GN 00302.000 Proof of Age

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
When To Obtain Evidence Of Age
GN 00302.001 Situations Where Age Must be Immediately Developed
GN 00302.003 Postadjudicative Development of Age — Advance Determinations
GN 00302.005 When a Deceased WE's Age Must be Established TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.007 When Age Must be Established for a Disallowed Claimant TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.010 Evidence of Established Age in SSA Records TN 39 05-24
GN 00302.011 DB Proof Code to Use in Current Claim TN 28 08-20
GN 00302.020 What Evidence of Age to Request TN 17 02-95
GN 00302.040 Evidence Required for Claimants Age 73 or Older TN 15 02-92
GN 00302.050 Evidence Required for Claimants Under Age 73 TN 15 02-92
GN 00302.052 Preferred Evidence of Age TN 15 02-92
GN 00302.054 Public Record of Birth TN 27 02-19
GN DEN00302.054 Colorado Hospital Birth Records Guide
GN 00302.056 Religious Record of Age TN 20 01-04
GN 00302.057 How to Determine Whether Preferred Evidence of Age is Available TN 16 09-93
GN 00302.058 Table of Current Availability of Domestic Public Birth Records for Persons Age 59 and Older at the Time of Filing TN 16 09-93
GN 00302.070 How to Complete Form SSA-L706 (Letter to Custodian of Birth Records) TN 21 12-05
GN 00302.100 Developing Evidence of Age When There is No Preferred Evidence
GN DAL00302.100 Developing Evidence of Age When There Is No Preferred Evidence
GN 00302.110 Automatically Convincing Evidence of Age if No Material Discrepancy in File
GN 00302.115 First Priority Automatically Convincing Evidence of Age
GN 00302.118 Second Priority Automatically Convincing Evidence of Age
GN 00302.120 Corroborating Evidence of DB in SSA Records Where No Numident Record Exists TN 16 09-93
GN 00302.125 Combination of Documents Which Eliminate the Need for Further Development — Age TN 16 09-93
GN 00302.160 Material Discrepancy — Age
GN 00302.165 Guides for Evaluating Evidence of Age
GN 00302.170 How to Resolve Material DB Discrepancies
GN 00302.180 Exceptions to Material Discrepancy Development
GN 00302.190 Claimant Submits Best Evidence or No Numident or Other SSA Record Exists
GN 00302.220 Range of Years Searched by BVS Custodians
GN 00302.240 Non-Material Discrepancy — Age
GN 00302.290 Proof of Age Requirements for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.300 Developing Evidence of Age for Refugees
GN 00302.325 Establishing the DB for Holocaust Survivors — General
GN 00302.327 Definition of Holocaust Survivor
GN 00302.330 Developing Evidence of Age for Holocaust Survivors TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.335 Evidence of Holocaust Survivor Status TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.336 Evidence of Survivor Status - Residence in Certain Countries TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.337 Evidence of Survivor Status - Survivor Organizations TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.338 Evidence of Survivor Status - Information From West German Diplomatic Office TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.340 Evidence of Survivor Status - Foreign Sources TN 16 09-93
GN 00302.350 Foreign Record Requested by a U.S. Resident TN 26 11-18
GN 00302.360 Requesting BCs from “No” Countries TN 16 09-93
GN 00302.363 Exhibit - Form SSA-2111-U3-FC (Special Assistance Request) TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.370 Developing Evidence of Age of Eligible Worker When Uninsured Spouse Applies for HI TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.380 Development Required When Uninsured Spouse of Worker Previously Applied for HI on the Worker's Record
Evaluating And Determining Date of Birth
GN 00302.400 Point at Which a Particular Age is Attained
GN 00302.405 When a Written DB Determination is Required
GN 00302.410 When a Written DB Determination is Not Required
GN 00302.420 Content of DB Determination
GN 00302.430 The SSA-2038-F3 (Date of Birth Determination)
GN 00302.440 Overturning Preferred Evidence Documents TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.458 Name Discrepancies TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.460 Discrepancy in Claimant's Name — Minor Differences TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.470 Discrepancy in Claimant's Name — Major Differences TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.480 Missing Element in DB Found Only in SSA Records TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.485 Evidence Establishes Only Age TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.500 Public Record of Birth TN 31 07-21
Sources Of Evidence Of Age And Related Procedures
GN DAL00302.500 DAL — Public Record Of Birth
GN KC00302.500 Public Record of Birth (TN 1- 04/2003)
GN 00302.505 Recordation Date Tolerance for Public Records of Birth TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.510 Corrected Birth Certificates (BC) TN 9 02-85
GN DEN00302.510 Indian Census Records in South Dakota
GN 00302.515 Notification of Birth Registration TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.520 BCs Issued as a Result of Adoption Proceedings TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.525 Religious Record of Birth or Baptism TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.530 Hospital Birth Records TN 20 01-04
GN BOS00302.530 Reliability Of Hospital Birth Records
GN DAL00302.530 DAL — Hospital Birth Records
GN 00302.535 Registration of Births of U.S. Citizens Born Abroad TN 9 02-85
GN 00302.540 Delayed Birth Certificates TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.545 Parents' Affidavits TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.550 Physician's or Midwife's Birth Record TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.560 Family Bible or Other Family Record TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.565 School Records TN 22 05-07
GN DAL00302.565 DAL — School Records
GN 00302.570 Marriage Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.575 Insurance Policies (Life, Health, Accident, Burial, etc.) TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.580 Military Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN DAL00302.580 DAL — Military Records
GN 00302.585 Statements of Other Persons
GN 00302.590 Federal Civilian Personnel Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.595 Emergency Relief Agency (ERA) Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.600 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.610 Newspaper Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.620 State Census Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN BOS00302.620 State Census Records - Rhode Island
GN 00302.630 Navajo Indian Tribal Census Rolls
GN 00302.640 Seneca Indian Tribal Census Rolls TN 29 04-21
GN 00302.650 National Archives Indian Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.700 U.S. Census Records - Where Census Taken TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.710 Age Information in Census Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.720 Evaluation of Census Records - General TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.730 Evaluation of the 1910, 1920, and 1930 Census Record TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.740 SSA Payment for Census Records TN 32 09-21
GN 00302.760 Completing Requests for Census Search TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.770 Request for Expedited Census Search TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.780 Request for Search Being Made on Behalf of Incompetent Claimant TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.790 Request for Search of Deceased Person's Record TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.800 Followup on Census Record Requests TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.810 Service Provided by Bureau of the Census TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.820 Interim Correspondence from Bureau of the Census TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.830 Limitation on Number of Census Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.900 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.910 Sources of Immigration and Naturalization Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.920 Claimant is an Alien Who Arrived Before 7/1/24 — Sources of Immigration and Alien Registration Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.930 Claimant is an Alien Who Arrived After 6/30/1924 — Sources of Immigration and Alien Registration Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.940 Claimant is a Naturalized Citizen — Sources of Immigration, Alien Registration, and Naturalization Records TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.950 Obtaining Evidence From the DHS TN BASIC 09-87
GN 00302.960 Use of Forms I-151 and I-551 as Proof of Age
GN 00302.970 Chinese “Confession” Cases
GN 00302.975 Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS) Records TN 30 04-21
GN 00302.980 Electronic Verification of Vital Events - Age TN 38 05-24

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