-23
GN 00301.290 Material Essential to Claims Folder Documentation TN 18 05-04
GN 00301.292 Use of regional instructions TN 15 01-00
GN 00301.295 Nonessential Material to be Omitted from Title II and Title XVI Claims Folders TN 15 01-00
GN 00301.300 Examples of Completed Evidence Screens TN 94 08-23
GN 00301.305 Statement(s) or Opinions of Claimant(s) or Other Person(s) TN 106 08-23
GN 00301.313 The Inter-Relationship of the Non-Disability Repository for Evidentiary Documents (NDRed) Application as it Relates to the Non Disability Repository (NDR) and the Claims File User Interface (CFUI) TN 79 03-23
GN 00301.316 The Purpose of Non Disability Repository TN 74 03-23
GN 00301.319 The Purpose of Non Disability Repository Application (NDRed) TN 24 10-07
GN 00301.322 Retention of Paper Material After Faxing into Either the eDIB Folder or Claims Folder using NDRed TN 78 03-23
GN 00301.325 Business Process TN 80 03-23
GN 00301.328 Related Business Process Information TN 76 03-23
GN 00301.330 Overview of Translation Process TN 47 03-19
GN 00301.335 Responsibilities and Duties of Translators TN 39 05-12
GN 00301.340 Authorized Translators TN 103 08-23
GN 00301.345 Authorization of SSA Translators TN 25 04-08
GN BOS00301.345 Authorization of SSA Translators (TN 2-94 – 09/2004) TN 58 09-21
GN 00301.350 Authorizing Non SSA Translators TN 33 05-11
GN BOS00301.350 Non-SSA Translator Services
GN 00301.351 Purchase of Non-SSA Translation Services TN 71 11-22
GN 00301.355 Translation and Priority Workload Unit (TPWU) TN 117 08-24
GN 00301.360 Retention of Foreign Language Documents TN 67 10-22
GN 00301.365 Transmittal of Foreign-Language Documents for Translation TN 116 08-24
GN 00301.370 Documents Not Requiring Referral to an Authorized Translator TN 102 08-23
GN 00301.390 Procedure to be Followed by SSA Translators TN 87 06-23
GN 00301.391 Procedure to be Followed by an SSA Translator Adjudicating a Claim TN 107 08-23
GN 00301.395 Verbatim translations TN 15 01-00
GN 00301.400 Extract Translations TN 84 06-23
GN 00301.405 Translation of Business Receipts and Other Records TN 30 12-10
GN 00301.410 Translations - Identifying Alterations or Corrections TN 30 12-10
GN 00301.415 Translations of Delayed Registration and Reconstructed Records TN 29 12-10
GN 00301.420 Translations of Legalized or Notarized Copies and Other Copies TN 29 12-10
GN 00301.425 Translator's Notes TN 68 10-22
GN 00301.430 Items Included in the Translation of Most Documents TN 104 08-23
GN 00301.435 Translating Documents Submitted as Proof of Age and Relationship TN 97 08-23
GN 00301.440 Translating Documents Submitted as Evidence of Death TN 32 01-11
GN 00301.445 Translating Types of Evidence TN 98 08-23

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