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Section URLSection Title
0100200000The Social Security Number, Policy and General Procedures - Table of Contents
0100207000Pending Claim in the FO - Table of Contents
0100207001SSN Unknown for Worker in Claims Case - General
0100207010Obtaining Additional Identifying Information for SSN
0100207015Assigning an SSN with Identifying Information
0100207020Assigning an SSN without Full Identifying Information
0100207030VA-Initiated SSA-24 - General
0100207035Enumeration Requirement for Payment of Auxiliary and Survivor Benefits
0100207040FO Procedures — Auxiliary or Survivor Claimant Has an SSN
0100207045FO Procedures — Auxiliary or Survivor Claimant Does Not Have SSN
0100207050SSI Claims - General
0100299000Appendix and Exhibits - Table of Contents
0100299005Form SSA-L669 Request for Evidence in Support of an SSN Application — U.S.-Born Applicant
0100299010Form SSA-L670 Request for Evidence in Support of an SSN Application -- Foreign-Born Applicant
0100299015Form SSA-L675, Request for Evidence in Support of an SSN Application--U.S.-Born Applicant Residing Outside the U.S.
0100299020Form SSA-L676 - Refusal to Process SSN Application
0100299070Form SSA-2880 Form for Returning Documents Submitted as Evidence in Support of SSN Applications
0100299087Form SSA-4925 Mailing Label for Sending One Month's Accumulation of SS-5 Applications to the SSA Records Center
0101000000Form SS-4 Employer's Application for Identification Number - Table of Contents
0101001000Form SS-4, Employer Identification Number - Table of Contents
0101001001Employer Identification Number (EIN)
0101001004List of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Campuses and Unique EIN Prefix
0101002000Flow Chart and Explanations of the Form SS-4 - Table of Contents
0101002003How SSA Processes SS-4 Applications
0101002004Flowchart of the SS-4 Process at SSA
0101002005How to Process Requests for Copies of Form SS-4
0101003000Establish Employer Records - Table of Contents
0101003008How to Maintain the Form 2032 File
0101100000Tax Procedures and Employer Reports - Table of Contents
0101101000Wage Reporting - General - Table of Contents
0101101001Employer Wage Reporting Process
0101101002Glossary for the Wage Reporting Process
0101101003The Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration’s Combined Annual Wage Reporting (CAWR) Program
0101101005Overview of the Combined Annual Wage Reporting (CAWR) Process - Exhibit
0101103000Tax Procedures - Table of Contents
0101103001Overview of Tax Procedures
0101103003SSA's Role in Support of Tax Laws
0101103005How to Handle Employment Tax Inquiries
0101103007Summary of Employer Duties - Tax Inquiries
0101103009Employer's Responsibility for Maintaining Employment Records
0101103011IRS/SSA Employer Education Activities
0101103013Employer Identification Numbers (EIN's) - General
0101103015Composition of the Employer Identification Number (EIN)
0101103017Assisting Employers and Reporting Entities to Apply for EIN's
0101103019IRS/SSA Processing of SS-4s
0101103030List of Tax Publications
0101103032Form I-9, <Quote>Employment Eligibility Verification</Quote>
0101103034Form W-4, &ldquo;Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate&rdquo;
0101103036Form SS-4, &ldquo;Application for Employer Identification Number&rdquo;
0101103038Form SS-4PR (Spanish Version of SS-4)
0101103042Form W-5, Earned Income Credit Advance Payment Certificate
0101103044Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return (Original)
0101105000Employer Reports - Wage Reports - Table of Contents
0101105001General - Employer Wage Reports
0101105003Types of Wage Report Forms
0101105005Wage Report Filing Requirements
0101105007SSA's Role In Improving the Quality of Wage Reports
0101105009Handling Employer Inquiries About Filing Wage Reports
0101105015Answers to Typical Employer Wage Reporting Questions
0101105020Handling <Quote>Sensitive</Quote> Employer Inquiries
0101105025Filing Corrected Wage Reports
0101105027Educational Correspondence (EDCOR) and Decentralized Correspondence (DECOR) Letters Mailed when Names and SSNs Do Not Match Our Records
0101105030Exhibit 1 &mdash; Form 7018-A (Employer's Order Blank for 1994 Forms)
0101105035Exhibit 2 &mdash; Form 8508 (Request for Waiver from Filing Information Returns on Magnetic Media)
0101105037Exhibit 3 &mdash; Form 8809 (Request for Extension of Time To File Information Returns)
0101105039Exhibit 4 &mdash; List of Regional Magnetic Media Coordinators (Wage Reporting Specialists)
0101105040Exhibit 5 &mdash; Sensitive Inquiry Worksheet
0101300000The Social Security Statement, Form SSA-7005-SM - Table of Contents
0101301000General Instructions for Processing Requests for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Information on the Social Security Statement, Form SSA-7005-SM-OR - Table of Contents
0101301001Scope of Chapter
0101301014General Description of Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1, Request for Social Security Statement
0101301015SSA-7004-PC-SM Form Numbers, DOC Addresses and Geographical Areas of Responsibility
0101301016Processing Requests for Social Security Statements
0101301017Handling Nonreceipt of Requested Statements and Sensitive Inquiries
0101301020Online Query (PEBES ONLINE) For Social Security Statement Data By FO and TSC Personnel
0101301025Online Query Of the Statement History File By FO and TSC Personnel
0101301040Form SSA-7014 Social Security Administration Earnings Record Information
0101301042SSA-7014A Format (Identifying Information Doesn't Match Numident Record)
0101301043SSA-7014B Format (No Earnings On Record)
0101301044SSA-7014D Format (Death Indicator On Numident Or MBR)
0101301045SSA-7014E Format (Benefit Claim Pending On Record)
0101301046SSA-7014G Format (Title 2 Processing Limitation)
0101301500Requests for FO and TSC Assistance in Processing Requests for Statements With Questionable Social Security Numbers or Identifying Information
0101301505Direct Contacts By Requesters Who Received Forms SSA-7014
0101301506Assisting Individuals Who Have Received A Form SSA-7014A Asking for Correct SSN or Identifying Information
0101301510WBDOC Requests for FO Assistance
0101301515What Happens When the System Determines That SSN or Identifying Information Provided by the Requester Does Not Match Our Records
0101301520How to Process Forms SSA-7014A Received From WBDOC Under Cover of Form SSA-984 With Box B.1. Checked
0101301525How to Process Forms SSA-7014A Received From WBDOC Under Cover of Form SSA-984 With Box B.2. Checked
0101301530How to Process Forms SSA-7014A Received From WBDOC Under Cover of Form SSA-984 With Box B.4. Checked
0101305000Automatic Annual Issuance of the Social Security Statement, Form SSA-7005-SM - Table of Contents
0101305001The Social Security <Italic>Statement</Italic>
0101305005General Description of Form SSA-7005-SM, the Social Security <Italic>Statement</Italic>
0101305010Annual Issuance of Automatic <Italic>Statements</Italic>
0101305015Online Query (<Quote>Pebes Online</Quote>) for Social Security Statement Data by FO and TSC Personnel
0101305020Online Query of the Statement History File By Fo and Tsc Personnel
0101305022Handling Inquiries About Nonreceipt of Automatic <Italic>Social</Italic> <Italic>Security Statement</Italic>
0101305023Handling Requests To Be Excluded From Automatic Mailings
0101305024Handling Requests For <Italic>Statements </Italic>In Different Language
0101310000General Instructions for Processing Questions Related to the Social Security Statement, Form SSA-7005-SM - Table of Contents
0101310001The Social Security Statement
0101310005General Description of Form SSA-7005-SM, the Social Security Statement
0101310010Information Contained in the Social Security Statement
0101310012Information Contained in Special Insert for <Italic>Statement </Italic> Recipients Aged 55 or Older
0101310014Information Contained in SSA-L7005-SM-SI and OR - One Page Statement From Social Security
0101310015How We Derive the Data in <Quote>Your Estimated Benefits</Quote>
0101310016How We Derive the Data for Retirement Benefit Estimates
0101310017How We Derive the Data for Disability and Survivors Benefit Estimates
0101310018Facts on Which Statement Is Based
0101310020How We Derive the Earnings Data Contained in the Section <Quote>Help Us Keep Your Earnings Record Accurate</Quote>
0101310025How We Derive Aggregate Estimated Social Security Taxes for the <Italic>Social Security Statement</Italic>
0101310026How We Derive the Aggregate Estimated Medicare Taxes for the <Italic>Social Security Statement</Italic>
0101310030Online Query (<Quote>PEBES ONLINE</Quote> for <Italic>Social Security Statement</Italic> Data By FO and TSC Personnel
0101310035Social Security Statement History File Query
0101310040Updating Information on the Social Security Statement
0101310042Responding to Reports or Missing or Incorrect Earnings (Item Correction Actions)
0101350000Processing Correspondence Included With or Related to Requests for Statements of Earnings - Table of Contents
0101350001Correspondence Inquiry Does Not Relate to Request for Statement of Earnings (DOC)
0101350002Correspondence Inquiry Relates to Request for Statement of Earnings (DOC)
0101350003Correspondence Inquiry Relates to Request for Statement of Earnings (DCC)
0101351000Processing Correspondence Inquiries (WBDOC) - Table of Contents
0101351001Initial Earnings Statement Request with Additional Information Indicating the Earnings Record May Not be Correct
0101351002Number Holder Questions Data Previously Furnished
0101351003Complaints Regarding Information Furnished or the Manner in Which Information Was Furnished
0101351004Inquiries from (or on Behalf of) Residents of Foreign Countries
0101351005Requests for Informational Publications Relating to Earnings Statements
0101351007Requests for Specifications for Privately Printed Form SSA-7004-PC
0101351008Name Change Requested
0101351009Requests for SSN Card (Original or Duplicate)
0101351010Requests to Change Address
0101351011Correspondence Indicating Congressional, Presidential, Secretarial, or Commissioner Involvement
0101351012Complaints, Inquiries, Suggestions Concerning Earnings Statement Requests Stimulated by Insurance Companies, Business Firms, or Other Organizations
0101351013Inquiries Concerning Earnings Statement Program or Policy
0101351050Mailing Addresses to Use When Forwarding Material to Other Offices
0101352000Processing Correspondence Inquiries (DERO) - Table of Contents
0101352001Volume Requests for Blank Forms SSA-7004PC
0101352002Individual Disagrees with QC Data Previously Furnished
0101352003Questions Concerning Covered and Non-Covered Employment
0101352004Questions Concerning the Provisions of the Social Security Act
0101352005Questions Involving the Confidentiality of Social Security Records
0101352006Questions Concerning FICA or SECA Taxes (Refunds of <Quote>Excess</Quote> Taxes Paid - <Quote>Voluntary</Quote> Contributions)
0101352007Typing Replies to Correspondence Related to Earnings Statements
0101352008Reviewing and Releasing Replies to Earnings Statement Requests and Correspondence Related to Earnings Statements
0101361000The Social Security Statement, Form SSA-7005-SM - Table of Contents
0101361001Controlling, Keying and Transmitting Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement
0101361002Finder Input Data for Request for Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement (JOB ESREQ)
0101361003Block Record (PL1)
0101361004Detail Record (PL2)
0101361005Address Record (PL2)
0101361100Special Variations of the NH Name
0101361120Mailing Address (AD) Field &ndash; Special Instructions
0101361125Foreign Language Block
0101362000Receive and Process Output Forms - Table of Contents
0101362002How the System Determines the Output Responses
0101362003List of Output Files
0101362004Sequence of the Output Response
0101362005What Happens Once the Output Files are Received
0101362006How To Process The <Quote>RT</Quote> and <Quote>SR</Quote> with Associated Forms SSA-7005-SM or SSA-7014 Attached
0101362007Exception Processing
0101600000Recordation of Data for Use in Claims Related Activities - Table of Contents
0101605000Processing Requests for Death Removals - Table of Contents
0101605001General Information
0102201000Earnings Adjustment Process - General - Table of Contents
0102201001Overview of Earnings Adjustment Process
0102226000Interoffice Adjustment Forms Reported Under the Revised Earnings Adjustment Process - Table of Contents
0102226005Revised Earnings Adjustment Process (REAP) in the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO)
0102226010Instructions for Completing the Electronic Form SSA-4130
0102236000Potential Blanket Adjustment Referral Process - Table of Contents
0102236005Handling Potential Blanket Adjustment Referral in OEIO
0102236010Potential Blanket Adjustment Referral Process for DEBS, EAB
0102236015Potential Blanket Adjustment (PBA) Referral Process for DEBS
0102236020Exhibits for the Potential Blanket Adjustment Referral Process
0102500000Unidentified Earnings Items - Table of Contents
0102528000Operation <Quote>30</Quote> - Table of Contents
0102528001General Background
0102528002Receive Magnetic Tapes for <Quote>Operation 30</Quote> 3609
0102528003Process <Quote>Operation 30</Quote> Input
0102528004Four-Phase Keying of Reinstate Items from <Quote>Operation 30</Quote>
0102528005Output JOB <Quote>JOP30</Quote>
0102528006Release Completed <Quote>Operation 30</Quote> Data
0102528007Appendix A - Key Names and Derivatives (Female)
0102528008Appendix B - Key Names and Derivatives (Male)
0103100000Employer Reports of Earnings - Table of Contents
0103146000Prepare the Trust Fund Certification Letter - Table of Contents
0103146001Legislative History of the Trust Fund Certification Letter
0103146002Production of Trust Fund Wage Data
0103146010Maintain the Trust Fund Ledgers and Prepare the Trust Fund Certification Letter
0103200000Pension Information Processing System - Table of Contents
0103201000ERISA - General Information - Table of Contents
0103201001ERISA &mdash; Overview and Glossary
0103201002ERISA &mdash;Description of IRS Role
0103201005SSA's Role in Assisting Private Pension Plans and Separated Participants
0103201007Overview of ERISA Government Agency Interrelationships and Processing
0103202000Flowcharts and Narrative - Table of Contents
0103202002Narrative&mdash;Clerical Processing of Form 8955 SSA (Prior Form 5500Schedule SSA)
0103202005Narrative - Processing ERISA Requests and Correspondence Relating to ERISA
0103250000Receipt and Dispatch of Correspondence (4401) - Table of Contents
0103250001General Information
0103250002Initial Receipt and Handling of Correspondence from the Public (4401)
0103250003Screen and Determine ERISA Requests/Correspondence
0103252000Control ERISA Requests (4402) - Table of Contents
0103252001Block ERISA Requests Received from Receipt and Dispatch (4402)
0103252004Receive Discrepant Forms SSA-L99-C1 <Quote>EXCEPTIONS</Quote>
0103252006SSA-L99-C1's to be Retyped (4402)
0103253000General Processing Information - Table of Contents
0103253001Form 8955-SSA (Annual Registration Statement Identifying Separated Participants With Deferred Vested Benefits)
0103253002SSA-L99-C1, Notice of Potential Private Retirement Benefit Information
0103254000Processing ERISA Requests (4403, 4405, 4235, 4237) - Table of Contents
0103254003Examine Plan Participant's Social Security Number
0103254004Examine Signature
0103254005Examine for Mailing Address (4403)
0103254007ERISA Requests Requiring a Detailed Response (4403)
0103254011Information on the Form SSA-L99-C1, Potential Private Retirement Benefit Information
0103254012ERISA Notices Returned to SSA as &ldquo;Undeliverable&rdquo; (4403)
0103254014Correspondence Received from the Public Indicating Congressional, Presidential, Secretarial, or Commissioner Involvement (4403)
0103256000Resolve ERISA Exceptions - Table of Contents
0103256002Receive, Control, and Release ERISA Exceptions (4404)
0103256003Search and Locate on Microfilm, the Schedule SSA Corresponding to the Exceptions (4404)
0103256004Transcribe Plan Information Onto SSA-L99-C1 (4404)
0103258000Processing Correspondence Related to ERISA (4230, 4231, 4235, 4237, 4356, 4406) - Table of Contents
0103258001General Information on ERISA
0103258003Initial Examining and Coding
0103258004SSA-L99-C1 Returned by Recipient
0103258005General Response Guidelines for ERISA Correspondence (4406)
0103258007Responding to ERISA Correspondence (4406)
0103258009Employer/Plan Administrator Correspondence
0103258010Lag Period
0103258011Requesting MBR Printouts (4256)
0103258013Scout for Schedule SSA Information
0103258015Complaints from the Public Regarding Pension Information Furnished
0103258018Request for General Information about ERISA (4406)
0103270000Field Office Handling of ERISA Inquiries - Table of Contents
0103270001General &mdash; ERISA Inquiries
0103270005Handling ERISA Inquiries From the General Public
0103270007Handling ERISA Inquiries From Pension Plan Administrators &mdash; Procedure
0103270009Handling Inquiries About SSA's ERISA Notice on Form SSA-L99-C1
0103270011Terms Used on ERISA Notice Form SSA- L99-C1 &mdash; Glossary
0103270015Exhibit 1- SSA-L99-C1, Notice of Potential Private Pension Benefits - M Notice
0103270016Exhibit 2 - SSA-L99-C1, Notice of Potential Private Pension Benefits - Non-M Notice
0103270017Exhibit 3 &mdash; Annual Registration Statement Identifying Separated Participants With Deferred Vested Benefits
0103270020Exhibit 2 &mdash; Annual Registration Statement Identifying Separated Participants With Deferred Vested Benefits
0103280000Receipt and Control of Forms SSA-4617-U2 - Four Phase (4407) - Table of Contents
0103280001Receive and Control Forms SSA-4617-U2 (4407)
0103280002Distribute Pension Information Request Blocks to Keying Units (4407)
0103280003Release Completed Pension Information Request Blocks&mdash;Reports Analysis Branch (4407)
0103280005Release Completed Pension Information Request Blocks&mdash;Data Operations Center (4407)
0103280006Release Completed Pension Information Request Data&mdash;Data Operations Center (4407)
0103281000Data Entry - Pension Information Requests (4408) - Table of Contents
0103281001General Instructions &mdash; Pension Information Requests (4408)
0103282000Four-Phase Processing - ERISA Requests (4408) - Table of Contents
0103282001Initial Keying of Pension Information Requests &mdash; Form SSA-4617-U2 (4408)
0103282002Complete the Keying of a Unit (4408)
0103282003Verify Pension Information Requests (4408)
0103282004Key Tape Header for Pension Information Requests (4408)
0103282005Output Pension Information Requests (4408)
0103803000General Instructions - Table of Contents
0103803001First Year Earnings Activity Identification on Microfilm Earnings List (1086 Listing)
0103803007Handling Correspondence and Assigning Cases
0103803009Determining the <Quote>Claim</Quote> or <Quote>Non Claim</Quote> Status of a Record
0103803011Disposition of Case Where the Record(s) is in Claim Status
0103803013Complete Case - Definition
0103803020Time Limits for Resolving Possible Errors in Employee Earnings Records
0103803022Incomplete Case - Definition
0103803024Determining the Handling of Incomplete Cases
0103803030Handling Inquiries With Previous Correspondence
0103803051Processing Incomplete Cases Containing a Form W-2 or a Wage and Tax Statement in Lieu of a Form W-2
0103803053Selecting Incomplete Cases for Direct Correspondence with Employers
0103803055Incomplete Cases Requiring Development with the Field Office(s) or Other Offices
0103803057Reviewing and Handling Earnings Discrepancy Cases from the Diary File
0103803059Following Up on Field Office (FO) Development
0103803061Processing Notices of Transfer of Earnings Discrepancy Cases by Field Offices
0103803069Monitoring Earnings Case Closure Timeframes
0103803081Replying to Followup Letters for Closed Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103803083Handling Undeliverable Earnings Discrepancy Closeout Letters
0103803089Collecting and Releasing Earnings Discrepancy Mail
0103803091Preparing Replies to Questions or Objections
0103809000Scouting - Adjusting Earnings - Table of Contents
0103809001Receiving, Controlling and Processing Scouting Requests
0103809004General Scouting Instructions
0103809005Scouting Non-Claims Requests Received From the Field Office
0103809006Scouting from the MEF Printout
0103809007Scouting from the Wage Report
0103809009Scouting to Identify EIN's or Employers Not Identified Via Electronic Search Process
0103809014Scouting Same Name Cases
0103809016Scout for Cases with Different Name
0103809022Examining Reports to Determine if Earnings Case(s) are Scrambled
0103809024 Additional Scouting After Detecting a Scrambled Case
0103809030Scouting for Missing Wage Items
0103809034Scouting for Missing SEI Items
0103809038Scouting for Missing Reports
0103809039Scouting Cases Involving Multiple Postings for the Same Employer and Period
0103809045Scouting Earnings in a Lag Period
0103812000Disagreements - Table of Contents
0103812001Controlling, Assembling and Assigning Earnings Disagreement Cases
0103812002Informational Requirements
0103812003Examining, Processing and Disposing of Earnings Disagreement Cases Not Meeting Informational Requirements
0103812005Examining, Processing and Disposing of Earnings Disagreement Cases Meeting Informational Requirements
0103812010Only Lag Earnings Alleged
0103812012Potential Claim Involved
0103812013Benefit Estimate Requested
0103812014Non-Covered Earnings Alleged
0103812022<Quote>No APP</Quote> Case
0103812028Multiple Postings for the Same Employer and Period
0103812029Copy of Employer's Missing Earnings Report or Page(s) Received With the Incoming Correspondence
0103812030Statement of Earnings Needed for the Reply
0103816000Scrambled Wages - Table of Contents
0103816001Scrambled Earnings Cases&mdash;General Information
0103816003Definition of <Quote>Different Name</Quote> and <Quote>Same Name</Quote> Scrambled Earnings Cases
0103816005Controlling, Assembling and Assigning Scrambled Earnings Cases
0103816007Scrambled Earnings Cases to be Processed as Earnings Discrepancies
0103816008Examining, Processing and Disposing of Scrambled Earnings Cases
0103816011Processing SER/SSI Interface Cases
0103816012Processing Wrong Number SS-5 Cases
0103816016General Information on the Transfer of Earnings
0103816017Requesting the Transfer of Earnings
0103816021Making Necessary Transfers
0103816022Examining Transfers Made by Scouts
0103818000IRS Scrambles - Table of Contents
0103818001General Information on IRS Scrambles
0103818004Initial Processing of Form 3857
0103818006Handling Forms 3857 Prior to Scouting
0103818007IRS Form 3857 Processing: Direct Contact for Additional Evidence
0103818012Determining the Disposition of IRS Scrambles Cases after Scouting
0103818014Closing Resolved Cases
0103818030Completing Forms 3857
0103818031Forwarding Copies of Completed Forms 3857
0103844000Processing Earnings Discrepancy Cases - Table of Contents
0103844006Reviewing Initial Field Office Development of Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103844009Making Direct Telephone Calls to Redevelop Certain Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103844012Types of Wage Evidence
0103844018Reviewing Evidence
0103844020Processing Scrambled Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103844024Processing Cases in Which the FO Has Submitted Additional Information About an Employer Report
0103844045Processing Coverage Cases
0103844047Referring Coverage Cases to the Office of Income Security Programs (OISP)
0103844060Preparing Coverage or Wage Issue Determination on Form SSA-553, Special Determination
0103846000Processing Self-Employment Earnings Discrepancy Cases - Table of Contents
0103846001Self-Employment Income-General
0103846003Authorities and Guides on Self-Employment Coverage
0103846005Explanation of SE Symbol (Letter) Entries on the Earnings Record
0103846010Processing Self-Employment Discrepancy Cases
0103846012Allocating Quarters of Coverage in Fiscal Year Reportings
0103846013Resolving <Quote>TL</Quote> (Time Limitation) Postings
0103846015Determining Status Where a Person Alleges All or Part of the SEI Reported Belongs to Someone Else
0103846017Determining Status Where a Person Alleges Erroneously Reported Earnings from Employment as SEI
0103846019Determining if Multiple or Duplicate SE Reports Have Been Adjusted
0103846020Reviewing Self-Employment Cases Returned by Field Offices
0103846022Closing Self-Employment Cases Returned by the Field Offices
0103846027Processing Control Copies of Letters Requesting the Filing of Tax Returns
0103846030Preparing Forms SSA-7000 U5, Notice of Determination of Self-Employment
0103846035Preparing Forms SSA-7000 U5 to Establish or Adjust Self-Employment Income When Amount(s) Will be Increased to the Next Higher Dollar
0103849000Processing Special Type Earnings Discrepancy Cases - Table of Contents
0103849007No Evidence
0103849008Handling Form SSA-7008 Received for a Pending Earnings Discrepancy Case
0103851000Processing Congressional and Other Special Inquiries - Table of Contents
0103851001Expediting Requests Pertaining to Congressional and Other Special Inquiries Involving Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103851003Receiving, Assigning and Processing Congressional Inquiries Involving Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103851005Expediting Telephone Inquiries Involving Earnings Discrepancy Cases
0103851009Handling Congressional or Other Special Inquiries that are Earnings Discrepancy Cases Involving the FO
0103870001Earnings Records Inaccuracies Development - General
0103870004SSA Component Responsibility - Earnings Records Inaccuracies
0103870006Limits On Earnings Records Development
0103870008Development Record of Earnings Investigation
0103870010Form SSA-7008 (Request for Correction of Earnings Record)
0103870012Request for Earnings Record Correction Under Item Correction
0103870015Development of Earnings Records Inaccuracies
0103870020Incorrect SSN or Surname on W-2
0103870025Discrepancy Between NH's Allegation and Employer's Statement or W-2c
0103870035Coverage or Wage Question
0103870040Earnings Records Inaccuracies - Establishment Reporting
0103870045Scrambled Earnings - General
0103870048Development of Scrambled Wages
0103870052Establishing NH's True Identity
0103870055Scrambled SEI
0103870057When Earnings May Be Transferred
0103870060Accepting Statement Disclaiming Earnings
0103870062Issuance of a Second SSN
0103870065Earnings Posted to Young Children - General
0103870070How to Develop YCER Cases
0103870075Action When YCER Development Complete
0103870080Earnings Reported After NH's Death
0103870085How to Resolve Earnings After Death Cases
0103870090Action When Earnings After Death Development Is Complete
0103870094Exemption From Prosecution for Aliens Legalized Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986
0103870100Form SSA-7008 (Request for Correction of Earnings Record)
0103870101Form SSA-L7013 (Social Security Request for Wage Information)
0103870102Form SSA-7011-F4 (Statement of Employer)
0103870104Form SSA-L7014 (Letter to NH Regarding Earnings Information)
0103870105Form SSA-L7015 (Social Security Request to Respond)
0103870120Form SSA-4156 (Employee Identification Statement)
0104900000Exemption From Taxation on SEI - Table of Contents
0104903000Initial Processing - Table of Contents
0104903001Verify the Individual on the IRS Form 4029 Using the Numident
0104906000Final Processing - Form 4029 - Table of Contents
0104906001Verifying the Religious Group and Processing Form 4029
0104907000Processing Form 4361 - Table of Contents
0104907001Processing IRS Form 4361
0105000000Correspondence - Filing, Control, Monitoring - Table of Contents
0105015000Earnings Inquiries Control System - Table of Contents
0105015003Preparing and Handling Correspondence Control Sheet Form - General
0105015004Completing the Correspondence Control Sheet to Reflect Updating Actions
0105100000Alien Nonpayment Provision Policing - Table of Contents
0105101000Processing Forms I-131 - Table of Contents
0105101001General Information
0105101004Receiving and Controlling Forms I-131
0105101007Preparing Finder Records
0105101010Examining, Grouping and Disposing of Forms I-131
0105101013Keypunching Control Cards
0105101016Reproducing MBR and SSR Finders
0105103000Processing Forms I-157 - Table of Contents
0105103001General Information
0105103004Receiving and Controlling Forms I-157
0105103007Examining and Grouping Forms I-157
0105103010Processing Forms I-157 with SSN's
0105103013Screening Forms I-157 for Possible SSN's
0105103016Processing I-157's With Incorrect or No SSN's
0105103019Preparing I-157 Coding Sheet, Form SSA-3972
0105103022Keying and Verifying Form SSA-3972
0105103025Outputting Job <Quote>J157</Quote>
0105105000Processing Forms G-337 - Table of Contents
0105105001General Information
0105105004Receiving Forms G-337
0105105007Processing Forms G-337 With SSN's
0105105010Processing Forms G-337 Without SSN's
0110200000The Social Security Number, Policy and General Procedures - Table of Contents
0110201000The Social Security Number (SSN) - Table of Contents
0110201001Purpose and Disclosure of the Social Security Number (SSN)
0110201005Program Use of the Social Security Number (SSN)
0110201010Nonprogram Use of the Social Security Number (SSN)
0110201015Responding to Inquiries about Nonprogram Use of the Social Security Number (SSN)
0110201020Requests to Use an SSN or Replica of the Social Security Card
0110201025Enumeration Process: SSA Component Responsibilities
0110201030Structure of the Social Security Number (SSN)
0110201035Invalid Social Security Numbers (SSNs)
0110201040Void Social Security Numbers (SSNs)
0110201045Third-Party Requests about Social Security Numbers (SSNs) Already Assigned
0110201050Social Security Number (SSN) Assignment and Card Issuance
0110201055Social Security Number (SSN) Card History
0110201060Social Security Number (SSN) Card Security Features
0110201065Safeguarding the SSN and SSN Card
0110201070Retention of Valid Social Security Number (SSN) Cards by Third Parties
0110205001How to Apply for a Social Security Card
0110205005Where to File an Application for a Social Security Card
0110205010When to Consider an Application for an SSN Card Filed
0110205015Minimum Data Requirements to Complete an Application for a Social Security Card
0110205020When an SSN Application May Not Be Processed
0110205025Proper Applicant for a Social Security Card
0110205030Proper Applicant is a Legal Guardian
0110205035Proper Applicant is a Parent with Custody of a Child under Age 18
0110205040Proper Applicant is an Administrator of the Estate of the Number Holder (NH)
0110205045Proper Applicant is a Relative with Custody of a Child under Age 18
0110205050Proper Applicant is a State Agency with Legal Custody
0110205055Proper Applicant is an Individual who can Establish Relationship and Responsibility
0110205060Applicant for SSN Visits a Non-Servicing Office
0110205065Applicant for SSN Mails Application to a Non-Servicing Office
0110205070Verify Documents for an SSN Application Processed in a Non-Servicing Office
0110205075Telephone Request for SSN Information Received in Non-Servicing Office
0110205080SSN Inquiry or Application Received for an Applicant Living Abroad
0110205085Using Responses on Form SS-5 to Determine if the Applicant Needs an Original or a Replacement SSN Card
0110205090Form SS-5 Received and Additional Documentation is Needed
0110205092Returning Documents Submitted for an SSN Card
0110205094Purchasing Documents to Replace Lost Enumeration Evidence
0110205095Applicant for SSN Requests an Interview with a Specific Employee
0110205100How Long Does it Take to Get an SSN Card?
0110205105Is the Applicant for Name Change Replacement SSN Card Receiving Benefits?
0110205120How the Number Holder&rsquo;s Name is Shown on SSN Card
0110205125Entering NH&rsquo;s Name in SSNAP
0110205130Entering other Names of NH in SSNAP
0110205135NH Date and Place of Birth on Application for SSN Card
0110205140Race and Ethnicity Information on the Application for an SSN Card
0110205160Parent&rsquo;s SSN on an Application for an SSN Card
0110205170Applicant&rsquo;s Signature for an Application for an SSN Card
0110205175Applicant&rsquo;s Electronic Signature for an Application for an SSN Card Processed in SSNAP
0110205180Applicant&rsquo;s Signature on a Form SS-5 when applicant is not in the office
0110205185Coding and Certifying an Application for an SSN Card
0110205190Recording Evidence on Form SS-5 When Not Using SSNAP
0110205195FO Employee&rsquo;s Signature on Form SS-5
0110205210When an Applicant Requests a Receipt for Filing an Application for an SSN Card
0110205215Acknowledgement Requested for an Application for an SSN Card
0110205400Limits on Replacement SSN Cards
0110205405Exception to SSN Card Limits for Name Change
0110205410Exception to SSN Card Limits for Legend Change
0110205415Exception to SSN Card Limits for Non-Receipt of an SSN Card
0110205420Exception to SSN Card Limits Due to a Mistake by SSA
0110205425Exception to SSN Card Limits Due to Hardship
0110205500Form SSA-2853, Enumeration at Birth (EAB) Receipt
0110205505Enumeration at Birth Process
0110205630Internet SSN Replacement Cards (iSSNRC) Policy
0110205635Online Social Security Number Application Process (oSSNAP) Overview
0110205700Enumeration-Beyond-Entry (EBE)
0110210001History of SSN Evidence Requirements
0110210005SSN Type Definitions
0110210010Evidence Policy for an Original or New SSN
0110210015Evidence Policy for a Replacement SSN Card
0110210020Policy for Number of Documents Required for an SSN Card
0110210085Acceptable Forms of Evidence for an SSN
0110210100Advising Applicant on SSN Evidence Requirements
0110210120Assisting Applicants When the SSN Application Cannot be Filed
0110210200General Information on Reviewing and Verifying Evidence for an SSN Card
0110210205Policy for Reviewing and Verifying Evidence for an SSN
0110210210Reviewing Age, Identity, Citizenship and Lawful Alien Status Evidence for an SSN Card
0110210250Overview of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card
0110210255Who Must Submit Evidence of Age for an SSN Card
0110210260Definitions for Evidence of Age for an SSN Card
0110210265Kinds of Documents that Establish Age for an SSN Card
0110210270Evaluation and Verification of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card
0110210275SSN Application for U.S. Born Person under Age One
0110210280U.S. Born Person under Age One Needs SSN for Emergency Benefits or Services
0110210285SSN Application for U.S. Born Person Age One or Older
0110210290SSN Application for Foreign Born Person
0110210295Date of Birth Change on the Numident
0110210297Name and Date of Birth Determinations, Using U.S. State-Issued Evidence, for Foreign-Born Adopted Children Under the Accuracy for Adoptees Act
0110210300Disposal of Documents SSA Obtains to Verify Age for SSN Applicants
0110210305Reviewing a Birth Certificate Birth Area Code
0110210310References for Evidence of Age for an SSN Card
0110210405Evidence of Identity for an SSN Card
0110210410How Do you Examine, Evaluate, and Assess Documents Submitted as Evidence of Identity
0110210415How to Prioritize Acceptable Identity Documents
0110210420Priority List of Acceptable Evidence of Identity Documents
0110210425What are the Procedures for Specific Document Situations
0110210430What Documents Are Not Evidence of Identity for an SSN Card
0110210500General Information on Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a Social Security Number (SSN) Card
0110210505Primary Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship
0110210510Secondary Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a U.S. Born Applicant
0110210515Secondary Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a Foreign Born Applicant
0110210520Third Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a U.S. Born Applicant
0110210525Fourth Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a U.S. Born Applicant
0110210530Secondary Level Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a Foreign Born U.S. Adopted Applicant
0110210535Assisting an Applicant who either has No Evidence or Submits Other Evidence of U.S. Citizenship
0110210540General Information for Evidence of U.S. Citizenship for a Foreign Born Adopted Child
0110210600Evidence of Lawful Alien Status for Aliens Living in American Samoa
0110210650Evidence of Employment Authorized Immigration Status in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) for an SSN Card
0110210674Evidence of Employment Authorized Immigration Status issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for an Alien in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) for an SSN
0110210676Evidence of Employment Authorized Immigration Status for a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Investor (E2C) Nonimmigrant
0110210684Evidence of Employment Authorized Immigration Status for a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Principal Transitional Worker (CW-1) and Dependent (CW-2)
0110210720Other and Novelty Birth Records
0110210725Commercial Identification Card Submitted as Evidence
0110210800Documents issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
0110210805Form I-151, Alien Registration Receipt Card
0110210810Obsolete Forms I-688, I-668A and I-688B, Employment Authorization Documentation
0110210815Obsolete Form I-688 EXT, Employment Documentation Authorization Label
0110210820Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record
0110210825Obsolete Form I-185, Nonresident Alien Canadian Border Crossing Card (CBCC)
0110211000Alien Evidence for an SSN - Table of Contents
0110211001Who Must Submit Evidence of Lawful Alien Status for an SSN Card
0110211025Evidence of Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Status for an SSN Card
0110211050Evidence of Lawful Alien Status for a Citizen of a Compact of Free Association (CFA) Nation Applying for an SSN Card
0110211140Entering Nonimmigrant Evidence into the Enumeration System
0110211185Evidence of Refugee Status for an SSN Card
0110211190Evidence of Parolee Status for an SSN Card
0110211195Evidence of Parolee Status When an Alien Submits Form I-94 or Unexpired Foreign Passport
0110211200Evidence of Parolee Status When an Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766) is submitted
0110211205Evidence of Asylee Status for an SSN Card
0110211207Evidence of Asylee Status When Form I-94 (Arrival and Departure Record) or Form I-797A (Notice of Action) with the tear-off Form I-94 (Arrival and Departure Record) is Submitted
0110211209Evidence of Asylee Status When Form I-766 (Employment Authorization Document) is Submitted
0110211213Verifying Asylee Status Through the Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)
0110211235Evidence of Immigration Status for the F1 and M1 Classes of Admission for an SSN Card
0110211240Evidence of Immigration Status and Employment Authorization for an F1 Foreign Student for an SSN Card
0110211245Evidence of General On-Campus Employment for an F1 (Foreign Student) for an SSN Card
0110211250Evidence of On-Campus Employment for an F1 (Foreign Student) with a Scholarship, Reduced Tuition, Fellowship, or Graduate Assistantship
0110211255Evidence of Curricular Practical Training (CPT) for an F-1 (Foreign Student) for an SSN Card
0110211260Evidence of Immigration Status for an F2 and M2 (Dependent of F1, or M1 Foreign Student) for an SSN Card
0110211265Evidence of Employment Authorized Immigration Status for an M1 (Foreign Student) for an SSN
0110211270Requirements for Evidence of Employment Status for an F1 for General On-Campus Employment
0110211275Reviewing the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) issued Form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status)
0110211280Verifying SEVIS Form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status) and Evidence of Employment Status
0110211285Helping F-1 Student Obtain Required Evidence for an SSN
0110211290Information to Help F1 Foreign Students with Employer Issues
0110211295Entering Foreign Student (F-1 and M-1) Data into the Enumeration System
0110211300Exhibits of Student and Exchange Visitor System (SEVIS) issued Form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status)
0110211305DHS ICE Information for Students Pursuing Employment in the United States
0110211310Sample Designated School Official (DSO) and Employer Letter to SSA for F1 General On-Campus Employment
0110211315Dear Colleague Letter from SSA to Schools
0110211340General Evidence of Immigration Status and Employment Authorization for the J1 (Exchange Visitor) or J2 (Dependent of J1) classes of admission
0110211345Evidence of Employment Authorization for the J1 (Exchange Visitor) and J2 (Dependent of J1) Classes of Admission
0110211350Background Information on the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)
0110211355Reviewing the Student and Exchange Visitor (SEVIS) Form DS-2019 (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J1) Status)
0110211360Interview with J1 Exchange Visitor
0110211365Entering Information from Form DS-2019 (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J1) Status) into the Enumeration System
0110211370Information to Help J1 Exchange Visitors with Employer Issues
0110211375How to Enter J-1 and J-2 Exchange Visitor Name and Date of Birth Data into the Enumeration System
0110211380Exhibit of Form DS-2019 (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status)
0110211395Procedure When the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Response is &ldquo;Refer Student/Exchange Visitor to their School/Program Sponsor&rdquo;
0110211420Employment Authorization for Non-immigrants
0110211510Actions Required When an Alien&rsquo;s Status Changes
0110211530List of Documents Establishing Lawful Alien Status for an SSN Card
0110211600Requests for an SSN from an Noncitizen without Work Authorization
0110211600DALRequests for an SSN from an Alien without Work Authorization (RTN 01, 09/2012)
0110211605Request for a Replacement SSN Card Obtained for a Nonwork Purpose
0110211610Valid Reasons to Assign an SSN for Nonwork Purposes
0110211615Invalid Nonwork Reasons for SSN Assignment
0110211620Scenarios Involving SSN Card Requests by Aliens Not Authorized to Work
0110212000Legal Names and Changes to the Numident - Table of Contents
0110212001Defining the Legal Name for an SSN
0110212005When to Use the Legal Name for an SSN
0110212010Evidence of a Name Change on the SSN
0110212015Evidence Requirements to Process a Name Change on the SSN
0110212020Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN When Evidence of Identity in the New Name Only is Submitted
0110212025Evidence of Name Change based on a US Ceremonial Marriage
0110212030Evidence of Name Change based on a US Common-Law Marriage
0110212035Evidence of Name Change based on a US Same-Sex Marriage
0110212040Evidence of Name Change based on a US Civil Union
0110212045Evidence of Name Change based on a US Domestic Partnership
0110212055Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on Marriage, Civil Union and Domestic Partnership
0110212060Evidence of Name Change based on a Divorce, Dissolution, or Annulment
0110212065Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on Divorce, Dissolution, or Annulment
0110212070Evidence of a Name Change based on Naturalization
0110212075Required Evidence to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Certificate of Naturalization
0110212080Evidence of a Name Change based on a US Issued Court Order Name Change
0110212085Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Court Order Name Change
0110212090Evidence of a Name Change based on a US Issued Amended or Corrected Birth Certificate
0110212095Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a US Issued Amended or Corrected Birth Certificate (BC)
0110212096Evidence of Name Change Based on a Canadian Document
0110212150Name Corrections on the SSN Card
0110212155Subsequent Name Correction Based on Current Marriage, Civil Union and Domestic Partnership
0110212156Name Correction Procedure when Number Holder Never Requested the Different Name Shown on the Numident
0110212160Examples of Name Corrections on the SSN Card
0110212165Examples of Name Changes and Corrections that SSA Cannot Process
0110212200Changing NUMIDENT Data for Reasons Other than Name Change
0110213000Verifying Evidence for an SSN - Table of Contents
0110213095Procedure for Verifying a Person&rsquo;s Status (Lawful Alien Status or U.S. Citizenship) with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
0110213300Procedure when a Person's Evidence or Lawful Alien Status Expires within 14 Days of Filing for an SSN
0110215065OCO Instructions for Shipping SS-5s to the SSA Security Records Branch (SRB)
0110215085OCO Procedure for Form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card) Mass Loss
0110225000Special Requests - SSN - Table of Contents
0110225030Social Security Number (SSN) Special Processing
0110225035SSNs for the Amish and Mennonites (and Other Religious Exempt Communities)
0110225045Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for Railroad Employees
0110225050SSNs for Applications Submitted Outside the United States
0110225075SSN Requests from Law Enforcement Agencies
0110225080Policy on Social Security Number (SSN) Applications on Behalf of Deceased Persons
0110225085Field Office (FO) Procedure for Handling Requests for an Original Social Security Number (SSN) for a Deceased Person
0110225090Request for Replacement Social Security Card (SSN Card) for a Deceased Person
0110225095Request to Update Data on the Numident for a Deceased Person
0110225110Inquiries Based on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Backup Withholding Program
0110225120Social Security Number (SSNs) for Passport Applications
0110225125Replacement SSN Cards for Prison Inmates Covered by a Memorandum of Understanding
0110225130Negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Process Replacement SSN Cards for Prison Inmates
0110225135Elements of a Prisoner Replacement Card Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
0110225145Processing SS-5 (Social Security Card Application) for Prisoners Under Terms of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
0110225150Auditing Correctional Facility with Prisoner Replacement Card Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
0110225155Exhibits: Replacement SSN Cards for Prison Inmates
0110250000Self Check - Table of Contents
0110250001Self Check Background
0110250005The Self Check Process and the Self Check Notice
0110250010Self Check Versus E-Verify and EV-STAR
0110250015The Effect Self Check Has on SSA Field Offices (FO), Card Centers (SSCC), and National 800 Number Network (N8NN) Sites
0110250200Self Lock for the E-Verify and Self Check Programs
0110260000Affordable Care Act and Marketplaces - Table of Contents
0110260001Health Insurance Marketplaces and Social Security Administration (SSA) Contact
0110299000Appendix and Exhibits - Table of Contents
0110299090Form SSA-5028 and SSA-5028-SP, Receipt for Application for a Social Security Number
0110299210Sample Refusal Letters for Second SSN Requests
0200200000Applications and Interviews - Table of Contents
0200201000Program - Related Claims Practices - Table of Contents
0200201005General Application Taking Practices
0200201006Methods of Obtaining Title II Applications
0200201010Signature Requirements
0200201015Alternative Signature Methods
0200201100SSA Foreign Program Forms Authorized for Post-Entitlement Signature Proxy
0200202000Leads and Inquiries - Table of Contents
0200202001Leads and Inquiries
0200202020Processing Leads
0200202040Application Leads Outside the United States
0200203000Interviewing - Table of Contents
0200203002Pre-Application Actions for Interviewing Claimants
0200203002DALPre-Application Actions - Operating Policy (Texas)
0200203003Face-to-Face Contact with Claimants
0200203004Taking the Claim
0200203005Reporting Instructions - Title II Claims
0200203009Difficult Interviewing Situations
0200203010Conducting Interviews under Difficult Situations
0200203011Special Interviewing Situations: Limited English Proficiency or Language Assistance Required
0200203012Special Interviewing Situations for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Customers
0200203013Interviewing People Who Act Hostile
0200203014Interviewing People who may be Victims of Abuse
0200203015Considerations in Telephone Interviewing
0200203016iAppointments (iAppt)
0200203025Interviewing Medicare Claimants
0200203050Medicare Publications
0200203070Medicare Only Beneficiary Notices
0200203090Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits
0200204000Applications - Table of Contents
0200204001Valid Application
0200204002Prescribed Application
0200204003Proper Applicant
0200204004Considering Possible Entitlement to Retirement Insurance Benefits (RIB) when a Claimant Files an Application for Spouse&rsquo;s Benefits
0200204005Claimant Dies Before Filing/Effectuation
0200204006Where to File an Application
0200204007Application Filing Date
0200204008Misinformation - Applications
0200204009Abbreviated Applications--Title II
0200204010Protective Filing
0200204011Use of Telephone Answering Machine Messages (TRUs) to Establish Protective Filings
0200204012How to Close a Protective Writing
0200204013Third Party Non-proper Applicant and Protective Filing
0200204014The SSA-L566-U2 Title II Application Cover Notice
0200204015Title XVI Redeterminations (RZs) as Protective Filings for Title II Benefits
0200204020Scope of the Application
0200204021Separate HI Filing
0200204022Explore Entitlement on Another Earnings Record or to Another Class of Benefits
0200204025Open Applications
0200204026When Not to Pursue an Open Application
0200204027Title II Application Open Because of Title XVI Filing
0200204028Duplicate Applications
0200204030Retroactivity for Title II Benefits
0200204032Restricting Retroactivity for Title II Benefits
0200204035Deemed Filing
0200204039Explaining the Month of Election (MOEL) Options
0200204040Month of Election (MOEL) and Month of Entitlement (MOET)
0200204041Month of Election (MOEL) and Month of Entitlement (MOET) Option Codes
0200204045Assisting Title II Surviving Spouse or Surviving Divorced Spouse Claimants with Month of Election (MOEL) Decisions when the Retirement Insurance Benefit &ndash; Limitation (RIB LIM) Applies
0200204046Dual Entitlement Diary System
0200204047Changing the Month of Election (MOEL) or Month of Entitlement (MOET)
0200204048Processing Month of Elections (MOEL) Exceptions
0200204150Authorization to Obtain Wage and Employment Information from Payroll Data Providers via an Information Exchange for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Programs
0200205001Application Forms
0200205005Taking Applications for Multiple Benefits
0200205010Detection of Possible Multiple Entitlement
0200205015Handling Changes and Additions on Applications
0200205020Obtaining Supplemental Information
0200205035Disability Questions for Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications
0200205038Retirement, Survivor Insurance (RSI) Applications When Claimant Alleges Disability
0200205040Disability Question on Applications for Widow(er)'s Insurance Benefits (WIB)
0200205045Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications for Work Outside the U.S.
0200205050Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications for Military Service (MS)
0200205060Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications for Railroad (RR) Service
0200205070RSDI Applications - Marital Relationship Questions
0200205080Questions About the Number Holder&rsquo;s (NH) Employment and Self-Employment (SE) for Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications
0200205085Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications for Claimant's Earnings During the Year of Filing (YOF) and Preceding Year
0200205095Enrollment for Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits (SMI) for Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications
0200205100Address of Claimant for Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications
0200205115Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications - Signature
0200205120Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications Tear-Off Sheet
0200205125Manner of Execution by Representative for Retirement, Survivor, Disability Insurance (RSDI) Applications
0200205130Significance of Items on Retirement Applications
0200205145Significance of Items on Spouse's Applications
0200205150Significance of Items on the Mother's or Father's Applications
0200205160Significance of Items on the Widow's or Widower's Applications
0200205168Importance of Residence and Presence in the U.S.
0200205170Claimant in U.S. Has Been (or Will Soon Be Going) Abroad
0200205175Claimant Outside U.S. - Procedure
0200205185Name and Address of Individuals Outside United States
0200205190Significance of Items on the Disability Applications
0200205600Spanish Language Applications
0200206000Withdrawals - Table of Contents
0200206001Withdrawal (WD) of a Title II Benefit Application
0200206005Requirements for Withdrawal (WD) of a Benefit Application
0200206011Processing Withdrawal (WD) Requests before Adjudication
0200206014Processing a Withdrawal (WD) Request made after Adjudication
0200206017Cancellation of a Request for Withdrawal (WD)
0200206020Hospital Insurance (HI) and Withdrawal (WD)
0200206025Withdrawal (WD) Involving Railroad Board (RRB) Benefits and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits
0200206055Conditional Withdrawals (WDs)
0200206105Withdrawal (WD) Request after a Claim is Disallowed
0200206120Withdrawal (WD) of Title II Disability Claim Filed in the Field Office (FO)
0200206145Notice of Withdrawal (WD) and Appeal Rights
0200210000Same-Sex Marriage Claims - Table of Contents
0200210001Introduction to Same-Sex Marriage Claims
0200210002Determining Marital Status (Marriages and Non-Marital Legal Relationships) for Title II and Medicare Benefits
0200210003Dates States and U.S. Territories Permitted Same-Sex Marriages
0200210004Same-Sex Relationships - Non-Marital Legal Relationships
0200210005Processing Cases Involving Same-Sex Marriages and Non-Marital Legal Relationships that were Previously on Hold
0200210006Same-Sex Marriages and Non-Marital Legal Relationships Established in Foreign Jurisdictions
0200210010Interviewing and Handling Inquiries for Individuals with Claims Involving Same-Sex Relationships
0200210030Same-Sex Marital Relationships - Reopening Title II and Title XVI Determinations and Decisions
0200210100Same-Sex Relationships &ndash; Spouse&rsquo;s Benefits
0200210420Same-Sex Relationships - Mother&rsquo;s and Father&rsquo;s Benefits
0200210505Same-Sex Relationships &ndash; Child&rsquo;s Benefits Based on a Stepchild Relationship
0200210600Same-Sex Relationships - Lump Sum Death Payment (LSDP) Claims
0200210700Same-Sex Marriage - Eligibility for Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SEP)
0200210701Same-Sex Marriage - Premium Surcharge Rollback
0200210800Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Same-Sex Marriages and Same-Sex Couples
0200211000Providing Standard and Non-Standard Accommodations to Members of the Public - Table of Contents
0200211001Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Standard and Non-Standard Accommodations
0200300000Evidence - Table of Contents
0200301000General Evidentiary Standards - Table of Contents
0200301001General Evidentiary Standards &mdash; Introduction
0200301010What is Evidence
0200301015Acceptance of Evidence
0200301025Custodian of Records
0200301030Acceptability of Documentary Evidence
0200301031Validity of Telefax Documents
0200301035Proofs from Other Government or State Agencies
0200301035BOSSSA Access to State Records Online (SASRO) - Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) - (TN 2-91 &mdash; 10/2003)
0200301037BOSAccessing State Records Online &mdash; Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance Connect (DTA Connect)
0200301040Resolving Conflicts in Evidence
0200301040BOSSSA Access to State Records Online (SASRO) &ndash; Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) &ndash; (TN 2-98 &ndash; 02/2006)
0200301045Validity of Documents
0200301055Evidence in SSA's Possession
0200301060Emergency Evidentiary Procedures
0200301065Acceptance of Puerto Rico Birth Certificates
0200301080Certification by Custodian of the Record
0200301085What Forms an Adjudicator's Opinion
0200301090Personnel Authorized to Certify Documents and Records
0200301095Social Security Administration Certification of Photocopies
0200301100Certifying Photocopies of Evidence Already in SSA's Possession
0200301105Certification of Evidence for Totalization Claims
0200301110Acceptance of Evidence Submitted at Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearings
0200301115Forms Used for Certification of Contents of Documents or Public Records
0200301125DENForeign Document Identification Guide
0200301140Determining What Evidence SSA Requires
0200301150Evidence of Mail Development
0200301155Telephone Contacts to Develop Evidence
0200301180Identifying Claimants Who May Need Assistance
0200301185Helping Claimants Obtain Evidence
0200301190Helping Claimants Obtain Foreign Evidence
0200301195Preparing Request for Documents
0200301200Enlisting the Help of Others
0200301205Requesting Help from Other Field Offices (FOs)
0200301210SSA Purchase of Evidence
0200301215Payment for SSA Purchase of Evidence
0200301220Recording Efforts to Help Claimants
0200301225Follow up and Final Request Precautions
0200301230Help in Obtaining Medical Evidence
0200301235Exhibits &mdash; Foreign-Language Versions of Requests for Documents
0200301260Annotating or Altering Documents or Writings
0200301265Safeguarding claimant's documents
0200301275Retention or Return of Documents
0200301280Photocopying process
0200301285Statements and other documentation
0200301286Electronic Evidence Documentation and Retention
0200301287How Evidence is Recorded on EVID and Report of Contact page in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) in PE Situations
0200301288What Information is Needed on EVID and the Report of Contact page in the Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE) in PE Situations to Identify the Type of Evidence Submitted
0200301289Evidentiary Documentation Considerations
0200301290Material Essential to Claims Folder Documentation
0200301292Use of regional instructions
0200301295Nonessential Material to be Omitted from Title II and Title XVI Claims Folders
0200301300Examples of Completed Evidence Screens
0200301305Statement(s) or Opinions of Claimant(s) or Other Person(s)
0200301313The Inter-Relationship of the Non-Disability Repository for Evidentiary Documents (NDRed) Application as it Relates to the Non Disability Repository (NDR) and the Claims File User Interface (CFUI)
0200301316The Purpose of Non Disability Repository
0200301319The Purpose of Non Disability Repository Application (NDRed)
0200301322Retention of Paper Material After Faxing into Either the eDIB Folder or Claims Folder using NDRed
0200301325Business Process
0200301328Related Business Process Information
0200301330Overview of Translation Process
0200301335Responsibilities and Duties of Translators
0200301340Authorized Translators
0200301345Authorization of SSA Translators
0200301345BOSAuthorization of SSA Translators (TN 2-94 &ndash; 09/2004)
0200301350Authorizing Non SSA Translators
0200301350BOSNon-SSA Translator Services
0200301351Purchase of Non-SSA Translation Services
0200301355Translation and Priority Workload Unit (TPWU)
0200301360Retention of Foreign Language Documents
0200301365Transmittal of Foreign-Language Documents for Translation
0200301370Documents Not Requiring Referral to an Authorized Translator
0200301390Procedure to be Followed by SSA Translators
0200301391Procedure to be Followed by an SSA Translator Adjudicating a Claim
0200301395Verbatim translations
0200301400Extract Translations
0200301405Translation of Business Receipts and Other Records
0200301410Translations - Identifying Alterations or Corrections
0200301415Translations of Delayed Registration and Reconstructed Records
0200301420Translations of Legalized or Notarized Copies and Other Copies
0200301425Translator's Notes
0200301430Items Included in the Translation of Most Documents
0200301435Translating Documents Submitted as Proof of Age and Relationship
0200301440Translating Documents Submitted as Evidence of Death
0200301445Translating Types of Evidence
0200302000Proof of Age - Table of Contents
0200302001Situations Where Age Must be Immediately Developed
0200302003Postadjudicative Development of Age &mdash; Advance Determinations
0200302005When a Deceased WE's Age Must be Established
0200302007When Age Must be Established for a Disallowed Claimant
0200302010Evidence of Established Age in SSA Records
0200302011DB Proof Code to Use in Current Claim
0200302020What Evidence of Age to Request
0200302040Evidence Required for Claimants Age 73 or Older
0200302050Evidence Required for Claimants Under Age 73
0200302052Preferred Evidence of Age
0200302054Public Record of Birth
0200302054DENColorado Hospital Birth Records Guide
0200302056Religious Record of Age
0200302057How to Determine Whether Preferred Evidence of Age is Available
0200302058Table of Current Availability of Domestic Public Birth Records for Persons Age 59 and Older at the Time of Filing
0200302070How to Complete Form SSA-L706 (Letter to Custodian of Birth Records)
0200302100Developing Evidence of Age When There is No Preferred Evidence
0200302100DALDeveloping Evidence of Age When There Is No Preferred Evidence
0200302110Automatically Convincing Evidence of Age if No Material Discrepancy in File
0200302115First Priority Automatically Convincing Evidence of Age
0200302118Second Priority Automatically Convincing Evidence of Age
0200302120Corroborating Evidence of DB in SSA Records Where No Numident Record Exists
0200302125Combination of Documents Which Eliminate the Need for Further Development &mdash; Age
0200302160Material Discrepancy &mdash; Age
0200302165Guides for Evaluating Evidence of Age
0200302170How to Resolve Material DB Discrepancies
0200302180Exceptions to Material Discrepancy Development
0200302190Claimant Submits Best Evidence or No Numident or Other SSA Record Exists
0200302220Range of Years Searched by BVS Custodians
0200302240Non-Material Discrepancy &mdash; Age
0200302290Proof of Age Requirements for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
0200302300Developing Evidence of Age for Refugees
0200302325Establishing the DB for Holocaust Survivors &mdash; General
0200302327Definition of Holocaust Survivor
0200302330Developing Evidence of Age for Holocaust Survivors
0200302335Evidence of Holocaust Survivor Status
0200302336Evidence of Survivor Status - Residence in Certain Countries
0200302337Evidence of Survivor Status - Survivor Organizations
0200302338Evidence of Survivor Status - Information From West German Diplomatic Office
0200302340Evidence of Survivor Status - Foreign Sources
0200302350Foreign Record Requested by a U.S. Resident
0200302360Requesting BCs from <Quote>No</Quote> Countries
0200302363Exhibit - Form SSA-2111-U3-FC (Special Assistance Request)
0200302370Developing Evidence of Age of Eligible Worker When Uninsured Spouse Applies for HI
0200302380Development Required When Uninsured Spouse of Worker Previously Applied for HI on the Worker's Record
0200302400Point at Which a Particular Age is Attained
0200302405When a Written DB Determination is Required
0200302410When a Written DB Determination is Not Required
0200302420Content of DB Determination
0200302430The SSA-2038-F3 (Date of Birth Determination)
0200302440Overturning Preferred Evidence Documents
0200302458Name Discrepancies
0200302460Discrepancy in Claimant's Name &mdash; Minor Differences
0200302470Discrepancy in Claimant's Name &mdash; Major Differences
0200302480Missing Element in DB Found Only in SSA Records
0200302485Evidence Establishes Only Age
0200302500Public Record of Birth
0200302500DALDAL &mdash; Public Record Of Birth
0200302500KCPublic Record of Birth (TN 1- 04/2003)
0200302505Recordation Date Tolerance for Public Records of Birth
0200302510Corrected Birth Certificates (BC)
0200302510DENIndian Census Records in South Dakota
0200302515Notification of Birth Registration
0200302520BCs Issued as a Result of Adoption Proceedings
0200302525Religious Record of Birth or Baptism
0200302530Hospital Birth Records
0200302530BOSReliability Of Hospital Birth Records
0200302530DALDAL &mdash; Hospital Birth Records
0200302535Registration of Births of U.S. Citizens Born Abroad
0200302540Delayed Birth Certificates
0200302545Parents' Affidavits
0200302550Physician's or Midwife's Birth Record
0200302560Family Bible or Other Family Record
0200302565School Records
0200302565DALDAL &mdash; School Records
0200302570Marriage Records
0200302575Insurance Policies (Life, Health, Accident, Burial, etc.)
0200302580Military Records
0200302580DALDAL &mdash; Military Records
0200302585Statements of Other Persons
0200302590Federal Civilian Personnel Records
0200302595Emergency Relief Agency (ERA) Records
0200302600Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Records
0200302610Newspaper Records
0200302620State Census Records
0200302620BOSState Census Records - Rhode Island
0200302630Navajo Indian Tribal Census Rolls
0200302640Seneca Indian Tribal Census Rolls
0200302650National Archives Indian Records
0200302700U.S. Census Records - Where Census Taken
0200302710Age Information in Census Records
0200302720Evaluation of Census Records - General
0200302730Evaluation of the 1910, 1920, and 1930 Census Record
0200302740SSA Payment for Census Records
0200302760Completing Requests for Census Search
0200302770Request for Expedited Census Search
0200302780Request for Search Being Made on Behalf of Incompetent Claimant
0200302790Request for Search of Deceased Person's Record
0200302800Followup on Census Record Requests
0200302810Service Provided by Bureau of the Census
0200302820Interim Correspondence from Bureau of the Census
0200302830Limitation on Number of Census Records
0200302900Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Records
0200302910Sources of Immigration and Naturalization Records
0200302920Claimant is an Alien Who Arrived Before 7/1/24 &mdash; Sources of Immigration and Alien Registration Records
0200302930Claimant is an Alien Who Arrived After 6/30/1924 &mdash; Sources of Immigration and Alien Registration Records
0200302940Claimant is a Naturalized Citizen &mdash; Sources of Immigration, Alien Registration, and Naturalization Records
0200302950Obtaining Evidence From the DHS
0200302960Use of Forms I-151 and I-551 as Proof of Age
0200302970Chinese <Quote>Confession</Quote> Cases
0200302975Hebrew Immigration Aid Society (HIAS) Records
0200302980Electronic Verification of Vital Events - Age
0200303001Requirement of United States (U.S.) Citizenship or Appropriate Alien Status
0200303100United States (U.S.) Citizenship
0200303120Who Is a U.S. Citizen
0200303200Loss of United States (U.S.) Citizenship or Nationality
0200303400Authorized Alien Status
0200303420Who is an Alien Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence (LAPR)
0200303440Determining LAPR Status
0200303450Alien is Lawfully Admitted But Not for Permanent Residence
0200303600Contacting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
0200303700United States (U.S.) Residency
0200303720Who Is a U.S. Resident
0200303740Establishing U.S. Residency
0200303800Eligibility Under the HI/SMI Program for Uninsured Individuals
0200304000Proof of Death - Table of Contents
0200304001Proof of Death Requirements
0200304005Preferred Evidence of Death
0200304005KCEvidence of Death (RTN 01 &ndash; 3/2011)
0200304010Kinds of Evidence of Presumptive Findings of Death
0200304015Secondary Evidence of Death
0200304025Circumstantial Evidence of Death
0200304050Presumption of Death of a Missing Person
0200304060Forfeiture of Entitlement Homicide of the Worker
0200304065Classification of Homicide
0200304065DALClassification of Homicide (RTN 04)
0200304070Homicide by Child
0200304075Determining if Homicide is an Issue
0200304075DALDetermining If Homicide Is an Issue
0200304080Payment of Benefits if Homicide is an Issue
0200304085Payee Convicted of Intentional Homicide
0200304090Form Letter SSA-L4159 for Law Enforcement Authority
0200304100Use of Numident Death Data
0200304110Adding Funeral Director Reports of Death to the Numident
0200304115Language Exhibits for Erroneous Death Cases
0200305000Proof of Marital Relationship - Table of Contents
0200305001Determining Family Status
0200305005Determining Marital Status
0200305010Void Underage Marriages
0200305015Bigamous Marriages in West Virginia
0200305020Preferred Proof of Ceremonial Marriage
0200305025Secondary Proof of Ceremonial Marriage
0200305030Presumption of Ceremonial Marriage
0200305030ATLPresumption Of Validity Of The Last Marriage (PVLM)
0200305035Presumption of Validity of Last Marriage -- General
0200305040Development - Presumption of Validity of Last Marriage
0200305045Validity of Last Marriage Where Prior Marriage Subsequently Terminated by Divorce
0200305050More Than One Person Claiming to be Worker's Surviving Spouse
0200305055Deemed Marriages
0200305060Common-Law Marriage -- General
0200305065Development of Common-Law (Non-Ceremonial) Marriages
0200305070Void Ceremonial Marriages - Removal of Impediment
0200305075State Laws on Validity of Common-Law Non-Ceremonial Marriages
0200305076Applying State Law Time Limits to Common-Law (Non-Ceremonial) Marriages
0200305080Navajo Tribal Common-Law Marriages
0200305085Putative Marriage
0200305086Surviving Spouse Under Oregon Intestacy Law
0200305090Indian Tribal or Custom Marriage
0200305100Marital Relationship Duration
0200305105Accidental Death
0200305110Death in the Uniformed Services -- Marital Relationship
0200305115NH Unable to Divorce Institutionalized Prior Spouse
0200305120How Marriage Terminates
0200305125Void Marriages
0200305130Voidable Marriages
0200305135When Annulment Permits Initial Entitlement or Reentitlement
0200305140Proof of Marriage Termination - General
0200305145Divorce and Remarriage - General
0200305150Restriction on Remarriage
0200305155The Uniform Marriage Evasion Act
0200305160How to Use the Summary of State Laws on Divorce and Remarriage
0200305165Summaries of State Laws on Divorce and Remarriage
0200305170Determining Validity of a Divorce
0200305175Estoppel - General
0200305175ATLThe Principle Of Estoppel
0200305180State Law Application of Estoppel
0200306000Child Relationship and Dependency - Table of Contents
0200306001Definitions of Terms Used in Determining Parent-Child Relationship for Title II Benefits
0200306002Parent-Child Relationship Categories for Title II Benefits - Overview
0200306007Child Dependency Requirements for Life Cases
0200306008Child Dependency Requirements for Death Cases
0200306009Dependency Point Chart
0200306010Use of State Intestacy Laws to Make a Parent-Child Relationship Determination - Overview
0200306011Presumption of Title II Parent-Child Relationship Under State Intestacy Law - Overview
0200306012Presumption of Title II Parent-Child Relationship Under State Intestacy Law - Child and Birth Mother
0200306013Presumption of Title II Parent-Child Relationship Under State Intestacy Law - Child and Birth Mother's Spouse
0200306014Use of State Intestacy Laws to Develop Title II Parent-Child Relationship
0200306015Use of a State Court Judgment or Order to Establish a Parent-Child Relationship Under State Intestacy Law
0200306020Presumption of Legitimacy
0200306021Rebuttal of Presumption of Legitimacy
0200306025Lord Mansfield Rule
0200306026State Laws on Applicability of Lord Mansfield Rule
0200306030Child Born of Voidable Marriage
0200306035Child Born of Void Marriage
0200306040States with True Void Marriage Statutes
0200306045States in Which Child of Marriage Declared Void by Judicial Decree Is or May Be Decreed Legitimate
0200306055Illegitimate Child with Inheritance Rights
0200306065Evidentiary Standards Under State Intestacy Laws
0200306085Effective Date of Legitimation Under State Law
0200306090Title II Child's Benefits Based on an Invalid Ceremonial Marriage
0200306100Overview of Section 216(h)(3) &ndash; Federal Standard for a Parent-Child Relationship for Title II Child's Benefits
0200306100KCEntitlement Requirements - Section 216(h)(3) Child
0200306105Section 216(h)(3) &ndash; Federal Standard for a Parent-Child Relationship Based on Written Acknowledgment
0200306110Section 216(h)(3) &ndash; Federal Standard for a Parent-Child Relationship Based on Court Decree or Court Order for Support
0200306120Section 216(h)(3) - Using Information From Child's Birth Certificate (BC) as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order
0200306120ATLUsing Information from Child's Birth Certificate as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order
0200306120BOSUsing Information from Child's BC as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order (TN 2-99 -- 09/2006)
0200306120DALUsing Information from Child's BC as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order (TN 6 -- 10/2004)
0200306120DENUsing Information from Child's BC as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order
0200306120KCUsing Information from Child's BC as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order
0200306120PHIUsing Information from Child's BC as Written Acknowledgment or Proof of Court Order
0200306125Section 216(h)(3) &ndash; Federal Standard for a Parent-Child Relationship Based on Other Satisfactory Evidence and Living With or Support
0200306135Relationship Requirements - Legally Adopted Child
0200306136Dependency Requirements for Child Adopted Prior to Entitlement or Death
0200306137Dependency Requirements for Child Adopted After NH's Entitlement (Benefits for 1/90 or Later)
0200306138Dependency Requirements for Child Adopted After NH's Entitlement (Benefits Prior to 1/90)
0200306145Child Legally Adopted by NH's Surviving Spouse (Benefits for 1/91 or Later)
0200306146Child Legally Adopted by NH's Surviving Spouse (Benefits Prior to 1/91)
0200306150Advice About Adoption
0200306155Evidence of Legal Adoption
0200306160Effective Date of Adoption Decrees Under State Laws
0200306160DALBaptismal Certificates from Santa Fe Archdiocese
0200306165Entitlement Requirements - Child Adopted by Someone Other Than NH
0200306166Use of State Law List on Retention of Inheritance Rights
0200306170State Laws on the Right of Adopted Child to Inherit From Natural Parent
0200306175Equitable Adoption - General
0200306180Contract to Adopt
0200306185Consideration for Promise to Adopt
0200306190Promise to Give Child Inheritance Rights
0200306200Surrender of Child - Equitable Adoption
0200306205Performance by Child - Equitable Adoption
0200306210Time Requirement for Legal Adoption
0200306215Adoption by Estoppel
0200306220Developing Equitable Adoption
0200306225State Laws on Equitable Adoption
0200306230Stepchild Relationship Requirements
0200306232Dependency Requirements - Stepchild
0200306235Entitlement Requirements - Benefits Based on E/R of Grandparent
0200306240Determining Relationship of Grandchild to Parent
0200306245Determining Relationship of NH or Spouse to Grandchild's Parent
0200306250Proof of Death/Disability of Natural or Adopting Parents
0200306255Adoption by NH's Surviving Spouse -Parent Not Living With and Contributing
0200306270Acquiescence Rulings for Title II Child&rsquo;s Benefits
0200306280Support Requirement for 216(h)(3)(C)(ii) Child (Survivor Cases) &ndash; <Italic>McNeal/Jones/Boyland</Italic> Acquiescence Rulings for Title II Child&rsquo;s Benefits
0200306285Support Requirement Under 216(h)(3)(C)(ii) for Posthumous Child &ndash; <Italic>Adams/Parsons/Doran/Wolfe</Italic> Acquiescence Rulings for Title II Child&rsquo;s Benefits
0200306290Definition of Number Holder&rsquo;s Stepchild &ndash; <Italic>Hutcheson v. Califano</Italic> Acquiescence Ruling for Title II Child&rsquo;s Benefits
0200306300Child Relationship Statement &ndash; Form SSA-2519
0200306305Determining Status as Number Holder's Child: When to Request a Legal Opinion
0200306310Challenges to a Parent-Child Relationship Determination
0200306315Disallowing a Title II Child Claim Based on Failure to Establish Relationship
0200306400Use of State Law Digest
0200306405Alabama Intestacy Laws
0200306410Alaska Intestacy Laws
0200306415American Samoa Intestacy Laws
0200306420Arizona Intestacy Laws
0200306425Arkansas Intestacy Laws
0200306430California Intestacy Laws
0200306435Colorado Intestacy Laws
0200306440Connecticut Intestacy Laws
0200306445Delaware Intestacy Laws
0200306450District of Columbia Intestacy Laws
0200306455Florida Intestacy Laws
0200306460Georgia Intestacy Laws
0200306465Guam Intestacy Laws
0200306470Hawaii Intestacy Laws
0200306475Idaho Intestacy Laws
0200306480Illinois Intestacy Laws
0200306485Indiana Intestacy Laws
0200306490Iowa Intestacy Laws
0200306495Kansas Intestacy Laws
0200306500Kentucky Intestacy Laws
0200306505Louisiana Intestacy Laws
0200306510Maine Intestacy Laws
0200306515Maryland Intestacy Laws
0200306520Massachusetts Intestacy Laws
0200306525Michigan Intestacy Laws
0200306530Minnesota Intestacy Laws
0200306535Mississippi Intestacy Laws
0200306540Missouri Intestacy Laws
0200306545Montana Intestacy Laws
0200306550Nebraska Intestacy Laws
0200306555Nevada Intestacy Laws
0200306560New Hampshire Intestacy Laws
0200306565New Jersey Intestacy Laws
0200306570New Mexico Intestacy Law
0200306575New York Intestacy Law
0200306580North Carolina Intestacy Laws
0200306585North Dakota Intestacy Laws
0200306590Northern Mariana Islands Intestacy Laws
0200306595Ohio Intestacy Laws
0200306600Oklahoma Intestacy Laws
0200306605Oregon Intestacy Laws
0200306610Pennsylvania Intestacy Laws
0200306615Puerto Rico Intestacy Laws
0200306620Rhode Island Intestacy Laws
0200306625South Carolina Intestacy Laws
0200306630South Dakota Intestacy Laws
0200306635Tennessee Intestacy Laws
0200306640Texas Intestacy Laws
0200306645Utah Intestacy Laws
0200306650Vermont Intestacy Laws
0200306655Virgin Islands Intestacy Laws
0200306660Virginia Intestacy Laws
0200306665Washington Intestacy Laws
0200306670West Virginia Intestacy Laws
0200306675Wisconsin Intestacy Laws
0200306680Wyoming Intestacy Laws
0200307000Foreign Evidence - Table of Contents
0200307001Foreign Records and Documents
0200307005Role of FSPs - Process
0200307015Office of International Operations (OIO) Translation Requests
0200307101Name Discrepancies Involving Foreign Evidence
0200307175Calendar Conversions and Variations in Writing Dates
0200307180Gregorian/Julian Calendar
0200307185Calendar Month Translations - Exhibit
0200307185BOSCalendar Month Translations &mdash; Portuguese
0200307290Evidence of Foreign Pensions and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
0200307292Use of Form SSA-308 Modified Benefit Formula Questionnaire &mdash; Foreign Pension
0200307294SSA-308 Modified Benefit Formula Questionnaire&mdash;Foreign Pension-Exhibit
0200308000Sources and Fees for State and Local Vital Statistics Records - Table of Contents
0200308001Listing of Sources and Fees for Birth, Death, Divorce and Marriage Records
0200308006Alabama Vital Records
0200308008Alaska Vital Records
0200308009Arizona Vital Records
0200308010Arkansas Vital Records
0200308012California Vital Records
0200308014Colorado Vital Records
0200308016Connecticut Vital Records
0200308018Delaware Vital Records
0200308020Florida Vital Records
0200308022Georgia Vital Records
0200308024Hawaii Vital Records
0200308026Idaho Vital Records
0200308028Illinois Vital Records
0200308030Indiana Vital Records
0200308032Iowa Vital Records
0200308034Kansas Vital Records
0200308036Kentucky Vital Records
0200308038Louisiana Vital Records
0200308040Maine Vital Records
0200308042Maryland Vital Records
0200308044Massachusetts Vital Records
0200308046Michigan Vital Records
0200308048Minnesota Vital Records
0200308050Mississippi Vital Records
0200308052Missouri Vital Records
0200308054Montana Vital Records
0200308056Nebraska Vital Records
0200308058Nevada Vital Records
0200308059New Hampshire Vital Records
0200308060New Jersey Vital Records
0200308061New Mexico Vital Records
0200308062New York Vital Records
0200308064North Carolina Vital Records
0200308066North Dakota Vital Records
0200308068Ohio Vital Records
0200308069Oklahoma Vital Records
0200308070Oregon Vital Records
0200308072Pennsylvania (PA) Vital Records
0200308076Rhode Island Vital Records
0200308078South Carolina Vital Records
0200308080South Dakota Vital Records
0200308082Tennessee Vital Records
0200308084Texas Vital Records
0200308086Utah Vital Records
0200308088Vermont Vital Records
0200308090Virginia Vital Records
0200308092Washington Vital Records
0200308094West Virginia Vital Records
0200308096Wisconsin Vital Records
0200308098Wyoming Vital Records
0200308200American Samoa Vital Records
0200308205District of Columbia Vital Records
0200308210Guam Vital Records
0200308215Northern Mariana Islands Vital Records
0200308220Puerto Rico Vital Records
0200308225The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Vital Records
0200308230The Virgin Islands of the U.S. Vital Records
0200308235U.S. Citizens Born Abroad (With U.S. Citizenship at Birth) Vital Records
0200308240Passport File Request (DS-1173) Department of State
0200312000Sources of Vital Statistics Records outside the U.S. - Table of Contents
0200312001Sources of Vital Statistics Records in Foreign Countries
0200312010Algeria - Vital Statistics Records
0200312012Andorra &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312016Anguilla &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312018Antigua and Barbuda &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312020Argentina &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312022Armenia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312024Aruba &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312026Australia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312028Austria &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312032Bahamas &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312038Barbados &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312040Barbuda &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312044Belgium &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312046Belize &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312048Benin - Vital Statistics Records
0200312050Bermuda &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312052Bolivia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312054Bosnia-Herzegovina &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312058Brazil &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312060Britain &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312062British Virgin Islands &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312066Bulgaria &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312072Burundi &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312076Cameroon &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312078Canada &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312080Cabo Verde &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312082Cayman Islands &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312084Central African Republic &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312088Chile &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312092Colombia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312098Democratic Republic of the Congo &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312100Costa Rica &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312104Croatia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312106Cuba &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312107Cura&ccedil;ao &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312108Cyprus &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312110Czech Republic &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312112Czechoslovakia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312114Denmark &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312116Dominica &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312120Dominican Republic &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312122Ecuador &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312126El Salvador&ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312128England &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312134Estonia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312138Fiji &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312140Finland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312142France &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312144Gabon &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312146Gambia, The &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312150Germany &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312152Ghana &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312154Gibralter &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312156Great Britain &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312158Greece &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312160Greenland - Vital Statistics Records
0200312162Grenada - Vital Statistics Records
0200312164Grenadines - Vital Statistics Records
0200312166Guadeloupe - Vital Statistics Records
0200312168Guatemala - Vital Statistics Records
0200312170Guinea - Vital Statistics Records
0200312172Guinea-Bissau - Vital Statistics Records
0200312174Guyana - Vital Statistics Records
0200312176Haiti &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312178Honduras &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312182Hungary &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312184Iceland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312194Ireland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312196Israel &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312198Italy &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312200Jamaica &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312202Japan &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312204Jordan &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312210Kirabati &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312220Latvia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312224Lesotho &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312230Liechtenstein &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312232Lithuania &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312234Luxembourg &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312236Macao &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312238Macedonia - Vital Statistics Records
0200312240Madagascar &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312242Malawi &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312248Malta &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312252Martinique &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312254Mauritania &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312258Mexico &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312264Monaco &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312268Monserrat &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312272Mozambique &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312274Namibia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312280Netherlands &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312282Caribbean Netherlands &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312284New Caledonia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312286New Zealand &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312288Nicaragua &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312290Niger &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312292Nigeria &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312294Northern Ireland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312298Norway &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312308Panama &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312310Panama Canal Zone &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312314Paraguay &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312316Peru &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312318Philippines &ndash; Civil Registry Documents
0200312320Pitcairn Islands &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312322Poland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312324Portugal &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312328Romania &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312332Rwanda &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312334St. Kitts and Nevis &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312336St. Lucia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312337St. Maarten &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312338St. Pierre and Miquelon &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312340St. Vincent and the Grenadines &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312342Samoa &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312344San Marino &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312346Sao Tome and Principe &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312350Scotland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312352Senegal &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312354Serbia and Montenegro &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312356Seychelles &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312360Singapore &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312362Slovakia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312364Slovenia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312370South Africa &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312372Spain &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312374Sri Lanka &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312378Suriname &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312382Sweden &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312384Switzerland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312398Tonga &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312400Trinidad and Tobago &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312402Tunisia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312404Turkey &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312418United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312420Uruguay &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312426Venezuela &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312430Wales &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312432Western Samoa &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312436Yugoslavia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312438Zambia &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312440Zimbabwe &ndash; Vital Statistics Records
0200312450Department of State Vital Statistics Records of Events Registered Abroad by U.S. Citizens
0200401005Disaster Assistance and Referrals to Other Agencies
0200401010Media Notification of a Disaster
0200401015Disaster Response Reports
0200401020Facility Closures Due to Disasters
0200401025Office Recovery Procedures by Role
0200401030Recovery and Restoration of Damaged or Destroyed Documents
0200410001Processing Claims Affected by a Disaster &ndash; General Information
0200410005SSNs for Individuals Affected by Disaster
0200410010Application and Evidence Procedures in Disasters
0200500000Selection of Representative Payee - Table of Contents
0200501000Representative Payee - General - Table of Contents
0200501010Definitions of Common Representative Payment Terms
0200501012Determining the Relationship Between an Applicant or Payee and Beneficiary
0200501013Explanations for Types of Payees
0200501015SSA Operating Components' Responsibilities for Representative Payee Actions
0200502000Determining the Need for, Developing and Selecting a Representative Payee - Table of Contents
0200502001Capability Determination and Representative Payee Payment Overview
0200502020Determining Capability &ndash; Adult Beneficiaries
0200502023Developing Legal Evidence of Capability
0200502030Developing Lay Evidence of Capability
0200502040Developing Medical Evidence of Capability
0200502055Reevaluating a Beneficiary's Capability
0200502057Disability Referrals to the Program Service Center (PSC)
0200502060Making a Capability Determination
0200502065Documenting a Capability Determination
0200502070Determining Capability - Children
0200502075Child Beneficiary Becomes Entitled Based on Disability
0200502085Advance Designation of Representative Payee
0200502100How to Find Payee Leads
0200502105Preferred Representative Payee Order of Selection Charts
0200502107The Representative Payee Application
0200502110Taking Applications in the eRPS
0200502112Identifiers for the eRPS
0200502113Interviewing the Payee Applicant
0200502114Representative Payee Responsibilities and Duties
0200502115The SSA-11-BK, Request to be Selected As Payee
0200502117Verifying Information Provided by a Payee or Payee Applicant
0200502118Verifying and Updating EINs for Organizational Payees
0200502120Role of the Representative Payee System (eRPS) in Investigating Payee Applicants
0200502130Factors to Consider in Evaluating Payee Applicants
0200502132Selecting a Qualified Representative Payee
0200502133Payee Applicant is a Felon or Fugitive or Has Been Convicted of Other Criminal Act
0200502134Payee Applicant Has Poor Past Performance
0200502135Representative Payee Applicant is a Creditor
0200502137DDS Notification of Allegations That Could Cast Doubt on Payee Suitability
0200502138Evidence of Neglect or Abuse Discovered During Initial Interview or Payee Investigation
0200502139Additional Development/Considerations When Guardian Involved
0200502157Processing Data in the Electronic Representative Payee System for Beneficiaries in Foster Care
0200502159Additional Considerations When Foster Care Agency is Involved
0200502159NYChoosing a Representative Payee &ndash; State of New York Department of Mental Health
0200502160Additional Development/Considerations When an Institution is Involved
0200502164Payee Applicant for a Child is Also a Minor
0200502181Other Contacts to Evaluate Payee Applicant's Suitability
0200502183Making a Payee Appointment Determination
0200502183BOSChoosing A Representative Payee &ndash; Maine Department Of Behavioral &amp; Developmental Services
0200502185Documenting Payee Selections/Non-Selections and Post-Entitlement Actions in eRPS
0200502186Payment of Large Retroactive Benefits or Conserved Funds
0200502190Processing Manual Representative Payee (Payee) Selections
0200502300Digest of State Guardianship Laws
0200502301State and Territory Digest of Crimes Barring an Individual from Serving as Payee
0200502302Processing Criminal Background Check Work Issues on Payees
0200503000Payee Notices and Appeal Rights - Table of Contents
0200503100Advance Notice
0200503110Appeal Rights
0200503120Response Received to Advance Notice
0200503130Final Notice
0200503150Notice of Suspension for Representative Payee Development
0200503430Language Describing Legal Basis for the Selection of a Representative Payee
0200504000Suspensions for Payee Development and Other Payee Actions - Table of Contents
0200504100Determining the Need for a Successor Payee
0200504100PHIC Payment of Benefits Pending Investigation Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's DPW Facilities
0200504101Termination of Organizational or Individual Representative Payees Serving Multiple Beneficiaries
0200504102Representative Payees Identified by the Fugitive Felon Match
0200504103Representative Payee Identified by the Prisoner (PUPS) Match
0200504105Direct Payment to Incapable Beneficiaries When Further Payee Development is Needed
0200504110When We May Suspend Benefits
0200504150FO Processing of S8/S08 Alerts
0200504160Required Contacts before Issuing Payments Following a Period of Suspension or Nonpayment
0200504180Reappointment of Representative Payee after Correctly Terminating Benefits
0200504185Follow up on Questionable Representative Payees
0200504200PHIPayment of Benefits Pending Investigation - State of Maryland Onsite Review Facilities
0200504220Adoption of a Child Beneficiary and Representative Payee Actions Needed
0200504240Representative Payee or Name Change for a Group of Beneficiaries
0200504260Representative Payee Requests Waiver of Benefits (Title II)
0200504270Reply to a Show Cause Order Advising the Social Security Administration of Potential Guardian Appointment
0200504270BOSReply to a &ldquo;Show Cause Order&rdquo; Advising SSA of Potential Guardian Appointment (RTS 2-83 &ndash; 5/2003)
0200504300Referrals to State or Local Social Agencies For Payee Assistance
0200504310Referral of Cases with Specific Representative Payee Issues
0200505000Foreign Claims - Representative Payee Procedures Outside the U.S. - Table of Contents
0200505010Representative Payee (RP) Procedures - Foreign Claims
0200505012Payee Requested Because of Physical Disability - Foreign Claims
0200505014Development to Establish Need for Representative Payee in Cases of Physical Disability - Foreign Claims
0200505016Legal Guardian Appointed - Foreign Claims
0200505017Legal Guardian in Germany
0200505018Legal Guardian in Scandinavia
0200505019Statutory Guardian in Canada
0200505020When Accrued Benefits May be Released - Foreign Claims
0200505022Development for Payment of Accrued Benefits for Foreign Claims
0200505024Countries Which Require Special Payee Procedures - General
0200505026Development and Selection of Representative Payees in the Philippines
0200505030Control of Philippine Claims After Release of Accrual
0200505032Special Payee Procedures in Turkey - General
0200505038Public Trustee in Norway
0200505040Change of Payee for Beneficiaries Living Abroad - General
0200505044Claims Development Branch (CDB) Payee Procedures - Foreign Claims
0200505046Module Payee Procedures - Foreign Claims
0200506000Payment for Representative Payee Services - Table of Contents
0200506001Fee-for-Service - Overview
0200506002Definitions &ndash; Fee for Service
0200506010Providing Information to Prospective Organizations and FFS Application Requirements
0200506100Criteria for Receiving Fees for Service
0200506105Bonding and Licensing Guidelines for Non-Governmental Fee for Service (FFS) Organizations
0200506110Reviewing Evidence in a Fee for Service Application
0200506120Making the Determination on Fees for Service
0200506130Fee for Service Notification - Organizations
0200506140Fee for Service Notification - Beneficiaries
0200506150Requests for Review of Fee for Service Decisions
0200506170Establishing Information on Fees for Service Organizations and the Beneficiaries They Serve
0200506200Fee Amounts
0200506210When Fees for Service Can Be Collected
0200506220When Fees for Service Cannot Be Collected
0200506230Funds That Cannot Be Used To Collect a Fee
0200506240Accounting for Fees for Service
0200506300Processing Payee Applications from Organizations Approved To Collect a Fee for Service
0200506400Change in Status of an Authorized Organization
0200506410Change in Beneficiary DAA Status
0200506420Fee-for-Service Certification Process
0200506430State Licensing Digest for the States, Commonwealths, and Territories in the 10 SSA Regions
0200506600Credit Reporting for New Fee-for-Service Applicants
0200602000Use of Benefits - Table of Contents
0200602001Use of Benefits
0200602010Current Maintenance and the Personal Needs Allowance for Institutionalized Beneficiaries
0200602020Using Title II Benefits to Support Other Family Members
0200602030Payment of Beneficiary's Past Due Debts - Claims of Creditors
0200602040Guardianship Fees
0200602050Insurance/Burial Contract Premiums
0200602060Beneficiary Confined to Institution for Criminally Insane
0200602070Group Purchases Beneficiary Resides in an Institution/Nursing Home or Other Group Living Facility
0200602075Transfer of Benefits to a Trust
0200602090Exchange of Information with VA
0200602100Exchange of Information with the Department of Veterans Affairs&mdash;Representative Payee's and Fiduciary's Improper Use or Misuse of Benefits
0200602110Reimbursement for Payee Services
0200602120Attempts to Direct Payee's Use of Benefits
0200602130Improper Use of Benefits
0200602140Permitted Expenditures from Dedicated Accounts
0200602150Misapplication of Funds in a Dedicated Account
0200603000Conservation of Benefits - Table of Contents
0200603001Conservation of Benefits - Basic Policy
0200603010Conserving Benefits in a Savings or Checking Account
0200603015Foreign Bank Account Legends
0200603020Collective Checking and Savings Accounts Managed by Representative Payees
0200603025Dedicated Accounts for Disabled/Blind SSI Recipients Under Age 18
0200603030U.S. Savings Bonds
0200603040Investments Other Than U. S. Savings Bonds
0200603041The Use of Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts by Representative Payees
0200603050Conservation of Title XVI Benefits by Institutional Payees
0200603055Transfer of Conserved Funds
0200603060Transfer of U. S. Savings Bonds
0200603070Payment of Large Amounts of Accumulated or Conserved Benefits &mdash; Title II Only
0200603085Installment Payments of Accumulated or Conserved Funds &mdash; Title II Only
0200603090Large Amount Due Beneficiary Receiving Direct Payment of Benefits While Residing in a Proprietary Nursing Home
0200603100Entitlement Terminated - Notice to be Given About Conserved Benefits
0200603110Handling Conserved Funds When Payee's Whereabouts are Unknown or Upon the Death of the Payee
0200603120Former Payee Is An Institution or Social Agency
0200603130When Former Payee May Administer Conserved Benefits
0200603140Social Security Benefit Funds Commingled with Other Funds Belonging to the Beneficiary
0200605000Representative Payee Accountability - Table of Contents
0200605001Overview of Annual Representative Payee Accounting
0200605005PC and FO Responsibilities For Accounting
0200605010The Representative Payee Accounting Report Forms
0200605015Payees Exempt from the Annual Accounting Requirement
0200605020System Selection and Control, and Mailing of Accounting Forms
0200605025Changing The Month of Selection For Accounting
0200605030Payee Requests FO Help With The Accounting Report
0200605035FO, TSC or PC Provides Replacement Accounting Form
0200605040WBDOC Screening and Imaging Process
0200605045Representative Payee Report Returned as Undeliverable
0200605050PCs and FOs Clear Controls, Input Conserved Funds
0200605055Retaining Completed Representative Payee Reports
0200605060Reviewing the Accounting Reports
0200605061Explanation of Computer Printed Entries on Accounting Reports
0200605065What the Questions and Payee Responses Mean
0200605066How To Evaluate Payee Responses
0200605067How To Evaluate Payee Responses About Use of Benefits
0200605068How To Evaluate Payee Responses About Conserved Funds
0200605069Reviewing The Back of The Report
0200605070Reviewing the SSA-623-OCR-SM (08/2007)
0200605072Reviewing the SSA-6230-OCR-SM (08/2007)
0200605074Reviewing the SSA-6234-OCR-SM (08/2007)
0200605080Combining The Accounting and SSI Redetermination Interviews
0200605090Payee Fails To Complete Annual Accounting Report
0200605100When a Payee Evaluation Report (SSA-624-F5) Is Required
0200605105SSA-624-F5 Face-To-Face Interview
0200605106SSA-624-F5 Evaluation of Payee Performance
0200605200Overview of Monitoring Representative Payees with Dedicated Accounts
0200605205Systems Selection and DI Diary Set
0200605208DI Diary and the Redetermination/Limited Issue Process
0200605215Complete, Mail, and Retain SSA-6233-BK
0200605220What the Questions Mean
0200605221How to Evaluate Payee Responses to Annual Accounting Questions, Relationship, and Signature
0200605222How to Evaluate Payee Response That A Dedicated Account Was Never Established
0200605223How to Evaluate Payee Response About Deposits in Dedicated Account
0200605224How to Evaluate Payee Responses About Use of Dedicated Account Funds
0200605225How to Evaluate Payee Response About Balance in Dedicated Account
0200605230Required Posteligibility (PE) Actions to Update the Supplemental Security Record (SSR)
0200605235Payee Fails to Respond to SSA-6233-BK
0200605240Representative Payee Report of Benefits and Dedicated Account
0200605250Title II Final Accounting Selection Criteria
0200605352Title XVI and Concurrent Final Accounting Selection Criteria
0200605354Title XVI and Concurrent Final Accounting Responsibilities
0200605360Preparation of the Representative Payee Report Form
0200605365Title XVI and Concurrent Return and Review of the Final Accounting Form
0200605370Title XVI and Concurrent Handling of Conserved Funds When a Payee Changes
0200605375Processing Cases When a Final Accounting is Not Required
0200605385Review and Input of Conserved Funds Returned to SSA
0200608000Foreign Claims - Use and Accountability - Table of Contents
0200608010Payee Accountings Outside the United States
0200608020Final Accountings - Foreign Claims
0200608030Accounting Form for Foreign Claims
0200608040Evaluation of the SSA-7161-OCR-SM: Accounting Questions
0200608042Evaluation of SSA 7161-OCR-SM &mdash; Item 7-Custody of the Beneficiary
0200608044Evaluation of SSA 7161-OCR-SM &mdash; Item 8-Conduit Payee Information
0200608046Evaluation of SSA 7161-OCR-SM &mdash; Item 9-Use of Benefits
0200608048Evaluation of SSA 7161-OCR-SM &mdash; Item 10-Manner in Which Funds are Held
0200608050Exhibit, Form SSA-7161 (Report to United States Social Security Administration)
0200900000Miscellaneous FO and OIO Activity - Table of Contents
0200903000Information and Referral Services - Table of Contents
0200903010Introduction to Information and Referral (I &amp; R) Services
0200903050Basic Policy on Information and Referral (I &amp; R) Services
0200903100Types of Referral Services SSA Provides
0200903150Teleservice Center Role for Information and Referral (I&amp;R) Services
0200903200Field Office (FO) Role for Information and Referral (I&amp;R)
0200903300Role of Regional Offices (ROs) for Information and Referral (I&amp;R)
0200903330Resources Needed to Make Proper Referrals
0200903345Updating the File Data With Information and Referral (I&amp;R)
0200903350Information and Referral (I&amp;R) by Other Agencies
0200903355Validating Referral Practices
0200903360Privacy Act Considerations for Information and Referral
0200903400Complaints of Discrimination Against SSA and/or SSA Employees by Members of the Public
0200904000Jurisdiction and Contacts - Table of Contents
0200904010Determining Servicing Office
0200904015Foreign addresses - policy
0200904020Post Office Serviced By Two Or More DOs
0200904025Servicing Office For Military Addresses
0200904026Servicing Office - Representative Payee Involved Initial Claims
0200904028Servicing Office - Representative Payee Involved -Posteligibility
0200904030Determining Resident Office
0200904048Principal Claimant Has Appointed A Representative
0200904050Resident Office - Military Addresses
0200904052Resident Office Guide
0200904056Interoffice Correspondence
0200904058Forwarding Claims Material To New Resident Office
0200904060Forwarding Claims And Related Materials To The New Resident Office - Guide For Development Clerks
0200904062Transferring Foreign Claims
0200904064Handling Claims and Claims Inquiries in Non-Resident Office
0200904066Handling Inquiries in Nonservicing Office - Guide for Development Clerks
0200904070Requesting Lag Wages from Employers in Other Districts
0200904075Requesting Information on When Wages were Earned from Employers in Other Districts
0200904080Requests for DO Assistance - General
0200904082Exceptions to use of Form SSA-562-U3
0200904084FO Contact with Individuals Living Outside FO Service Area
0200904086Request for Assistance, Federal Agencies
0200904088Requests for Contacts with Military Addresses
0200904090Preparation of Form SSA-562-U3
0200904095Preparation of Form SSA-562-U3 - Guide for Development Clerks
0200904097Exhibit - Form SSA-562-U3
0200904100Attachments to Form SSA-562-U3
0200904105Routing, Progress Reports, and Followups on Assistance Requests
0200904110Action Required by Requesting FO- Guide for Development Clerks
0200904120Action required by assisting FO - guide for development clerks
0200904200Department of State (DOS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) Components Involved in Foreign Claims Development
0200904202Functions of the Division of International Operations
0200904204Managing Inquiries from Individuals Abroad
0200904206Division of International Operations Processing of Foreign Claims
0200904215 Responding to Correspondence from Foreign Officials
0200904217Direct mail contact with persons abroad
0200904220Requesting Assistance from the Federal Benefit Unit in Foreign Cases
0200904225FSPs Trained in Claims Taking and Development
0200904230Requesting assistance from FBU personnel abroad
0200904235Use of administrative messages in OIO
0200904240Use of the form SSA-1320-U4 in DIO
0200904245Initial and follow-up diaries
0200904250Furnishing case information to FBUs
0200904300SSI applications for individuals who move to Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin islands
0200905000Techniques Concerning SSA Foreign Operations - Table of Contents
0200905002DIO International Benefits Office (IBO) Jurisdiction
0200905004DIO Claims Authorizer (CA) Jurisdiction
0200905010Diaries on Direct Mail Requests to Claimants or Beneficiaries in Foreign Countries
0200905100FO Contacts with Residents of Canada
0200905110Claims and Evidence from the Cape Verde Islands (CVI)
0200905114Translating Cape Verde Islands Documents
0200905120Claims and Inquiries from Residents of the People's Republic of China
0200905170Inquiries and Applications from Greece
0200905172Documents and Certifications from Athens FBU
0200905174FO Requests for Third-party Contacts in Greece
0200905210Contact with Individuals in Iran
0200905300Development of Claims from Residents of Mexico
0200905302Face-to-Face Claims Development with Residents of Mexico
0200905304Requests for Evidence or Other Information from Sources in Mexico
0200905350Function of the FBU, Manila - Background
0200905352Claims Inquiries and Claims from the Philippines
0200905354Assisting Claimants in the Philippines
0200905356Personal Contact Requirement in the Philippines
0200905360Action on Claims Involving a Claims Helper in Philippines
0200905362Requests for Delayed Payment of Retroactive Benefits - Philippine Claims
0200905364Compilation and Maintenance of the Philippine <Quote>Claims Helper Lists</Quote>
0200905366WW II Military Service of Filipinos
0200905368Notices to Beneficiaries in the Philippines
0200905450Social Security Program in T&uuml;rkiye (formerly Turkey)
0200905452Claims from Residents of T&uuml;rkiye (formerly Turkey)
0200905458Correspondence With and From Beneficiaries or Claimants in Turkey
0200905460Benefit Payments in Turkey
0200905464Claims Helpers in Turkey
0200905600Initial Claims and Inquiries from Persons in Treasury Barred Countries
0200905650U.S. Possessions
0200905675Claims and Inquiries Involving Payment to Countries Formerly Part of the Soviet Union
0201000000Adjudication - Table of Contents
0201010000Adjudicative Policy and Standards - Table of Contents
0201010001Adjudicative Policy and Standards
0201010007Adjudicative Responsibilities
0201010007PHIClaims of Employees and Their Relatives or Friends (TN 6 - 07/2004)
0201010008Field Office (FO) Adjudicative Responsibilities
0201010009Certified and uncertified earning records (e/r)
0201010010Modernized claims system (mcs) earnings computation (ec) screens
0201010011Reviewing the earnings record (E/R) with the number holder (NH) or claimant
0201010015Considering possible entitlement to other benefits
0201010027District Office Final Authorization (DOFA) exclusions
0201010028Processing center (PC) adjudicative responsibilities
0201010030Identifying prior claims filing situations
0201010032Records and Information Available to the Field Office (Fo) for Adjudicative Purposes
0201010035Scope of Review of the Prior Claim
0201010038Using Information On SSA Systems As Acceptable Proof
0201010040Underpayments (U/P) and Overpayments (O/P) on Prior Claims
0201010042Prior uncollected annual earnings test (AET) penalties
0201010050Adjudicating Claims Involving Multiple Entitlement
0201010053Documenting the Adjudicative Decision
0201010100Subsequent Title II Claims and Field Office (FO) Adjudication
0201010110Partial Adjudication
0201010120Common Partial Adjudication Situations
0201010140Delayed Claims
0201010200Claims Processing Methods
0201010205Modernized Claims System (MCS) Earnings Computation (EC) Processing
0201010220Manually Processed Awards
0201010245Processing Concurrent Claims When Dual Entitlement (DE) Does Not Apply
0201010250Special Considerations for Processing Claims in the Field Office (FO)
0201010255Adjudication of Foreign Claims
0201010260Listings, Diaries, and Notices
0201010275Signatures on Adjudicative Forms
0201010285Program Service Center (PSC) Screening
0201010300Handling Unknown Address Claims
0201010310Adverse Actions for Initial Claims
0201010315Relationship of Adverse Actions to Rules of Administrative Finality
0201010320Field Office (FO) Procedures for Handling Adverse Claims
0201010325Processing Center (PC) Procedures for Handling Adverse Claims
0201010330Field Office (FO) Procedures for Handling Adverse Adjustments
0201010335Processing Center (PC) Procedures for Handling Adverse Adjustments
0201010360Special Determinations for Claims Adjudication
0201010365Formal and Informal Determinations
0201010375Payment Center (PC) Responsibilities in Preparing or Reviewing Special Determinations
0201010390Sample Special Determinations - Exhibits
0201010400Claim Denials
0201010410Failure to Submit Essential Evidence
0201010420Abandoned Claim Disallowances
0201010440Disallowance for Lack of Insured Status
0201010480Reopening Erroneous Awards
0201010800Resolving Policy and Legal Issues in Adjudication
0201010805Precedents of Fact
0201010810Legal Precedent Opinions
0201010815Request for Legal Opinion
0201010815CHIRequest for Legal Opinion
0201010815DENRequest for Legal Opinion
0201010815SFRequest for Legal Opinion
0201010820Assistant Regional Commissioner (ARC), Management, Operations and Support (MOS) Action on Request for Legal Opinion
0201010830Instructions for All Components Upon Receipt of the Legal Opinion
0201010835Legal Opinions Adopted as SSA Precedent
0201010850Request for Interpretation of Policy
0201010865Resolution of Policy Interpretation Conflicts
0201020000Use and Completion of the Forms SSA-3601 and SSA-409 - Table of Contents
0201020250Use of form SSA-3601 &mdash; General
0201020255Claims Identification Information
0201020260All FO/PSC Actions Complete
0201020265Action required
0201020270FO information
0201020275Exhibit &mdash; Form SSA-3601
0201020350Use of Form SSA-409 &mdash; General
0201020355Form Completion
0201020360All FO/PSC Actions Complete
0201020365Action Required
0201020370Exhibit&mdash;SSA Form-409
0201030000Adjudicative Procedures for Foreign Claims - Table of Contents
0201030001Awards to Foreign Students and Childhood Disability Beneficiaries Previously Entitled to Child's Benefits
0201030005Awards to Foreign Students Not Previously Entitled to Child's Benefits
0201040000Establishment of Diaries and Listings - Table of Contents
0201040005Establishment of Diaries and Listings
0201040010Diary Codes
0201040100Listing Codes
0201050000Assembly, Jurisdiction and Routing of Claims - Table of Contents
0201050001Scope of subchapter
0201050002General - suffix letters for type of claim
0201050003Show the number holders' (nh) ssn on all claims material
0201050005Claim numbers
0201050007Benefits paid out of the OASI trust fund
0201050009DIB and DIB Auxiliary Paid Out of the Disability Insurance Trust Fund
0201050011Hospital Insurance Entitlement-Deemed Insured/HIB Only
0201050013Supplementary Medical Insurance Only
0201050017Additional Subscripts
0201050021Black lung beneficiary identification codes
0201050023Duplicate applications
0201050027Proof of support without claim
0201050051Who reviews and services claims
0201050055Determining Processing Center Jurisdiction
0201050056Processing Center (PC) Effectuation of Favorable Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) Title II Dual Entitlement Cases
0201050060Priority of Jurisdiction - Two Processing Centers Involved
0201050075Claims Routing Guide
0201050080Jurisdiction Based on Cross- Referrals
0201050085Cross-References in RSI Case Control System
0201050100General - Transfer of Claims Folders
0201050105Transfer from the International Program Service Center
0201050110Transfer From the Office of Disability Operations
0201050120Transfer From a Processing Center
0201050125Multiple Beneficiaries/Split Jurisdiction
0201050135Method of Transfer
0201050150Preparation and Assembly of RSHI Claims Material for Transmittal to the Processing Centers
0201050160Assembly of Earnings Discrepancy for Transmittal to OCRO
0201050165Preparation of Folder for Transmittal of DIB and Freeze Claims
0201050170Preparation of Folder for Transmittal of Childhood Disability Claims
0201050175Preparation of Folder for Transmittal of Disabled Widow or Widower (DWB) Claims
0201050180Preparation of Folder for Transmittal of Parent Determination Claims
0201050185Preparation of Folder for Transmittal of End Stage Renal Disease Claims (ESRD)
0201050190Assembly of Disability Claims Material&mdash;ODO or INTPSC Jurisdiction for Determination of Disability
0201050195Assembly of Material to be Forwarded to DDS
0201050198Assembly of Material Where Claims Folder Received From DDS or ODO
0201050200DO Action on Return of Disability Determination From DDS
0201050205SSI Claim
0201050235Preparing Reports for the File
0201050240Pertinent Material
0201050245Material Not Pertinent
0201050250Disposing of Material When No Application is Filed
0201061000Preparing Amended and Underpayment Awards in Processing Centers and Field Offices - Table of Contents
0201061020How to Process Title II Underpayments
0201070000Intercomponent Communications - Table of Contents
0201070001General DOTEL Information
0201070100Request For Regional Office (RO) Technical Assistance
0201070105How To Access Telephone And Contact Information For ARC, MOS
0201070110How To Access Legal Precedent Information
0201070200Field Office (FO) Use Of DOTEL For Claims Actions
0201070205When The Field Office (FO) Is Not To Make DOTEL Contact
0201070209FO/PC Telephone Numbers/Paperless Fax Numbers
0201070210Placing DOTEL Calls From The Field Office
0201070222Unable To Locate Prior Folder In PC Operations
0201070223Prior Folder Temporarily Transferred To Another Office
0201070224Prior Folder Destroyed
0201070225Prior Folder In Federal Archives And Records Center (FARC)
0201070226No Record Of A Prior Folder On The SSN
0201070228Modes of Requesting Assistance
0201070230Overpayment Telephone (OPTEL)
0201070235When FO To PC OPTEL Procedure Is To Be Used
0201070240Making The OPTEL Referral To The PC
0201070245Processing Center SSN Jurisdiction
0201070300Payment Center (PC) Contact With Public (Direct Contact--DIRCON)
0201070305Use Of Direct Contact (DIRCON)
0201070310DIRCON Signature Requirements
0201070315Direct Contact By Telephone
0201070325Requesting Evidence/Documents
0201070330Claimant Appointed Representatives &ndash; DIRCON
0201070335Debt Management Direct Contact
0201070400Processing Center (PC) Contact With Field Office (FO)
0201070405Telephone Requests From PC
0201070410FO Handling of High Priority Request From PC
0201070415Processing Center Actions Based On FO Replies
0201070420Modes of Requesting Assistance
0201070425Modes Of Responding To Request For Assistance
0201070430Documenting The Request And Reply (PC)
0201070435Documenting The Request And Reply (FO)
0201070440Follow-Up Timeframes
0201070500Processing Center Contact With Other Processing Centers
0201070505When To Use PC To PC Telephone Development
0201070510Placing PC To PC Calls &ndash; Requesting PC
0201070515Receipt of PC to PC calls &ndash; Assisting PC
0201070600Retrieving Information and Documents from Stored Folders
0201070781Field Office (FO) and Workload Support Unit (WSU) Coordination on Claims Processing
0201070782Handling Initial Claim Diaries Established by the Workload Support Units (WSU)
0201070785Area Code and Time Zone Information
0201070800Office Of Central Operations (OCO) &ndash; Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO) Division of Earnings and Business Services (DEBS) - Direct Contact
0201070805OCO Signature Requirements
0201070810Guidelines For Possible Direct Contact Use OEIO DEBS
0201070815Requesting Evidence/Documents
0201070820Direct Contact With A Client, Employer, Or Third Party
0201070825Preparing For DIRCON Call To A Client, Employer Or Third Party
0201070830OEIO DEBS Direct Telephone Contact&mdash;Making the Call
0201070835OEIO DEBS Direct Mail Contact
0201070840How to Associate Evidence When It Is Received
0201070845How To Process Material After Initial Diary Period Matures
0201070850Follow-up Procedure&mdash;No Evidence Or Documents Received
0201070855How To Closeout When No Evidence Or Documents Received
0201085000Retention Periods for Program-Related Documents and Forms - Table of Contents
0201085001Retention Periods for Program-Related Documents and Forms - Introduction
0201085005Document Retention Under the Modernized Systems
0201085010Essential Material Retained For Title II and Title XVI Claims
0201085015Nonessential Material Omitted From Title II and Title XVI Claims
0201085020Retention Disposition Terms - Definitions
0201085025Exhibit - Retention Periods For Program-Related Forms
0201085030Paper Retention Policy for the Paperless Program Service Center (PSC)
0201700000Totalization Benefits - Table of Contents
0201701000Totalization Benefits - General - Table of Contents
0201701005International Social Security (Totalization) Agreements
0201701100Overview of Totalization Benefits
0201701105Applications in Totalization Claims &ndash; General
0201701110Eligibility for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201701115Eligibility Under More Than One Totalization Agreement
0201701120Use of Simplified Method For Determining U.S. Quarters of Coverage (QCs) in Totalization Claims
0201701125Crediting Foreign Coverage in Totalization Claims
0201701130Crediting U.S. Quarters of Coverage (QCs) During the Year the Totalization Agreement Becomes Effective
0201701135Totalization Benefits Payable by the United States
0201701140Entitlement to Hospital Insurance (HI) in Totalization Claims
0201701145Entitlement to Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) in Totalization Claims
0201701150Alien Nonpayment Exemptions Under Totalization Agreements
0201701155Overpayments Involving Totalization Benefits
0201701200Totalization Computations
0201701205Determining Benchmark Year in Totalization Claims
0201701210Family Maximums &ndash; Only Totalization Benefits Involved
0201701215Family Maximums &ndash; Totalization and Non-Totalization Involved
0201701220Lump-Sum Death Payment (LSDP) in Totalization Claims
0201701225Determining Amount of Monthly Totalization Benefits
0201701230Cost-Of-Living Increases in Totalization Claims
0201701235Savings Clause Maximum in Totalization Claims
0201701240Delayed Retirement Credits in Totalization Claims
0201701245Retirement Insurance Benefit Limitation in Totalization Claims
0201701250Minimum Sole Survivor Benefits in Totalization Claims
0201701255Recomputations in Totalization Claims
0201701300Application of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) in Totalization Benefit Computations &ndash; General
0201701301Foreign Pensions Based on Non-covered Employment &ndash; Totalization Benefits and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) for Months Payable Prior to January 1995
0201701302Windfall Elimination Provisions (WEP) Exceptions Based on Years of Coverage for Totalization Benefits Payable for Months Prior to January 1995
0201701303Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Computations and the Guarantee for Totalization Benefits Payable for Months Prior to January 1995
0201701305Recomputations Involving Totalization and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
0201701306Recomputations Involving Totalization and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) &ndash; Additional Foreign Coverage for Months Prior to January 1995
0201701310Foreign Pensions Based on a Totalization Agreement With the United States &ndash; Effect on the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
0201701315Evidence of Foreign Pensions Based on a Totalization Agreement
0201701320Types of Pensions in Totalization Agreement Countries Not Subject to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
0201702000DO Development and Routing of Totalization Claims - Table of Contents
0201702001SSA&rsquo;s Role in Processing Claims Under Totalization Agreements &mdash; General
0201702005Field Office Role in Processing Claims Filed Under a Totalization Agreement &ndash; General
0201702100When an Application for U.S. Benefits Establishes a Protective Filing for Foreign Benefits
0201702105Required Totalization Application and Who Must File
0201702110Application for Benefits Under a U.S. International Social Security (Totalization) Agreement (Form SSA-2490-BK)
0201702120Summary of Required Application Forms for U.S. Or Foreign Benefits Under a Totalization Agreement
0201702125Retroactive Life of Applications for Foreign Benefits
0201702130Prospective Life of Applications for Foreign Benefits
0201702135Withdrawal of Application for Foreign Benefits
0201702200Totalization Evidence Requirements &mdash; General
0201702205Special Evidence Requirements for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201702210Verification of Eligibility Factors by Foreign Agencies
0201702215Special Evidence Requirements for Claims for Foreign Benefits
0201702220Evidence of Citizenship for Beneficiaries Living Outside the United States
0201702225Evidence of Status as Refugee or Stateless Person
0201702230Evidence of Residence
0201702300Potential Dual Entitlement
0201702305Developing and Processing Claims Under More Than One Totalization Agreement
0201702310Routing of Claims for United States (U.S.) Benefits Involving Totalization
0201702315Processing Totalization Insured-Status Notices in Claims for U.S. Benefits
0201702320Routing of Claims for Foreign Benefits
0201702325Summary of Field Office Development and Processing of U.S. Totalization Claims and Foreign Claims (Regular and Totalization)
0201702400Developing Medical Evidence in Claims for U.S. Totalization Disability Benefits
0201702405Associating Evidence From Prior Disability Folders
0201702410Routing of Claims for U.S. Totalization Disability Benefits
0201702415Development of Medical Evidence and Routing of Claims for Foreign Disability Benefits
0201702420Disability Determination Services (DDS) Processing of Totalization Claims
0201702500Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Foreign Claims
0201702505Representation of Applicants in Totalization Claims
0201702510Disclosure of Information to Totalization Agreement Countries
0201702515Applicability of Annual Earnings Test/Foreign Work Test
0201702520Status Requests and Post-Adjudicative Actions in Totalization Claims
0201702525Totalization Coding
0201703000DIO Processing of Totalization Claims - Table of Contents
0201703001Overview of the Division of International Operations' (DIO) Totalization Responsibilities
0201703050How DIO Responds to Totalization Inquiries
0201703060Claims Leads Based on Liaison Forms from Foreign Agencies
0201703061Processing Claims Leads From Spain When a Signed Statement of Intent to File for Benefits is Received
0201703062Processing Claims Leads When the Foreign Agency Submits a Liaison Form with a Check Block for U.S. Benefits That Is Completed
0201703063Processing Claims Leads When the Foreign Agency Submits a Liaison Form with no Check Block or an Incomplete Check Block
0201703100Crediting Foreign Coverage
0201703110How to Document Insured Status Decisions
0201703120How to Process Amended Foreign Coverage Records
0201703130How to Handle Foreign Coverage Records Received Prior to Receipt of U.S. Claim in DIO
0201703200How to Determine Filing Dates for U.S. Claims
0201703210International Benefits Office (IBO) Processing Instructions for Totalization
0201703220How to Process Alpha Claims Involving Totalization
0201703230Totalization Status Codes (TSC)
0201703240Processing Initial U.S. Claims in OIO Modules
0201703245Adjudicating Claims for U.S. Totalization Benefits After Foreign Coverage Record is Received
0201703246Processing Cases Involving Railroad Coverage
0201703250How to Process Claims From Persons Clearly Ineligible
0201703255Totalization Claims Filed by RSDI Beneficiaries
0201703260How to Process Life-to-Death Conversions
0201703270Processing Cases Where Insured Status is Acquired Based on U.S. Coverage Only
0201703310How to Process Totalization Disallowances
0201703320How to Use the Overprinted SSA-3428-U2 (Determination of Disallowance Coding Sheet)
0201703400How to Maintain Folders Involving Totalization
0201703410Disposition of Totalization Folders
0201703420Processing Misrouted Claims in the Totalization Modules
0201703500Totalization and HI/SMI Entitlement
0201703600Work Test Determinations Under International Agreements
0201703610Disclosure of Information Involving Foreign Agencies
0201703620How to Process Appeal Requests
0201703630Administrative Finality Under International Agreements
0201703700Overview of the Totalization Data Collection Program (TDCP) - Background
0201703710Completion of the e4962, Totalization Data Collection Form, via the Totalization Data Collection Program (TDCP)
0201703720TDCP Error Conditions
0201704000Development Support Examiner (DSE) and Benefit Earnings Technician (BET) Processing Instructions - Table of Contents
0201704005Processing Cases Involving Totalization
0201704010Processing Allegations of Nonreceipt of Foreign Benefits
0201704015Processing Allegations of Nonreceipt of U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201704025Processing Change-of-Address Actions Involving Totalization Agreements With Countries Other than Italy
0201704030Domestic-to-Domestic Change of Address
0201704035Foreign-to-Foreign Change of Address
0201704040Foreign-to-Domestic Change of Address
0201704045Domestic-to-Foreign Change of Address
0201704050Use of a Bank Address by a Beneficiary Receiving Totalization Benefits
0201704100Award and Disallowance Processing
0201704105Claims from New Applicants
0201704110Claims from RSDI Beneficiaries
0201704120Totalization Status Code (TSC)
0201704200Entitlement to Hospital Insurance (HI) Benefits
0201704205Entitlement to Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) Benefits After Entitlement to Totalization Benefits
0201704300Processing Totalization-Related Inquiries
0201704400Benefit Earnings Technician Processing- Background
0201704410Role and Responsibilities of Benefit Earnings Technicians (BETs)
0201704420Totalization Applications and Foreign Forms
0201704425Reviewing Totalization Applications
0201704500Consent Statements
0201704505Military Service (MS)
0201704510Lag Earnings
0201704515School Attendance
0201704520Citizenship, Statelessness, Refugee Status
0201704525Foreign Coverage
0201704530Medical Evidence
0201704540Canadian Residence Evidence
0201704550Obtaining Certifiable Data from MBR
0201704555Obtaining Evidence from District Offices (DOs)
0201704560Obtaining Evidence from Foreign Service Posts (FSPs)
0201704565Obtaining Evidence from Foreign Agencies
0201704570Obtaining Certified U.S. Earnings Records for Foreign Agencies Except Canadian Agencies
0201704571Obtaining Certified U.S. Earnings Records Under the Canadian Agreement
0201704575Obtaining Information Via Direct Contact
0201704580Assigning Correct Type-of-Event (TOE) Codes to Requests for Totalization Development
0201704600Completing Requests for Translation
0201704605Foreign Language Documents Not Requiring Translation
0201704700Benefit Earnings Technician (BET) Processing - General
0201704705Certifying Material for Foreign Agencies Except Canadian Agencies
0201704706Certifying Material for Canadian Agencies
0201704710Transmittal/Request Forms (SSA-2960)
0201704715Liaison Certification Forms (SSA-1279, SSA-1280, and SSA-1281)
0201704716Transmittal/Request/Certification Forms (SSA-e2960)
0201704717Transmittal Liaison Form (SSA-2960-U3-CQ)
0201704718Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-GE)
0201704720Assembling claims packages
0201704725Totalization Claims Packages for INPS
0201704730Claims Packages for German Agencies
0201704735Claims Packages for Caisse Suisse de Compensation (CSC)
0201704740Claims Packages for the Folketrygdkontoret for Utenlandssaker (FFU)
0201704745Claims Packages for Belgian Agencies
0201704746Claims Packages for Canadian Agencies
0201704750Partial Packages for German Agencies
0201704800Foreign Agency Requests for Evidence and Information
0201704805Processing Material With No SSN
0201704810Requests for Medical Examinations/Evidence
0201704815U.S. Monthly Benefit Information for INPS
0201704820Requests to Route National Forms
0201704825Transmitting Responses to Foreign Agency Requests
0201704830Transmitting Material to Foreign Agencies
0201704835Claims and Claims Leads
0201704870Responding to Status Requests
0201704875Notices to Claimants
0201704880List of Totalization Status Codes (TSC) and Totalization Country Codes (TCC)
0201704885Italian Overpayment Case Procedures
0201704890Handling Material Returned by German Agencies
0201704895Handling Requests for U.S. Earnings Records in German Divorce Cases
0201704900Handling German Life Certificates
0201704905Belgian Requests for Income Statements
0201704910Final Disposition of Folders
0201704990Exhibit I - Mini-Certified Earnings Record
0201705000Agreement With Italy - Table of Contents
0201705001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Italy
0201705010Overview of the Italian Social Security System
0201705015Coverage and Contributions under the Italian Social Security System
0201705020Italian Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements
0201705105Effective Date of the U.S. - Italian Agreement
0201705110Scope of the U.S. - Italian Agreement
0201705120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Italian Agreement
0201705125Eligibility for Italian Benefits under the Agreement
0201705130Recomputation of Italian Totalization Benefits
0201705140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provision under the U.S. - Italian Agreement
0201705150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Italian Claims
0201705210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for U.S and Italian Benefits
0201705212Deemed Periods of Coverage under the Italian System
0201705213Representative Payee and Legal Guardian under the Italian System
0201705214Evidence of Italian Military Service
0201705215Applications for Benefits under the U.S. - Italian Agreement
0201705220Additional Applications for Benefits under the U.S. - Italian Agreement
0201705225Requests for Status of Applications for Italian Benefits
0201706000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Italy - Table of Contents
0201706005Italian coverage - General
0201706010Interpreting Italian Coverage Certifications
0201706020Crediting Italian periods of coverage
0201706026Examples of crediting Italian coverage
0201706030Determining DIB insured status and currently insured status
0201706031Example of alternate method of crediting Italian coverage
0201706032Partial Italian Coverage Certifications
0201706035Reviewing insured status disallowances
0201706040Totalization only if needed for entitlement
0201706105Review and Processing of Totalization Claims Material
0201706140Italian Life-to-Death Conversions
0201706200Applications Under Italian Agreement
0201706205Earnings Records for Italy
0201706210Obtaining Proof of Lag SEI
0201706220Italian overpayment case procedure
0201706225Representative payees - Italian agreement
0201706230Handling Italian Award and Disallowance Notices
0201706235Handling forms IT/USA SS-3 (Medical Report) for INPS
0201706300Italian Liaison Forms and Transmittal/Request Forms
0201706305Italian Transmittal/Request Form (IT/USA 2)
0201706310Italian Liaison Form (IT/USA 3)
0201706315Italian Liaison Form (IT/USA 5)
0201706320Exhibit Form IT/USA 2
0201706325Exhibit Form IT/USA 3
0201706330Exhibit Form IT/USA 5
0201707000Agreement With Germany - Table of Contents
0201707001Overview of Agreement with Germany
0201707010Overview of the German Social Security System - Introduction
0201707012Compulsory Coverage and Contributions Under the German System
0201707015Voluntary Coverage Under the German System
0201707016Noncontributory Coverage Under the German System
0201707017Coverage Exemptions Under the German System - Policy
0201707018Refunds of Contributions Under the German System
0201707020German Social Security Benefits
0201707105Effective Date of German Agreement
0201707110Scope of German Agreement
0201707120U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201707125Eligibility for German Benefits Under the Agreement
0201707130Reduction in the German Child's Supplement Based on U.S. Benefits
0201707135Making Voluntary Contributions to the German System &mdash; General
0201707136Retroactive Voluntary Contributions by Ethnic German Jews from Eastern Europe
0201707137Exhibit of Factsheet <Quote>New German Benefits for Jews from Eastern Europe</Quote>
0201707140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under German Agreement
0201707145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under German Agreement
0201707150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or German Claims
0201707155German Enforcement Questionnaires
0201707205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201707210Developing Evidence in Claims for German Benefits
0201707212Evidence Required to Establish Unverified Periods of German Coverage
0201707215Application for Benefits Under the German Agreement
0201707220Additional Applications for German Benefits
0201707225Requests for Status of Application for German Benefits
0201708000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Germany - Table of Contents
0201708005How the Division of International Operations (DIO) Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the International Benefits Office (IBO)
0201708010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201708015How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed With a German Agency
0201708025German Liaison Agencies
0201708100Determining the Requested Amount and Appropriate Period of German Coverage
0201708105German Coverage Certifications
0201708110How to Evaluate German Coverage Certifications
0201708115How to Credit German Coverage
0201708120How to Determine Months of German Coverage
0201708125Interim German Coverage Records
0201708205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside Germany
0201708210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in Germany
0201708220How to Complete the U.S.A. - Germany Agreement on Social Security Transmittal Request Certification Form SSA-2960-GE
0201708230Controlling Requests Sent to German Agencies on Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE
0201708235Facts About German Liaison Form D/USA3
0201708240Facts About German Certification Form D/USA4
0201708245Completing the U.S.A. - FRG Agreement on Social Security Child(ren)'s Attachment (SSA-1281-U2-GE)
0201708250Material Returned by German Agencies
0201708305Life to Death Conversions - Germany Agreement
0201708310Medical Evidence for German Agencies
0201708315German Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201708320Providing Monthly Benefit Data to German Agencies
0201709000Agreement With Switzerland - Table of Contents
0201709001Overview and Effective Date of the Totalization Agreement with Switzerland
0201709015Benefits, Coverage, and Contributions under the Swiss System
0201709020Swiss Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements
0201709110Scope of the U.S. - Swiss Agreement
0201709120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Swiss Agreement
0201709125Eligibility for Swiss Benefits under the U.S. - Swiss Totalization Agreement
0201709140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the U.S. - Swiss Totalization Agreement
0201709150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Swiss Claims
0201709210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for U.S. and Swiss Benefits
0201709215Applications for Benefits under the U.S. - Swiss Agreement
0201709225Requests for Status of Applications for Swiss Benefits
0201709235<Quote>Application for an Old-Age Pension for Persons Residing Outside Switzerland</Quote>
0201709240<Quote>Application for a Survivors Pension for Persons Residing Outside Switzerland</Quote>
0201709245Form CH/USA 2.3 <Quote>Application for Disability Insurance for Citizens of the United States of America Residing Outside Switzerland</Quote>
0201710000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Switzerland - Table of Contents
0201710005How OIO Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the International Benefits Office (IBO)
0201710010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201710015How the FSP Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Swiss Agency
0201710025Swiss Liaison Agency
0201710105Swiss Coverage Certifications
0201710106How to Evaluate Swiss Coverage Certifications
0201710110How to Credit Swiss Coverage
0201710205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside Switzerland
0201710210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in Switzerland
0201710220Completing the SSA-e2960-SZ (U.S.-Swiss Agreement Transmittal/Request/Certification Form)
0201710230Controlling Requests Sent to the Swiss Agency on Form SSA-e2960-U3-SZ-Procedure
0201710235Facts about the Swiss Liaison Form
0201710305Life to Death Conversions - Switzerland Agreement
0201710310Swiss Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201710315Special Applications for Swiss Benefits for Persons Residing Outside Switzerland
0201710316Controlling Requests for Special Swiss Applications- Procedure
0201710317Derived Rights
0201711000Agreement With Norway - Table of Contents
0201711001Overview of Agreement With Norway
0201711010Overview of the Norwegian Social Security System - Introduction
0201711015Coverage and Contributions Under the Norwegian System
0201711020Norwegian Social Security Benefits
0201711105Effective Date of the Norwegian Agreement - Policy
0201711110Scope of Norwegian Agreement
0201711120U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201711125Eligibility for Norwegian Benefits Under the Agreement
0201711130Residence Requirements for Norwegian Benefits-Policy
0201711135Norwegian Foreign Pension Offset
0201711140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under Norwegian Agreement
0201711145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under Norwegian Agreement
0201711150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Norwegian Claims
0201711205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201711210Developing Evidence in Claims for Norwegian Benefits
0201711215Application for Benefits Under the Norwegian Agreement
0201711220Additional Application Forms for Norwegian Benefits
0201711225Requests for Status of Applications for Norwegian Benefits
0201712000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Norway - Table of Contents
0201712005How to Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO)
0201712010How the Foreign Service Post (FSP) Develops and Processes Applications
0201712015Procedure for Reviewing and Completing Claims taken by the FSP
0201712025Norwegian Liaison Agency
0201712030How the Norwegian Agency Processes Applications
0201712040Procedure for Reviewing and Completing Claims Taken by the Norwegian Agency
0201712105Norwegian Coverage Certification
0201712106How to Evaluate Norwegian Coverage Certifications
0201712110How to Credit Norwegian Coverage
0201712205Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Norway
0201712210Procedure for Preparing Initial Claims Packages For Claims Filed in Norway
0201712211Providing Benefit Information for the Norwegian Agency
0201712220Completing the USA/Norway Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U2-NE)
0201712230Controlling Requests Sent to the FFU on Form SSA-2960-U2-NE - Procedure
0201712235Facts About the Norwegian Liaison Form N/USA 3
0201712240Description of the Norwegian Personal Insurance Number (PIN)
0201712305Procedure in Life-to-Death Conversions - Norway
0201712310Norwegian Requests for Medical Examinations
0201713000Agreement with Belgium - Table of Contents
0201713001Overview of Agreement with Belgium
0201713010Overview of the Belgian Social Security System
0201713015Coverage and Contributions Under the Belgian System
0201713020Belgian Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201713105Effective Date of the U.S. - Belgian Agreement
0201713110Scope of the U.S. - Belgian Agreement
0201713120U.S. Totalization Benefits Under The Belgian Agreement
0201713125Eligibility for Belgian Benefits under the Agreement
0201713135Offset of Belgian Benefits
0201713140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under the Belgian Agreement
0201713145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision for Dependents and Survivors Under the Belgian Agreement
0201713150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Belgian Claims
0201713205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Belgian Agreement
0201713210Developing Evidence in Claims for Belgian Benefits
0201713215Application for Benefits Under the Belgian Agreement
0201713220Additional Applications for Belgian Benefits
0201713225Requests for Status of Application for Belgian Benefits
0201714000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Belgium - Table of Contents
0201714005How the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO) Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the International Benefits Office (IBO)
0201714010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201714015How the FSP Processes and Develops Claims Filed with a Belgian Agency
0201714025Belgian Liaison Agencies
0201714105Belgian Coverage Certification
0201714110How to Credit Belgian Coverage
0201714205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside Belgium
0201714210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in Belgium
0201714220Completing the U.S.-Belgium Agreement Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-e2960-BE)
0201714230Controlling Requests Sent to a Belgian Agency on Form SSA-2960-USA-BE3-Procedure
0201714235Facts about the Belgian Liaison Form
0201714240How DIO Processes Belgian Agency Requests for Information Submitted on Form BE/USA 3
0201714305Life to Death Conversions - Belgium Agreement
0201714310Belgian Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201714315Facts About the Belgian Social Insurance Number
0201714320Belgian Request for Income Statement
0201714325Belgian Certification of Filing Dates for Disability Claimants
0201715000Agreement With Canada - Table of Contents
0201715001Overview of Agreement with Canada
0201715010Overview of the Canadian Social Security System - Introduction
0201715015Coverage and Contributions Under the Canadian System -Background
0201715020Canadian Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201715105Effective Date of the U.S. - Canadian Agreement
0201715110Scope of the U.S. - Canadian Agreement
0201715115Definition of Canadian Territory
0201715120U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Canadian Agreement
0201715125Eligibility for Canadian Benefits Under the Agreement
0201715140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under the Canadian Agreement
0201715145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision for Dependents and Survivors Under the Canadian Agreement
0201715150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Canadian Claims
0201715205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Canadian Agreement
0201715210Developing Evidence in Claims for Canadian Benefits
0201715212Evidence of Residence for Old Age Security (OAS) Claims
0201715215Application for Benefits Under the Canadian Agreement
0201715220Application Forms for Canadian Benefits
0201715221Requests for Status of Application for Canadian Benefits
0201715222Quebec Pension Plan Life Certificates
0201715225Completion of Application for Canadian Benefits Under the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the United States (CDN-USA 1)
0201715230Completion of Application for Quebec Pension Plan Benefits Under the Quebec - United States of America Social Security Understanding (QUE/USA-1)
0201715320Identification of Designated Border Offices
0201715325Designated Border Office Processing of Canadian and U.S. Totalization Claims
0201715330Completion of Forms SSA-2960-CA and SSA-2960-QC <Quote>Request/Transmittal/Certification Form</Quote> By Designated Border Offices
0201715335Application for U.S. Benefits Filed in Any Canadian Territory or Province Other Than Quebec
0201715340Applications for U.S. Benefits Filed in Quebec Province
0201716000DIO Processing Under the Agreement with Canada and the Quebec Understanding - Table of Contents
0201716001Geographic Terms - Definitions - Canada and Quebec Understanding
0201716005How the Division of International Operations (DIO) Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO) or Canadian Agency
0201716006How the Totalization Modules Determine if Canada Needs a U.S. Earnings Record
0201716025Canadian Liaison Agencies
0201716050Developing Claims From Third Countries
0201716105Canadian Coverage Certification
0201716110How to Credit Canadian Coverage
0201716205Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Canada
0201716210Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed in Canada
0201716212Completing Liaison Agency Certification on Forms CDN/USA 1 and QUE/USA 1
0201716220Completing the U.S.-Canadian Agreement/Quebec Transmittal and Liaison Forms (SSA-e2960-CA and SSA-e2960-QC) Using the Totalization Data Collection Program (TDCP)
0201716230Controlling Requests Sent to Canadian Agencies on Form SSA-2960-U3-CQ
0201716235Facts About the Ottawa Liaison Form CDN/USA 2
0201716240Facts About the Quebec Liaison Form QUE/USA 2
0201716305Life to Death Conversions Under the Canadian Agreement and Quebec Understanding
0201716310Canadian Requests for Medical Examinations
0201716315Telephone Communication With the Canadian Liaison Agencies
0201717000Agreement With Sweden - Table of Contents
0201717001Overview of Agreement With Sweden
0201717010Overview of the Swedish Social Security System
0201717015Coverage and Contributions Under the Swedish System
0201717020Swedish Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201717105Effective Date of the Swedish Agreement
0201717110Scope of Swedish Agreement
0201717120U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Swedish Agreement
0201717125Eligibility for Swedish Benefits Under the Agreement
0201717140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under Swedish Agreement
0201717145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under Swedish Agreement
0201717150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Swedish Claims
0201717205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Swedish Agreement
0201717210Developing Evidence in Claims for Swedish Benefits
0201717215Application for Benefits under the Swedish Agreement
0201717220Additional Applications for Swedish Benefits
0201717225Requests for Status of Applications for Swedish Benefits
0201718000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Sweden - Table of Contents
0201718005How to Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO)
0201718010How the Foreign Service Post (FSP) Develops and Processes Applications - Procedure
0201718015How to Review and Complete Claims Taken by the FSP - Procedure
0201718025Swedish Liaison Agency
0201718030How the Swedish Agency Develops Applications - Process
0201718040How to Review and Complete Claims Taken by the Swedish Agency - Procedure
0201718105Swedish Coverage Certification
0201718110How to Credit Swedish Coverage
0201718205Preparing Claim Packages for Claims Filed Outside Sweden
0201718210Preparing Initial Claim Packages for Claims Filed in Sweden - Procedure
0201718211Preparing Final Claim Packages for the Swedish Agency
0201718220Completing the U.S.A./Sweden Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-SW)
0201718230Controlling Requests Sent to the SLAFU on Form SSA-2960-U3-SW - Procedure
0201718235Facts About the Swedish Liaison Form SW/USA 2
0201718240Facts About the Swedish Personal Insurance Number (PIN)
0201718305Life-to-Death Conversions - Swedish Agreement
0201718310Swedish Requests for Medical Examinations - Process
0201719000Agreement with the United Kingdom - Table of Contents
0201719001Overview and Effective Date of the Totalization Agreement with the United Kingdom (U.K.)
0201719015Benefits, Coverage, and Contributions under the United Kingdom (U.K.) System
0201719020United Kingdom (U.K.) Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements
0201719110Scope of the U.S. - United Kingdom (U.K.) Agreement
0201719120Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - United Kingdom (U.K.) Agreement
0201719125Eligibility for United Kingdom (U.K.) Benefits under the United States (U.S.) - U.K. Totalization Agreement
0201719130Eligibility for United Kingdom (U.K.) Disability Benefits Under the United States (U.S.) - U.K. Agreement
0201719140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the United States (U.S.) - United Kingdom (U.K.) Totalization Agreement
0201719150Filing Appeals of Decisions on United States (U.S.) or United Kingdom (U.K.) Claims
0201719210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for United Kingdom (U.K.) Benefits
0201719215Application for Benefits under the United Kingdom (U.K.) Agreement
0201719225Requests for Status of Applications for United Kingdom (U.K) Benefits
0201720000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the United Kingdom - Table of Contents
0201720005How the Office of International Operations (OIO) Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the International Benefits Office (IBO)
0201720010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201720015How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed with a U.K. Agency
0201720025U.K. Liaison Agencies
0201720105U.K. Coverage Certifications
0201720106How to Evaluate U.K. Coverage Certifications
0201720110How to Credit U.K. Coverage
0201720205Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed Outside the U.K.
0201720210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in the U.K.
0201720220Completing the U.S.-U.K. Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/ Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-UK)
0201720230Controlling Requests Sent to a U.K. Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-UK
0201720235Facts About the U.K. Liaison Forms
0201720240Responding to Requests that Are Not on a Liaison Form
0201720305Life to Death Conversions - U.K. Agreement
0201720310U.K. Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201721000Agreement with Spain - Table of Contents
0201721001Overview of Agreement with Spain
0201721010The Spanish Social Security System
0201721015Coverage Under the Spanish System
0201721020Spanish Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201721105Effective Date of Spanish Agreement - Policy
0201721110Scope of Spanish Agreement
0201721115Definition of the Territory of Spain
0201721120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Spanish Agreement
0201721125Eligibility for Spanish Benefits under the Agreement
0201721130Voluntary Contributions to the Spanish System
0201721140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Spanish Agreement
0201721145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision for Dependents and Survivors under the Spanish Agreement
0201721150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Spanish Claims
0201721205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Spanish Agreement
0201721210Developing Evidence in Claims for Spanish Benefits
0201721215Application for Benefits under the Spanish Agreement
0201721220Application Form for Spanish Benefits
0201721225Requests for Status of Application for Spanish Benefits
0201722000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Spain - Table of Contents
0201722005How OIO Reviews and Completes Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO)
0201722006Requesting Spanish Application Forms from U.S. Residents
0201722010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201722011How the Spanish Agencies Develop Applications
0201722012How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed With a Spanish Agency
0201722025Spanish Liaison Agencies
0201722030List of INSS Provincial Offices
0201722035INSS Referral Letter
0201722040How OIO Determines Which Spanish Office has Jurisdiction of a Claim
0201722045How the FSP Determines Which Spanish Office has Jurisdiction of a Claim
0201722105Spanish Coverage Certification
0201722106How to Evaluate Spanish Coverage Certifications
0201722110How to Credit Spanish Coverage
0201722205How OIO Prepares Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Spain
0201722210How OIO Prepares Claims Packages for Claims Filed In Spain
0201722220Completing the U.S./Spain Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/ Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-SP)
0201722230How OIO Controls Requests Sent to the Spanish Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-SP
0201722235Facts About the Spanish Liaison Form E/USA 3
0201722240How OIO Processes Spanish Agency Requests for Information Submitted on Form E/USA 3
0201722305Life to Death Conversions - Spanish Agreement
0201722310Processing Spanish Agency Requests for Medical Evidence and Examinations
0201723000Agreement with France - Table of Contents
0201723001Overview: Agreement With France
0201723010Organization of the French Social Security System
0201723015Coverage and Contributions Under the French System
0201723020French Social Security Benefits
0201723105Effective Date of French Agreement
0201723110Purpose of French Agreement
0201723115Definition of France
0201723120Eligibility for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201723125Eligibility for French Totalization Benefits
0201723130Computation of French Totalization Benefits
0201723135Voluntary Contributions to the French System
0201723140Alien Nonpayment Provision Under French Agreement
0201723145U.S. Residency Requirements for Alien Dependents and Survivors Under French Agreement
0201723150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or French Claims
0201723205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201723210Developing Evidence in Claims for French Benefits
0201723215Application for Benefits Under the French Agreement
0201723220Additional Applications for French Benefits
0201723225Requests for Status of Applications for French Benefits
0201724000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with France - Table of Contents
0201724005How the Totalization Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO) or International Benefit Office-IBO
0201724006Controlling Requests for Medical Report Forms
0201724010How the Foreign Service Post (FSP) Develops and Processes Applications
0201724012How the Totalization Modules Process Claims for French Benefits Filed with a French Agency by U.S. Residents
0201724015How the Totalization Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by the FSP
0201724025French Liaison Agencies
0201724030How the French Agency Develops Applications
0201724105French Coverage Certification
0201724110How to Credit French Coverage
0201724205Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside France
0201724210Preparing Initial Claims Packages for Claims Filed in France
0201724220Completing the USA/France Liaison Form (SSA-e2960-U3-FR)
0201724225Completing the Disability Liaison Form (USA/FR 3a) (SE 404-3a)
0201724230Controlling Requests Sent to the French Liaison Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-FR
0201724235Facts About the French Liaison Form SE 404-03
0201724240Facts About the French Enrollment Number
0201724305Life-to-Death Conversions - French Agreement
0201724310French Requests for Medical Examinations
0201724315Obtaining Coverage Records for Persons Who Want to Make Voluntary Contributions to France
0201725000Agreement with the Netherlands - Table of Contents
0201725001Overview of Agreement With the Netherlands
0201725010Overview of the Dutch Social Security System
0201725015Coverage and Contributions Under the Dutch System
0201725020Dutch Social Security Benefits
0201725105Effective Date of the U.S.-Dutch Agreement
0201725110Scope of the U.S.-Dutch Agreement
0201725115Definition of Dutch Territory
0201725120U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Dutch Agreement
0201725125Eligibility for Dutch Benefits Under the Agreement
0201725140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under the Dutch Agreement
0201725145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under the Dutch Agreement
0201725150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Dutch Claims
0201725205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Dutch Agreement
0201725210Developing Evidence in Claims for Dutch Benefits
0201725215Application for Benefits Under the Dutch Agreement
0201725220Additional Applications for Dutch Benefits
0201725225Requests for Status of Application for Dutch benefits
0201725230Dutch Life Certificates
0201726000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the Netherlands - Table of Contents
0201726005How Modules Should Review Totalization Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the International benefit Office (IBO)
0201726010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201726015How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed with a Dutch Agency
0201726025Dutch Liaison Agencies
0201726105Dutch Coverage Certification
0201726110How to Credit Dutch Coverage
0201726115Provisional Coverage Records
0201726205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside the Netherlands
0201726210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in the Netherlands
0201726220Completing the SSA-2960-USA-NL (U.S.-Netherlands Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification) eForm
0201726230Controlling Requests Sent to Dutch Agencies on Form SSA-2960-NL
0201726235Facts about the Dutch Liaison Form NL/VS 3
0201726305Life to Death Conversions - Netherlands Agreement
0201726310Dutch Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201726315Earnings Records for Spouses/Partners or Widow(er)s - Netherlands Agreement
0201726320Dutch Coverage Records for U.S. Disability Claims
0201726325How to Determine Whether a Worker was Insured at Death or Disability Onset
0201726330Information About Dutch Application Forms NL/VS 202 and NL/VS 203
0201727000Agreement with Portugal - Table of Contents
0201727001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Portugal
0201727010Overview of the Portuguese Social Security System
0201727015Coverage and Contributions under the Portuguese Social Security System
0201727020Portuguese Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements
0201727110Scope of the U.S. - Portuguese Totalization Agreement
0201727115Definition of Portuguese Territory
0201727120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Portuguese Agreement
0201727125Eligibility for Portuguese Benefits Under the U.S. - Portuguese Totalization Agreement
0201727130Computation of Portuguese Totalization Benefits
0201727140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the U.S. - Portugal Agreement
0201727150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Portuguese Claims
0201727210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for U.S. and Portuguese Benefits
0201727215Application for Benefits under the U.S. - Portuguese Agreement
0201727220Additional Applications for Portuguese Benefits
0201727225Requests for Status of Applications for Portuguese Benefits
0201728000DIO and FSP Processing under the Agreement with Portugal - Table of Contents
0201728005How the Totalization Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the Claims Development Branch (CDB)
0201728010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201728015How the FSP Processes and Develops Claims Filed with a Portuguese Agency
0201728025Portuguese Liaison Agencies
0201728105Portuguese Coverage Certification
0201728106How to Evaluate Portuguese Coverage Certifications
0201728110How to Credit Portuguese Coverage
0201728205Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed Outside Portugal
0201728210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in Portugal
0201728211Preparing Final Claims Packages in OIO for a Portuguese Agency
0201728220Completing the U.S.-Portugal Agreement Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-PE)
0201728230Controlling Requests Sent to a Portuguese Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-PE - Procedure
0201728235Facts about the Portuguese Liaison Form
0201728305Life to Death Conversions - Portuguese Agreement
0201728310Portuguese Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201729000Agreement With Austria - Table of Contents
0201729001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Austria
0201729015Benefits, Coverage, and Contributions under the Austrian System
0201729020Austrian Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201729110Scope of the U.S.-Austrian Agreement
0201729120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Austrian Agreement
0201729125Eligibility for Austrian Benefits under the U.S-Austrian Totalization Agreement
0201729140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provisions (ANP) under the U.S.-Austrian Totalization Agreement
0201729150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Austrian Claims
0201729210Developing Evidence in Claims for Austrian Benefits
0201729215Applications for Benefits Under the Austrian Agreement
0201729225Requests for Status of Applications for Austrian Benefits
0201730000OIO and FSP Processing under the Agreement with Austria - Table of Contents
0201730005How the Totalization Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the Claims Development Branch (CDB)
0201730010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201730015How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed with an Austrian Agency
0201730025Austrian Liaison Agencies
0201730105Austrian Coverage Certifications
0201730106How to Evaluate Austrian Coverage Certifications
0201730110How to Credit Austrian Coverage
0201730205Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed Outside Austria
0201730210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in Austria
0201730220Completing the U.S.-Austria Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/ Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-AU)
0201730230Controlling Requests Sent to Austrian Agencies on Form SSA-e2960-U3-AU-Procedure
0201730235Facts About the Austrian Liaison Form A/USA 2
0201730305Life to Death Conversions - Austria Agreement
0201730310Austrian Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201730315Austrian Agency Requests to <Quote>Initiate the Agreement</Quote>
0201730320Austrian Agency Requests for Citizenship or Civil Status
0201730325Austrian Preferential Treatment Cases
0201730330Providing Monthly Benefit Data to Austrian Agencies
0201731000Agreement With Finland - Table of Contents
0201731001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Finland
0201731010Overview of the Finnish Social Security System
0201731015Coverage and Contributions under the Finnish System
0201731020Finnish Social Security Benefits and Eligibility Requirements
0201731105Effective Date of the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731110Scope of the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731125Eligibility for Finnish Benefits under the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Finnish Claims
0201731205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Finnish Agreement
0201731210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Finnish Benefits
0201731215Application for Benefits under the U.S. - Finnish Agreement
0201731220Additional Applications for Finnish Benefits
0201731225Requests for Status of Applications for Finnish Benefits
0201732000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Finland - Table of Contents
0201732005How the Totalization Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO) or the Claims Development Branch (CDB)
0201732010How the Regional Foreign Service Post (RFSP) Develops and Processes Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201732011How the Finnish Agency Develops Applications - Process
0201732012How the Regional Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed with a Finnish Agency
0201732015How OIO Reviews and Completes Claims Taken by the Regional Foreign Service Post or the Finnish Agency- Procedure
0201732025Finnish Liaison Agencies
0201732105Finnish Coverage Records
0201732106How to Evaluate Finnish Coverage Records
0201732110How to Credit Finnish Coverage
0201732205Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Finland
0201732210Preparing Claims Packages for Claims Filed in Finland
0201732211Preparing Final Claims Packages for the Finnish Agency
0201732220Completing the U.S./Finland Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/ Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-FI)
0201732230Controlling Requests Sent to the Finnish Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-FI-Procedure
0201732235Facts About the Finnish Liaison Form SF/USA2
0201732305Life to Death Conversions - Finnish Agreement
0201732310Finnish Requests for Medical Examinations
0201733000Agreement With Luxembourg - Table of Contents
0201733001Overview and Effective Date of the Totalization Agreement with Luxembourg
0201733015Benefits, Coverage, and Contributions under the Luxembourg System
0201733020Luxembourg Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements
0201733110Scope of the U.S. - Luxembourg Agreement
0201733120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Luxembourg Agreement
0201733125Eligibility for Luxembourg Benefits under the U.S.- Luxembourg Totalization Agreement
0201733130Work Requirements for Luxembourg Disability and Survivors Benefits under the Totalization Agreement
0201733140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the U.S. - Luxembourg Agreement
0201733150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Luxembourg Claims
0201733210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for U.S. and Luxembourg Benefits
0201733215Applications for Benefits under the U.S. - Luxembourg Agreement
0201733225Requests for Status of Applications for Luxembourg Benefits
0201734000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Luxembourg - Table of Contents
0201734005How OIO Totalization Modules Review and Complete Claims Taken by a Field Office (FO) or by the Claims Development Branch (CDB)
0201734010How CDB Develops and Processes Applications
0201734011How the Luxembourg Agencies Develop Applications
0201734015How OIO Totalization Modules and CDB Process and Develop Claims Filed With a Luxembourg Agency
0201734025Luxembourg Liaison Agencies
0201734105Luxembourg Coverage Certification
0201734110How to Credit Luxembourg Coverage
0201734205How OIO Prepares Claims Packages for Claims Filed Outside Luxembourg
0201734210How OIO Prepares Claims Packages for Claims Filed In Luxembourg
0201734220Completing the Form SSA-2960-LX (U.S. - Luxembourg Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201734230How OIO Controls Requests Sent to the Luxembourg Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-LX
0201734235Facts About the Luxembourg Liaison Form LUX/USA 3
0201734240How OIO Processes Luxembourg Agency Requests for Information Submitted on Form LUX/USA 3
0201734305Life to Death Conversions - Luxembourg Agreement
0201734310How OIO Processes Luxembourg Agency Requests for Medical Evidence and Examinations
0201734315Facts About the Luxembourg Registration Number
0201734320How OIO Processes Luxembourg Agency Requests for Special Evidence
0201735000Agreement With Ireland - Table of Contents
0201735001Overview of Agreement with Ireland
0201735010Overview of the Irish Social Security System
0201735015Coverage and Contributions Under the Irish System
0201735020Irish Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements&ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201735105Effective Date of the U.S. - Irish Agreement
0201735110Scope of the U.S. - Irish Agreement
0201735120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Irish Agreement
0201735125Eligibility for Irish Benefits under the Agreement
0201735130Payment of Irish Invalidity (Disability) Benefits in the United States
0201735135Payment of Irish Free Scheme Allowances
0201735140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Irish Agreement
0201735145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision for Dependents and Survivors under the Irish Agreement
0201735150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Irish Claims
0201735205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Irish Agreement
0201735210Developing Evidence in Claims for Irish Benefits
0201735215Application for Benefits Under the Irish Agreement
0201735220Additional Applications for Irish Benefits
0201735225Requests for Status of Applications for Irish Benefits
0201736000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Ireland - Table of Contents
0201736005How the Totalization Modules Should Review Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or in the Claims Development Branch (CDB)
0201736010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201736012How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Irish Agency
0201736025Irish Liaison Agency
0201736105Irish Coverage Certification
0201736106How to Evaluate Irish Coverage Certifications
0201736110How to Credit Irish Coverage
0201736205Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed Outside Ireland
0201736210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in Ireland
0201736220Completing the U.S./Ireland Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/ Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-U3-IR)
0201736230Controlling Requests Sent to the Irish Agency on Form SSA-2960-U3-IR
0201736235Facts About the Irish Liaison Form IRL/USA3
0201736305Life to Death Conversions - Irish Agreement
0201736310Irish Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201736315Determining Periods of U.S. Disability for Irish Disability Claims
0201737000Agreement With Greece - Table of Contents
0201737001Overview of Agreement With Greece
0201737010Overview of the Greek Social Security System
0201737015Coverage and Contributions Under the Greek System
0201737020Greek Social Security Benefits
0201737105Effective Date of the Greek Agreement
0201737110Scope of Greek Agreement
0201737120U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201737125Eligibility for Greek Benefits Under the Agreement
0201737140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under Greek Agreement
0201737145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under Greek Agreement
0201737150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Greek Claims
0201737205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits
0201737210Developing Evidence in Claims for Greek Benefits
0201737212Greek Insurance Booklet
0201737215Application for Benefits Under the Greek Agreement
0201737220Additional Application Forms for Greek Benefits
0201737225Requests for Status of Application for Greek Benefits
0201738000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Greece - Table of Contents
0201738005How to Review and Complete Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO) or the Claims Development Branch (CDB)
0201738010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201738012How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Greek Agency
0201738025Greek Liaison Agency
0201738105Greek Coverage Certification
0201738110How to Credit Greek Coverage
0201738205Preparing Claim Packages for Claims Filed Outside Greece
0201738210Preparing Claim Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in Greece
0201738211Preparing Final Claim Packages for the Greek Agency
0201738220Completing the U.S./Greece Agreement Social Security Transmittal/ Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-USA-GR3)
0201738230Controlling Requests Sent to IKA on Form SSA-2960-U3-GR - Procedure
0201738235Facts About the Greek Liaison Form GR/USA 3
0201738240Description of the Greek Social Insurance Number (SIN)
0201738305Life-to-Death Conversions - Greek Agreement
0201738310IKA Requests for Medical Examinations
0201738315Determining Periods of U.S. Disability for Greek Disability Claims
0201739000Agreement with Chile - Table of Contents
0201739001Overview of Agreement with Chile
0201739010Overview of the Chilean Social Security System
0201739015Coverage and Contributions under the Chilean System
0201739020Chilean Social Security Benefits &ndash; Social Insurance System
0201739025Chilean Social Security Benefits for the Private Insurance System
0201739105Effective Date of the Agreement
0201739110Scope of the U.S. and Chilean Agreement
0201739120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement
0201739125Eligibility for Chilean Benefits under the Agreement
0201739140Applicability of Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Chilean Agreement
0201739145Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirement for Certain Dependents and Survivors under the Chilean Agreement
0201739150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Chilean Claims
0201739205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Chile
0201739210Developing Evidence in Claims for Chilean Benefits
0201739215Application for Benefits under the Agreement
0201739220Additional Applications for Chilean Benefits
0201739225Requests for Status of Application for Chilean Benefits
0201740000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Chile - Table of Contents
0201740005How the Totalization Module Reviews Claims Filed in a Field Office (FO)
0201740010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP)
0201740012How the FSP in Buenos Aires Processes and Develops Claims for U.S. Benefits Filed with a Chilean Agency
0201740025Chilean Liaison Agencies
0201740105Chilean Coverage Certification
0201740106How to Evaluate Chilean Coverage Certifications
0201740110How to Credit Chilean Coverage
0201740205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside Chile
0201740210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in Chile
0201740220Completing the U.S. Liaison Form SSA-2960-CHI
0201740230Controlling Requests Sent to a Chilean Agency on Form SSA-2960-CHI
0201740235Facts About the Chilean Liaison Form CHI/USA 3
0201740305Life to Death Conversions - Chile Agreement
0201740310Chilean Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201740315Facts About the Chilean Insurance Numbers
0201741000Agreement with the Republic of Korea - Table of Contents
0201741001Overview and Effective Date of the Totalization Agreement with the Republic of Korea
0201741015Benefits, Coverage, and Contributions under the Korean System
0201741020Korean Social Security Benefits - Eligibility Requirements
0201741110Scope of the U.S. - Korean Agreement
0201741120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Korean Agreement
0201741125Eligibility for Korean Benefits under the U.S. - Korean Totalization Agreement
0201741130Refunds of Korean Contributions
0201741140Exception to Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the U.S. - Korean Totalization Agreement
0201741150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Korean Claims
0201741210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for U.S. and Korean Benefits
0201741215Application for Benefits under the U.S. - Korean Agreement
0201741225Requests for Status of Application for Korean (South) Benefits
0201742000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Korea - Table of Contents
0201742005How the Totalization Module Reviews Claims
0201742010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Veterans Administration Regional Office (VARO) in Manila
0201742012How VARO Processes and Develops Claims Filed With the Korean Agency
0201742025Korean Liaison Agency
0201742105Korean Coverage Certification
0201742106How to Evaluate Korean Coverage Certifications
0201742110How to Credit Korean Coverage
0201742205Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed Outside Korea
0201742210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in Korea
0201742220Completing the U.S./Korea Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-KOR)
0201742230Controlling Requests Sent to the NPC on Form SSA-2960-KOR
0201742235Facts About the Korean Liaison Form KOR-USA 2
0201742305Life to Death Conversions - Korea Agreement
0201742310Korean Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201742315Facts About the Korean National Pension Number
0201743000Agreement With Australia - Table of Contents
0201743001Overview and Effective Date of the Totalization Agreement with Australia
0201743015Coverage and Contributions under the Australian Social Security System
0201743020Australian Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201743110Scope of the Agreement with Australia
0201743120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the U.S. - Australian Agreement
0201743125Eligibility for Australian Benefits under the U.S. - Australian Totalization Agreement
0201743140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision (ANP) under the U.S. - Australian Totalization Agreement
0201743150Filing Appeals of Claims Decisions under the U.S. - Australian Agreement
0201743205Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Benefits under the U.S. - Australian Totalization Agreement
0201743215Application for Benefits under the U.S. - Australian Agreement
0201743225Requests for Status of Applications for Australian Benefits
0201744000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement With Australia - Table of Contents
0201744005How the Totalization Module Reviews Claims
0201744010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Manila Federal Benefits Unit
0201744012How the Manila Federal Benefits Unit Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Australian Agency
0201744025Australian Liaison Agency
0201744105Australian Coverage Certification
0201744106How to Evaluate Australian Coverage Certifications
0201744110How to Credit Australian Coverage
0201744205Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed Outside Australia
0201744210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in Australia
0201744220Completing the U.S. - Australian Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification Form (SSA-2960-AUS)
0201744230Controlling Requests Sent to Centrelink on Form SSA-2960-AUS
0201744235Facts About the Australian Liaison Form AUS187
0201744305Life to Death Conversions - Australia Agreement
0201744310Australian Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201744315Australian Customer Reference Number (CRN)
0201745000Agreement With Japan - Table of Contents
0201745001Overview of Agreement with Japan
0201745010Overview of the Japanese Social Security System
0201745015Coverage and Contributions under the Japanese System
0201745020Japanese Social Security Benefits &ndash; Eligibility Requirements
0201745105Effective Date of the U.S. - Japanese Agreement
0201745110Scope of the U.S. - Japanese Agreement
0201745120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Japanese Agreement
0201745125Eligibility for Japanese Benefits under the Agreement
0201745140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Japanese Agreement
0201745145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Japanese Agreement
0201745150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Japanese Claims
0201745205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Japanese Agreement
0201745210Developing Evidence in Claims for Japanese Benefits
0201745215Application for Benefits under the Japanese Agreement
0201745220Application Forms for Japanese Benefits
0201745225Requests for Status of Application for Japanese Benefits
0201746000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Japan - Table of Contents
0201746005How DIO Modules Review Claims under the U.S.-Japanese Totalization Agreement
0201746010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post (FSP) in Manila
0201746012How VARO Processes and Develops Claims Filed With Japanese Agencies
0201746025Japanese Liaison Agencies
0201746105Japanese Coverage Certification
0201746106How to Evaluate Japanese Coverage Certifications
0201746110How to Credit Japanese Coverage
0201746205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside Japan
0201746210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in Japan
0201746220Completing Form SSA-2960-J
0201746230Controlling Requests Sent to the Japanese Agencies on Form SSA-2960-J
0201746235Facts About the Japanese Liaison Form J/USA 3
0201746305Life to Death Conversions - Japan Agreement
0201746310Japanese Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201746315Japanese Basic Pension Number
0201747000Agreement with Denmark - Table of Contents
0201747001Overview of Agreement with Denmark
0201747010Overview of the Danish Social Security System
0201747015Coverage and Contributions under the Danish System
0201747020Danish Social Security Benefits &mdash; Eligibility Requirements
0201747105Effective Date of the U.S. &mdash; Danish Agreement
0201747110Scope of the U.S. &mdash; Danish Agreement
0201747120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Danish Agreement
0201747125Eligibility for Danish Benefits under the Agreement
0201747140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Danish Agreement
0201747145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Danish Agreement for Dependents and Survivors
0201747150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Danish Claims
0201747205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefit Danish Agreement
0201747210Developing Evidence in Claims for Danish Benefits
0201747215Application for Benefits under the Danish Agreement
0201747220Additional Application Forms for Danish Benefits
0201747225Requests for Status of Application for Danish Benefits
0201748000DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement With Denmark - Table of Contents
0201748005How DIO Modules Review Claims under the U.S./Danish Totalization Agreement
0201748010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post
0201748012How the Foreign Service Post Processes and Develops U.S. Claims Filed With the Danish Agency
0201748025Denmark Liaison Agency
0201748105Danish Coverage Certification
0201748106How to Evaluate Danish Coverage Certifications
0201748110How to Credit Danish Coverage
0201748205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside Denmark
0201748210Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed in Denmark
0201748220Completing the SSA-2960 USA/DN3 (USA/Denmark Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification Form)
0201748230Controlling Requests to the Danish Agency on Form SSA-2960 (USA/DK3)
0201748235Facts about the Danish Liaison Form SSA-2960 (DK/USA3)
0201748305Life to Death Conversions &ndash; Denmark Agreement
0201748310Danish Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201748315Danish Central Personal Registration &ldquo;CPR&rdquo; Number
0201748320Danish Agency Form DK-USA 2
0201749000Agreement with the Czech Republic. - Table of Contents
0201749001Overview of Agreement with the Czech Republic
0201749010Overview of the Czech Social Security System
0201749015Coverage and Contributions under the Czech System
0201749020Eligibility Requirements for Czech Social Security Benefits
0201749105Effective Date of the U.S. &mdash; Czech Agreement
0201749110Scope of the U.S. &mdash; Czech Agreement
0201749120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Czech Agreement
0201749125Eligibility for Czech Benefits under the Agreement
0201749140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Czech Agreement
0201749145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Czech Agreement for Dependents and Survivors
0201749150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Czech Claims
0201749205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefit under the Czech Agreement
0201749210Developing Evidence in Claims for Czech Benefits
0201749215Application for Benefits under the Czech Agreement
0201749220Additional Application Form for Czech Benefits
0201749225Requests for Status of Applications for Czech Benefits
0201750000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the Czech Republic - Table of Contents
0201750005How OIO Modules Review Claims under the U.S.-Czech Republic Totalization Agreement
0201750010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post in Warsaw, Poland
0201750012How the Foreign Service Post in Warsaw, Poland Processes and Develops Claims Filed With the Czech Republic Agency
0201750025Czech Republic Liaison Agency
0201750105Czech Republic Certified Coverage Record
0201750106How to Evaluate the Czech Republic Certified Coverage Record
0201750110How to Credit the Czech Republic Certified Coverage Record
0201750205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside of the Czech Republic
0201750210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in the Czech Republic
0201750220Completing the SSA&ndash;e2960&ndash;U3&ndash;CZ (Transmittal/Request/Certification Form, USA/CZ3)
0201750230Controlling Requests Sent to the Czech Republic Agency on Form SSA-e2960&ndash;U3&ndash;CZ (Transmittal/Request/Certification Form- USA/CZ3)
0201750235Facts about the Czech Liaison Form CZ/USA 3
0201750305Life to Death Conversions &ndash; Czech Republic Agreement
0201750310Czech Republic Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201750315Czech Republic Birth Number
0201751000Agreement with Poland - Table of Contents
0201751001Overview of the Social Security Agreement with Poland
0201751010Overview of the Polish Social Security System
0201751015Coverage and Contributions under the Polish System
0201751020Polish Old-Age Benefits &mdash; Eligibility Requirements
0201751025Polish Disability, Dependents and Survivors Benefits &mdash; Eligibility Requirements
0201751105Effective Date of the U.S. &mdash; Polish Agreement
0201751110Scope of the U.S. &mdash; Polish Agreement
0201751120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Polish Agreement
0201751125Eligibility for Polish Benefits under the Agreement
0201751140Exception to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Polish Agreement
0201751145Exception to Section 202(t)(11) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Polish Agreement
0201751150Filing Appeals of Decisions on U.S. or Polish Claims
0201751205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Polish Agreement
0201751210Developing Evidence in Claims for Polish Benefits
0201751215Application for Benefits under the Polish Agreement
0201751220Additional Application Forms for Polish Benefits
0201751225Requests for Status of Application for Polish Benefits
0201752000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Poland - Table of Contents
0201752005How DIO Modules Review Claims under the U.S. / Republic of Poland Totalization Agreement
0201752010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Service Post in Warsaw, Poland
0201752012How the Foreign Service Post in Warsaw, Poland Processes and Develops Claims Filed With the ZUS or KRUS Agency
0201752025Zaklad Ubezpieczen Spolecznych (ZUS) Liaison Agency
0201752030Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Spolecznego (KRUS) Liaison Agency
0201752105Polish Certified Coverage Record
0201752106How to Evaluate the Republic of Poland Certified Coverage Record
0201752110How to Credit Quarters of Coverage Based on the Republic of Poland Certified Coverage Record
0201752205Preparing Claims Packages in DIO for Claims Filed Outside of the Republic of Poland
0201752210Preparing Claims Packages in OIO for Claims Filed in the Republic of Poland
0201752220Completing the SSA-2960 USA/PO3 (U.S.A. &ndash; Poland Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification Form)
0201752230Controlling Requests to the ZUS or KRUS Agency on Form SSA-2960 USA/PL3 &mdash; Procedure
0201752235Facts about the ZUS or KRUS Liaison Form PL/USA 3
0201752305Life to Death Conversions &ndash; Republic of Poland Agreement
0201752310ZUS or KRUS Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201752315Republic of Poland I.D. Number
0201752320Statistics of Benefits Paid to Poland &mdash; Process
0201752325When to Use the Disability Determination Department
0201753000Totalization Agreement Between the United States and the Slovak Republic - Table of Contents
0201753001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753010Overview of the Slovak Social Security System
0201753015Coverage and Contributions Under the Slovak Social Security System
0201753020Slovak Old-Age Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201753025Slovak Disability, Dependents, and Survivors Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201753105Effective Date of the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753110Scope of the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753120U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753125Eligibility for Slovak Benefits Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753140Exceptions to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753145Exceptions to Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirements for Certain Dependents and Survivors Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753150Filing Appeals of Decisions Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753210Developing Evidence in Claims for Slovak Benefits
0201753215Applications for Benefits Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753220Additional Applications for Benefits Under the Agreement with the Slovak Republic
0201753225Requests for Status of Applications for Slovak Benefits
0201755000Agreement with Hungary - Table of Contents
0201755001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Hungary
0201755010Overview of the Hungarian System
0201755015Coverage and Contributions under the Hungarian Social Security System
0201755020Hungarian Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201755105Effective Date of the Agreement with Hungary
0201755110Scope of the Agreement with Hungary
0201755120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755125Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755140Exceptions to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755145Exceptions to Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirements for Certain Dependents and Survivors under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755150Filing Appeals of Decisions under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Hungarian Benefits
0201755215Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755220Additional Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Hungary
0201755225Requests for Status of Applications for Hungarian Benefits
0201756000OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Hungary - Table of Contents
0201756005How the Division of International Operations (DIO) Modules Review Claims under the U.S-Hungary Totalization Agreement
0201756010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Foreign Benefits Unit in Krak&oacute;w, Poland under the U.S. - Hungary Totalization Agreement
0201756012How the Foreign Benefits Unit in Krak&oacute;w, Poland, Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Hungary Liaison Agency
0201756025Hungarian Liaison Agency
0201756105Hungarian Certified Coverage Record
0201756110How to Credit Quarters of Coverage Based on the Hungarian Certified Coverage Record
0201756205Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed Outside of Hungary
0201756210Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed in Hungary
0201756220Completing the Form SSA e2960 USA-HU 3 (U.S. - Hungary Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201756230Controlling Requests Sent to the Hungarian Liaison Agency on Form SSA e2960 USA-HU 3 (Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201756235Facts about the Hungarian Liaison Agency Liaison Form SSA e2960 HU-USA 3 (Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201756305Life- to- Death Conversions - Hungarian Agreement
0201756310Hungarian Liaison Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201756315Hungary Birth Registration Number
0201756320Hungarian Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201756325Social Security Administration (SSA) Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201757000Agreement with Brazil - Table of Contents
0201757001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Brazil
0201757010Overview of the Brazilian Social Security System
0201757015Coverage and Contributions under the Brazilian Social Security System
0201757020Brazilian Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201757105Effective Date of the Agreement with Brazil
0201757110Scope of the Agreement with Brazil
0201757120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757125Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757140Exceptions to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757145Exceptions to Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirements for Certain Dependents and Survivors under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757150Filing Appeals of Decisions under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Brazilian Benefits
0201757215Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757220Additional Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Brazil
0201757225Requests for Status of Applications for Brazil Benefits
0201758000OEIO, DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Brazil - Table of Contents
0201758005How the Division of International Operations (DIO) Modules Review Claims under the U.S. Brazil Totalization Agreement
0201758010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Benefits unit in Lisbon, Portugal under the U.S. Brazil Totalization Agreement
0201758012How the Foreign Benefit Unit in Lisbon, Portugal Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Brazilian Liaison Agency
0201758025Brazilian Social Insurance Agency (Brazil Liaison Agency)
0201758105Brazilian Certified Coverage Record
0201758110How to Credit Quarters of Coverage Based on the Brazilian Certified Coverage Record
0201758205Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed Outside of Brazil
0201758210Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed in Brazil
0201758220Completing the Form SSA 2960 USA/BR 3 (U.S. Brazil Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201758230Controlling Requests Sent to the Brazil Liaison Agency on Form SSA 2960 USA/BR 3 (Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201758235Facts about the Brazil Liaison Agency on Form SSA 2960 USA/BR 3 (Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201758305Life to Death Conversions -- Brazil Agreement
0201758310Brazilian National Social Insurance Institute (Brazilian Liaison Agency) Requests for Medical Examinations
0201758315Brazilian Birth Registration Number
0201758320Brazilian Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201758325Social Security Administration (SSA) Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201760000Agreement with Uruguay - Table of Contents
0201760001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Uruguay
0201760010Overview of the Uruguayan Social Security System
0201760015Coverage and Contributions under the Uruguayan Social Security System
0201760020Uruguayan Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201760105Effective Date of the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760110Scope of the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760125Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760140Exceptions to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760145Exceptions to Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirements for Certain Dependents and Survivors under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760150Filing Appeals of Decisions under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Uruguayan Benefits
0201760215Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760220Additional Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Uruguay
0201760225Requests for Status of Applications for Uruguayan Benefits
0201762000OEIO, DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Uruguay - Table of Contents
0201762005How the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO), Division of International Operations (DIO) Modules Review Claims under the U.S. &ndash; Uruguay Totalization Agreement
0201762010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Federal Benefits Unit in Buenos Aires under the U.S.- Uruguay Totalization Agreement
0201762012How the Federal Benefits Unit in Buenos Aires, Argentina Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Uruguayan Liaison Agency
0201762025Uruguayan Liaison Agency
0201762105Uruguayan Certified Coverage Record
0201762110How to Credit Quarters of Coverage Based on the Uruguayan Certified Coverage Record
0201762205Preparing Claims Packages in the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO), Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed Outside of Uruguay
0201762210Preparing Claims Packages in the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO), Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed in Uruguay
0201762220Completing the Form SSA e2960 USA/UY 3 (U.S. - Uruguay Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201762230Controlling Requests Sent to the Uruguayan Liaison Agency on Form SSA e2960 USA/UY 3 (U.S. - Uruguay Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201762235Facts about the Uruguayan Liaison Form SSA e2960 USA/UY 3 (U.S. - Uruguay Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201762305Life to Death Conversions &ndash; Uruguay Agreement
0201762310Uruguayan Liaison Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201762315Uruguayan Birth Registration Number
0201762320Uruguayan Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201762325Social Security Administration (SSA) Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201763000Agreement with Iceland - Table of Contents
0201763001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Iceland
0201763010Overview of the Icelandic Social Security System
0201763015Coverage and Contributions under the Icelandic Social Security System
0201763020Icelandic Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201763105Effective Date of the Agreement with Iceland
0201763110Scope of the Agreement with Iceland
0201763120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763125Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763140Exceptions to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763145Exceptions to Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirements for Certain Dependents and Survivors under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763150Filing Appeals of Decisions under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Icelandic Benefits
0201763215Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763220Additional Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Iceland
0201763225Requests for Status of Applications for Icelandic Benefits
0201770000International Agreements - Continued - Table of Contents
0201770001Overview of the Totalization Agreement with Slovenia
0201770010Overview of the Slovenian Social Security System
0201770015Coverage and Contributions under the Slovenian Social Security System
0201770020Slovenian Benefits Eligibility Requirements
0201770105Effective Date of the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770110Scope of the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770120U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770125Application Process for Benefits under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770140Exceptions to Section 202(t)(1) Alien Nonpayment Provision under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770145Exceptions to Section 202(t)(11) U.S. Residency Requirements for Certain Dependents and Survivors under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770150Filing Appeals of Decisions under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770205Evidence Required for U.S. Totalization Benefits under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770210Developing Evidence and Establishing Entitlement Factors in Claims for Slovenian Benefits
0201770215Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770220Additional Applications for Benefits under the Agreement with Slovenia
0201770225Requests for Status of Applications for Slovenian Benefits
0201771000OEIO, DIO, and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Slovenia - Table of Contents
0201771005How the Division of International Operations Modules Review Claims under the U.S. &ndash; Slovenia Totalization Agreement
0201771010How to Develop and Process Applications (Claims) Filed in the Federal Benefits Unit in Rome, Italy under the U.S. - Slovenia Totalization Agreement
0201771012How the Federal Benefits Unit in Rome, Italy Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Slovenian Liaison Agency
0201771025Slovenian Liaison Agency
0201771105Slovenian Certified Coverage Record
0201771110How to Credit Quarters of Coverage Based on the Slovenian Certified Coverage Record
0201771205Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed Outside of Slovenia
0201771210Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed in Slovenia
0201771220Completing the Form SSA e2960 USA/SI 3 (U.S. &ndash; Slovenia Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201771230Controlling Requests Sent to the Slovenian Liaison Agency on Form SSA e2960 USA/SI 3 (U.S. - Slovenia Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201771235Facts about the Slovenian Liaison Form SSA e2960 USA/SI 3 (U.S. &ndash; Slovenia Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201771305Life to Death Conversions &ndash; Slovenian Agreement
0201771310The Slovenian Liaison Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201771315Slovenian Birth Registration Number
0201771320Slovenian Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201771325Social Security Administration (SSA) Medical Reimbursement Form
0201772000Agreement With Iceland - Table of Contents
0201772005How the Division of International Operations (DIO) Modules Review Claims under the U.S- Iceland Totalization Agreement
0201772010How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Federal Benefits Unit in Oslo, Norway under the U.S. &ndash; Iceland Totalization Agreement
0201772012How the Federal Benefits Unit in Oslo, Norway Processes and Develops Claims Filed with the Icelandic Liaison Agency
0201772025Icelandic Social Insurance Administration (Icelandic Liaison Agency)
0201772105Icelandic Certified Coverage Record
0201772110How to Credit Quarters of Coverage Based on the Icelandic Certified Coverage Record
0201772205Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed Outside of Iceland
0201772210Preparing Claims Packages in the Division of International Operations (DIO) for Claims Filed in Iceland
0201772220Completing the Form SSA e2960 USA/IS3 (U.S. &ndash; Iceland Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201772230Controlling Requests Sent to the Icelandic Liaison Agency on Form SSA e2960 USA/IS3 (Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201772235Facts about the Icelandic Liaison Agency Form SSA e2960 IS-USA 3 (Transmittal/Request/Certification)
0201772305Life-to-Death Conversions &ndash; Icelandic Agreement
0201772310Icelandic Liaison Agency Requests for Medical Examinations
0201772315Icelandic Birth Registration Number
0201772320Icelandic Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0201772325Social Security Administration (SSA) Medical Exam Reimbursement Form
0202200000Overpayments - Table of Contents
0202201000General Information Title II, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part I - Table of Contents
0202201001What is a Title II Overpayment
0202201003Determining a Title II Overpayment Amount
0202201005Recalculating a Title II Overpayment Amount Due to Additional Benefits Payable
0202201007Special Situations - Overpayment
0202201009Notification of a Title II Overpayment
0202201010SSA-3105 Processing Instructions
0202201011Overpayment Pre-Recovery Review
0202201013Administrative Tolerances Title II Overpayments
0202201017Explanation of a Title II Overpayment
0202201023Program Service Center (PSC) Actions Title II Overpayment Waiver Request
0202201025Title II Overpayment Reconsideration Request
0202201027Overpayment for Title II Hearing Requests
0202201029The Treasury Offset Program (TOP)
0202201030Collection of Title II Overpayments by Tax Refund Offset (TRO)
0202201031Collection of Title II Overpayments by Administrative Offset
0202201032Reporting Title II Overpayment Debts to Credit Bureaus
0202201033Handling Postoffset/Postcertification Inquiries
0202201036Objection to Collection of Debt
0202201036DENObjection to collection of debt evidence submitted
0202201038Tax Refund Offset (TRO) Problem Cases
0202201040Collection of Title II/Title XVI Overpayments by Administrative Wage Garnishment
0202201041Debtor Reactions to Collection of Title II Overpayments by Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG)
0202201042Employer Issues Regarding Collection of Title II/XVI Overpayments by Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG)
0202201043Collection of Title II/Title XVI Overpayments by Federal Salary Offset (FSO)
0202201044Debtor Reactions to Collection of Title II Overpayments by Federal Salary Offset (FSO)
0202201055Overpayment Recovery after Fraud Conviction
0202205000Liability for Recovery of Title II and Black Lung Overpayments - Table of Contents
0202205001Liability for Title II Overpayment Recovery
0202205003Primary Liability for Title II Overpayment Recovery
0202205005Contingent Liability for Title II Overpayment Recovery
0202205007Joint and Several Liability for Title II Overpayment Recovery
0202210000Methods of Recovery for Title II, Title VIII, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part I - Table of Contents
0202210001Overpayment Recovery by Benefit Adjustment
0202210006Benefit Adjustment from the Overpaid Individual
0202210007Benefit Adjustment from Someone Other than the Overpaid individual
0202210008Cross Program Recovery (CPR) from Monthly Title II, Title VIII, and Title XVI Benefits to Recover Other Program Overpayments
0202210010Proposed Rate of Overpayment Adjustment
0202210015Priority of adjustment - overpayment
0202210016Applying Priority of Overpayment Adjustment
0202210020Living in the same household - overpayment adjustment
0202210025Beneficiary caused or helped to cause overpayment
0202210030Request for Change in Overpayment Recovery Rate, Form SSA-634
0202210045Rate of Overpayment Adjustment - Title II/Title XVI Beneficiary
0202210065Change in Entitlement or Eligibility Benefit Withholding in Effect
0202210070Partial Withholding of the Overpayment and Collection of SMI Premiums
0202210150Recovery by Refund - Title II/Title XVI
0202210152Collection of Title II and Title XVI Overpayments by Credit Card
0202210153Paying by Credit Card - Teleservice Center (TSC) Procedure
0202210156Webpage Link for Credit Card Payments Over the Phone &ndash; for DCR use only
0202210180Collection of Title II Overpayments by Installments
0202210185Overpaid medicare individual wishes to refund by installments
0202210205Paying by Credit Card &ndash; Debtor Contact Unit (DCU) Procedure
0202210214Debtor Willing to Repay
0202210216Debtor Alleges Payment - Debt Specialist (DS) Action
0202210217Debtor Unable or Unwilling to Refund the Overpayment - Debt Contact Representative (DCR) and Debt Specialist (DS) Actions
0202210218Debtor Inquiry - DCR/DS Actions
0202210219Request for explanation of overpayment, reconsideration or waiver - dcr/ds actions
0202210220Request for Waiver - $2,000 Tolerance - Debt Contact Representative (DCR)/Debt Specialist (DS) Actions
0202210221How to Process Death Cases - Debt Contact Representative (DCR) and Debt Specialist (DS) Actions
0202210222Debt Contact Representative (DCR) Use of Telephone in Debt Collection
0202210230Overpayments resulting from granting wage credits for military service
0202215000Methods of Recovery for Title II, Title XVI, and Title XVIII Overpayments - Part II - Table of Contents
0202215001Overpayment Notice Modifications - Debtor Outside U.S.
0202215005Foreign Currency Refunds
0202215010Transfer of Overpayment Jurisdiction to DIO
0202215015State Department Assistance &mdash; DIO, OEIO - Overpayment Refund
0202215050Liability of Deceased's Estate
0202215055Estate Administered by Legal Representative
0202215070Estate Closed or Will Not be Administered
0202215100Authority to Make Compromise Settlements
0202215105Compromise settlement overview
0202215120PC Handling of Compromise Offers
0202215125SSA Does Not Have Authority to Compromise
0202215150When a Title II Debt is Referred for Civil Suit
0202215155Joining a Representative Payee and Beneficiary
0202215160Estate is Involved - Overpayment
0202215168Completion of the Claims Collection Litigation Report (CCLR) &ndash; PC Procedure
0202215170Handling of Overpayment Claims for Referral to DOJ - RO Procedure
0202215175DOJ Requests for Check Listing or Information
0202215180Recovery After Referral to the RO or DOJ
0202215185Title II Overpayment - Overview Bankruptcy Proceedings
0202215190Debtor Involved in Bankruptcy Proceedings - FO Procedure
0202215195Debtor Involved in Bankruptcy Proceedings - PC Procedure
0202215196Objection to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge
0202215200Preparation of the Bankruptcy Proof of Claim
0202215225Bankruptcy Petition Pending &mdash; Refund Received or Underpayment Determined
0202215226Waiver Request Pending - Bankruptcy
0202215227Bankruptcy Petition Pending &mdash; Subsequent Debt - PC Procedure
0202215230Result of Bankruptcy Proceedings - PC Procedure
0202215235Suspension or Termination of Collection Action for Title II and Title XVI Debts
0202215250Resuming Collection Efforts
0202215270Claims Collection Litigation Report - Exhibit
0202215290Recommendation to Accept Compromise Offer - Exhibit
0202215300Recommendation to Reject Compromise Offer - Exhibit
0202220500How to Handle Online Bill Pay Inquiries
0202230000Special Overpayment Procedures - Table of Contents
0202230001General &mdash; Special Overpayment
0202230010Critical Case Overpayments
0202230018Death Termination Outstanding Payments
0202230035Overview of the Non-Entitled Debtor (NED) Initiative
0202230040Non-Entitled Debtors (NED) &ndash; Collection of Overpayments from Representative Payees of Deceased Title II Beneficiaries
0202230045Remittance process for repayments of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments paid to a sponsored alien
0202230050Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) - Overview
0202230055Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) - Posting
0202230070Exhibit - Form SSA-640 Financial Disclosure for a Civil Monetary Penalty Debt
0202230075Exhibit - Form SSA-640SP Financial Disclosure for a Civil Monetary Penalty Debt (Spanish Version)
0202250000Waiver Provisions for Title II and Title XVIII Overpayments - Table of Contents
0202250001Waiver Basics - Title II and Title XVI
0202250002Processing a Waiver Request - Title II and Title XVI
0202250005Fault Determinations for Overpayment Waiver Requests - Title II and Title XVI
0202250011Unable to Locate Documents or Determine the Cause of an Overpayment-Title II and XVI
0202250016Presumptions of Not at Fault for Waiver Determinations - Title II and Title XVI
0202250021Fault Determinations for Commonly Occurring Overpayment Situations-Title II and Title XVI
0202250023Fault Presumptions When an Overpayment was due to an Incorrect Benefit Rate or Computation of Insured Status - Title II and Title XVI
0202250025Fault Determinations When Overpayment is Due to Earnings - Title II
0202250036Fault Determinations for Overpayments due to Benefit Continuation During Medical Cessation Cases - Title II and Title XVI
0202250061Misinformation From an Official Source &mdash; Waiver - Title II and Title XVI
0202250090SSI Overpayment Waiver When Recipient's Countable Resources Exceed the Limit
0202250100Defeat the Purpose (Ability to Repay) of Title II and Title XVI - Waiver Determination<EndLine/>
0202250110Deemed to Defeat the Purpose (Ability to Repay) of Title II and Title XVI
0202250150Against Equity and Good Conscience - Title II and Title XVI
0202250230Completion of the SSA-632-BK (Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery)
0202250255Documents to Support a Deemed to Defeat or Defeats the Purpose Waiver Determination - Title II and Title XVI
0202250301Waiver Approval Reviews - Title II and Title XVI
0202250303Subsequent Waiver Request (Res Judicata)- Title II and Title XVI
0202250310Amount to Consider for a Waiver Request - Title II and Title XVI
0202250315Documenting Waiver Determinations on Form SSA-635 - Title II and Title XVI
0202250350Administrative Tolerance for Overpayments $2,000 or Less- Title II and Title XVI
0202250370Waiver Approval Notice - Title II and Title XVI
0202250380Appeal of Initial Waiver Determination - Title II and Title XVI
0202250400SSA-632-BK, Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery - Exhibit
0202250410Form SSA-635 (Waiver Determination) - Exhibit
0202270000Personal Conference Procedures When Waiver Cannot be Approved - Table of Contents
0202270003Overview of the Personal Conference - Title II and Title XVI
0202270007Scheduling the File Review and Personal Conference - Title II and Title XVI
0202270013Conducting the File Review and Personal Conference - Title II and Title XVI
0202270015Initial Waiver Determination After the Personal Conference - Title II &amp; Title XVI
0202280000Overpayments &mdash; Exhibits - Table of Contents
0202280030SSA-3560, Instructions Regarding Overpayments of Social Security Benefits
0202280700Sample Guide &mdash; Request for State Department Assistance to Recover Overpayment
0202280760Sample Guide &mdash; Notice of Waiver Denial - Waiver Only Requested -Refund Requested - RSI Cases
0202280762Sample Guide &mdash; Notice of Waiver Denial - Waiver Only Requested -Adjustment Proposed - RSI Cases
0202280776Sample Guide &mdash; Transmittal Letter - Reconsideration Affirms Overpayment Determination (Reconsideration and Waiver Requested) - RSI Cases
0202280779Sample Guide &mdash; Reconsideration Affirms Overpayment Determination/Waiver Approved - RSI Cases
0202280810Sample Guide &mdash; Letter Scheduling Personal Conference and Folder Review - Waiver Request Only
0202280817Sample Guide &mdash; Letter Scheduling Personal Conference and Folder Review &ndash; Combined Overpayment Reconsideration and Waiver
0202280819Sample Guide &mdash; Letter Confirming Telephone Scheduling of Folder Review and Personal Conference &ndash; Person Wants Conference by Telephone or Video Teleconference
0202280821Sample Guide &mdash; Letter Confirming Telephone Scheduling of Folder Review and Personal Conference - Previously Scheduled Dates Not Convenient - RSI Cases
0202280823Sample Guide &mdash; Letter Confirming Telephone Rescheduling of Personal Conference (Person Failed To Appear For Conference) - RSI Cases
0202280842Sample Guide &mdash; Waiver Denial (Combined Overpayment Reconsideration and Waiver Request) - Refund Requested - RSI Cases
0202280845Sample Guide &mdash; Waiver Denial (Combined Overpayment Reconsideration and Waiver Request) - Adjustment Proposed - RSI Cases
0202280847Sample Guide &mdash; Partial Waiver Denial (Waiver Only Requested) - Refund Requested - RSI Cases
0202280849Sample Guide &mdash; Partial Waiver Denial (Waiver Only Requested) -Adjustment Proposed - RSI Cases
0202280851Sample Guide &mdash; Partial Waiver Denial (Reconsideration and Waiver Requested) - Refund Requested - RSI Cases
0202280853Sample Guide &mdash; Partial Waiver Denial (Reconsideration and Waiver Requested) - Adjustment Proposed - RSI Cases
0202280910Sample Guide &mdash; Notice To Overpaid Person In Current Pay Status With Title XVIII Overpayment - Adjustment Proposed - No Waiver Offered
0202280915Sample Guide &mdash; Notice To Representative Payee For Beneficiary With Title XVIII Overpayment Who Is Currently Receiving Benefits For Beneficiary -Adjustment Proposed - No Waiver Offered
0202280940Sample Guide &mdash; Notice To Other Beneficiary - Recovery From Overpaid Person Not Possible
0202300000Underpayments - Table of Contents
0202301000Policy and Disposition of Underpayments - Table of Contents
0202301001Definition of an Underpayment
0202301010Underpayment Notices
0202301020Title II Underpaid Beneficiary is Alive
0202301030Title II Underpaid Beneficiary is Deceased &ndash; Statutory Order of Payment and Good Acquittance
0202301035Title II Underpaid Beneficiary is Deceased &ndash; Persons Who Can Act as Legal Representative
0202301045Handling Inquiries for Title II Underpayment Due Deceased Beneficiary
0202301050Application for Title II Underpayment Due Deceased Beneficiary
0202301055Evidence Needed to Release Title II Underpayment Due Deceased Beneficiary
0202301060Determining the Proper Recipient of Title II Underpayment Due Deceased Beneficiary
0202301065Overpayment Owed by Deceased Beneficiary Due Title II Underpayment
0202301070Component Responsible for Payment of Title II Underpayment Due Deceased Beneficiary
0202301075Benefit Authorizer Payment Instructions for Title II Underpayment Due Deceased Beneficiary
0202301080OIO Processing of Underpayments
0202301085Special Considerations When a Barred Country is Involved - Underpayment Processing
0202301095OIO Responsibility for Adjudication
0202301500Form SSA-1724 (Claim for Amounts Due in the Case of a Deceased Beneficiary)
0202315000Small Estate Statutes - Table of Contents
0202315001Small Estates
0202315005State Jurisdiction - Small Estates
0202315015Foreign Jurisdiction - Small Estates
0202315025Submittals to Chief Counsel - Small Estates
0202315036Alabama &mdash; Small Estates
0202315037Alaska Small Estates
0202315038American Samoa &mdash; Small Estates
0202315039Arizona Small Estates
0202315040Arkansas Small Estates
0202315041California Small Estates
0202315042Colorado &ndash; Small Estates
0202315043Connecticut Small Estates
0202315044Delaware Small Estates
0202315045District of Columbia Small Estates
0202315046Florida &mdash; Small Estates
0202315047Georgia &mdash; Small Estates
0202315048Guam Small Estates
0202315049Hawaii Small Estates
0202315050Idaho Small Estates
0202315051Illinois Small Estates
0202315052Indiana Small Estates
0202315053Iowa Small Estates
0202315054Kansas Small Estates
0202315055Kentucky &mdash; Small Estates
0202315056Louisiana Small Estates
0202315057Policy for Maine Small Estates
0202315058Maryland &mdash; Small Estates
0202315059Massachusetts Small Estates
0202315060Michigan Small Estates
0202315061Minnesota Small Estates
0202315062Mississippi &mdash; Small Estates
0202315063Missouri Small Estates
0202315064Montana &ndash; Small Estates
0202315065Nebraska Small Estates
0202315066Nevada Small Estates
0202315067New Hampshire Small Estates
0202315068New Jersey Small Estates
0202315069New Mexico Small Estates
0202315070New York Small Estates
0202315071North Carolina &mdash; Small Estates
0202315072North Dakota &ndash; Small Estates
0202315073Ohio Small Estates
0202315074Oklahoma Small Estates
0202315075Oregon Small Estates
0202315076Pennsylvania &mdash; Small Estates
0202315077Puerto Rico &mdash; Small Estates
0202315078Rhode Island Small Estates
0202315079South Carolina Small Estates
0202315080South Dakota &ndash; Small Estates
0202315081Tennessee &mdash; Small Estates
0202315082Texas Small Estates
0202315083Utah &ndash; Small Estates
0202315084Policy for Vermont Small Estates
0202315085Virginia Small Estates
0202315086Virgin Islands Small Estates
0202315087Washington Small Estates
0202315088West Virginia Small Estates
0202315089Wisconsin Small Estates
0202315090Wyoming &ndash; Small Estates
0202315091Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
0202330000Premium Underpayments - Table of Contents
0202330015Refund of Excess Medicare Premiums&mdash;Voluntary Termination
0202330050Disposition of Unproductive Alerts
0202330065Effecting Payment of Excess Premiums
0202330075Incorrect Premium Refund Distinguished From Premium Arrearage
0202330080When Relief from Repayment Will Be Considered
0202330085Development of Relief
0202330090Tolerance Amount
0202330100Trust Fund Accounting and Adjustment of the Hospital and/or Medical Insurance Premium Data on the BCM Record
0202335000Underpayments Due to Medical Services Received - Table of Contents
0202335015Carrier and Intermediary Actions in Underpayment Claims
0202335020Services Not Paid For--Who May Claim Payment
0202335025Services Paid For&mdash;Who May Claim Payment
0202335030General Provisions for DO Development of Underpayment Claims on Paid Bills
0202335035Special Provisions Regarding Development of Underpayment Claims From Person Who Paid for the Services
0202335040Special Provisions Regarding Development of Underpayment Claims from Legal Representative
0202335045Special Provisions Regarding Development of Underpayment Claim from a Survivor of the Beneficiary
0202335050Definition of Relationship and Related Principles Governing Eligibility of Survivors
0202400000Checks - Table of Contents
0202401000Checks - General Information - Table of Contents
0202401001General Information on Title II Checks
0202401005Field Office Check Intercept
0202401025Combining Two or More Payments to an Individual from the Same Trust Fund
0202401030Combining or Separating Payments from Two Different Trust Funds
0202401035Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Checks
0202401045Alternative Mailing Addresses for Receiving Paper Checks
0202401050Use of Field Office (FO) Address when a Title II or Title XVI Claimant does not have a Permanent Mailing Address
0202401055Policies on Miscellaneous Check Situations
0202401065Checks Issued to Beneficiaries Residing in Foreign Countries
0202401075Intercepting Checks Issued in Erroneous Amounts to Foreign Addresses
0202401080Use of United States Address by Beneficiary Abroad
0202401901Limited Payability Policy for Title II and Title XVI
0202401902Nonreceipt Alleged Timely and Check in Limited Payability Status
0202401903Allegations of Nonreceipt Not Filed Timely
0202401904Field Office Processing of Limited Payability (LP) Alerts for Title XVI Cases
0202401905Beneficiary or Recipient Contacts SSA Concerning a Limited Payability Notice
0202401908Description of Forms or Letters Used or Reviewed by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) Questioned Documents Branch (QDB)
0202401910Handwriting Analysis and Checks Older than 12 Months
0202401911Preparing the Handwriting Analysis Package for Treasury&rsquo;s Questioned Documents Branch (QDB) Review
0202401912Forwarding the Handwriting Analysis Package to the Questioned Documents Branch (QDB) for Review
0202401913Social Security Administration Review of the Handwriting Analysis Letter (HAL) from Treasury&rsquo;s Questioned Documents Branch (QDB)
0202401915Beneficiary or Recipient&rsquo;s Right to Review Limited Payability Decision
0202401917Title II and Title XVI Policy on Limited Payability (LP) Death Cases
0202401918Notices Sent to Beneficiaries and Recipients When We Issue Incorrect Payments after Death
0202401920Referral to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for Investigation
0202402000Direct Deposit - Title II and Title XVI - Table of Contents
0202402001Direct Deposit as a Form of Electronic Payment
0202402002Direct Deposit for Title II and Title XVI
0202402003Glossary of Direct Deposit Terms
0202402004&ldquo;Go Direct&rdquo; Campaign
0202402005Direct Deposit Information for All Types of Interviews
0202402012Field Office (FO) Instructions for Non-Receipt Alleged Fraud
0202402017Handling Overpayments Attributed to Unauthorized Redirection of Payments
0202402020SSA Title II and Title XVI Reimbursement Process Due to Unauthorized Redirection of Reoccurring Payments
0202402030Acceptable Types of Financial Institutions and Accounts
0202402035Documenting Financial Institution (FI) Information
0202402040Where to Find Routing Transit Numbers (RTNs) and Depositor Account Numbers (DANs) on Account Documentation
0202402045Direct Deposit and Assignment of Benefits
0202402050Account Titles
0202402055Direct Deposit for Representative Payee Cases
0202402060Direct Deposit to Trust Accounts
0202402070When an SF-1199A is Required
0202402075Completion of the Direct Deposit Sign-Up Standard Form (SF) 1199A
0202402085Unacceptable Requests for Direct Deposit
0202402090Direct Deposit Cancellation
0202402095Questions from Financial Institutions (FIs)
0202402100Financial Institution (FI) Closings
0202402105Correcting Routing Transit Numbers (RTNs) and Deposit Account Numbers (DANs)
0202402110Domestic Financial Institutions (FI) and Beneficiaries Outside the United States
0202402115Power of Attorney to Foreign Financial Institutions (FI) for Title II Beneficiaries
0202402120Correspondent Banking
0202402125Direct Deposit for Railroad Retirement Board Cases
0202402201Background and Policy for Direct Deposit Outside the U.S.
0202402205Direct Deposit Enrollment Outside of the United States
0202402210Direct Deposit for Title II Beneficiaries Who Moves to Another Country
0202402215International Direct Deposit (IDD) Cancellation
0202402220List of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Countries and references for updating the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402225Payment Operation for International Direct Deposit (IDD)
0202402230Death of an International Direct Deposit (IDD) Beneficiary
0202402235Intercepting Incorrect International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments
0202402240Rejected Canadian International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments
0202402245Returned International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments
0202402250Allegations of Nonreceipt of International Direct Deposit (IDD) payments
0202402297Coding Morocco Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402300Coding Canadian Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402301Coding France Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402302Coding Germany Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402303Coding Ireland Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402304Coding Italian Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402305Coding Norwegian Bank Data for the MBR
0202402306Coding Portuguese Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402307Coding Spanish Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402308Coding Swedish Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402309Coding United Kingdom (U.K.) Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402310Coding Australia Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402311Coding Anguilla Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402312Coding Antigua and Barbuda Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402313Coding Austria Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402314Coding Bahama Islands Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402315Coding Barbados Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402316Coding Belgium Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402317Coding British Virgin Islands Bank Data for the MBR
0202402318Coding Cayman Islands Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402319Coding Cyprus Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402320Coding Denmark Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402321Coding Dominican Republic Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402322Coding Finland Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402323Coding Grenada Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402324Coding Haitian Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402325Coding Hong Kong Bank Data for the MBR
0202402326Coding Jamaican Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402327Coding Maltese Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402328Coding Netherlands Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402329Coding Sint Maarten Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402330Coding New Zealand Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402331Coding South African Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402332Coding St. Lucia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402333Coding St. Vincent and the Grenadines Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402334Coding Swiss Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402335Coding Trinidad and Tobago Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402336Coding St. Kitts and Nevis Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402337Coding Israeli Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402338Coding Mexico Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402339Coding Greek Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402340Coding Poland Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402341Coding Hungary Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402342Coding Panama Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402343Coding Japan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402344Coding India Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402345Coding Estonia Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402346Coding Turkey Bank Data for the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402347Coding Lithuania Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402348Coding Slovakia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402349Coding Luxembourg Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402350Coding Slovenian Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402351Coding Iceland Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402352Coding Singapore Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402353Coding Samoan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402354Coding Egypt Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Records (MBR)
0202402355Coding Argentina Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Records (MBR)
0202402356Coding Brazilian Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Records (MBR)
0202402357Coding Croatian Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Records (MBR)
0202402358Coding Czech Republic Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Records (MBR)
0202402359Coding Ghana Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402360Coding Colombia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402361Coding Jordan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402362Coding Belize Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402363Coding Nauru Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402364Coding Dominican Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402365Coding Indonesian Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402366Coding South Korea Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402367Coding Monaco Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402368Coding San Marino Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402369Coding Albania Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402370Coding Bolivia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402371Coding Cape Verde Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402372Coding China Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402373Coding Latvia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402374Coding Martinique Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402375Coding Pakistan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402376Coding Peru Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402377Coding Romania Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402378Coding Lebanon Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402379Coding Nigeria Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402380Coding Costa Rica Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402381Coding Tunisia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402382Coding Bulgaria Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402383Coding Sierra Leone Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402384Coding Ethiopia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402385Coding Malaysia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402387Coding Macedonia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402388Coding Bosnia Herzegovina Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402389Coding Laos Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402390Coding Bangladesh Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402391Coding Paraguay Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402392Coding Russia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402394Coding Sri Lanka Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402395Coding Serbia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402396Coding Montenegro Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402398Coding Cambodia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402399Coding Eritrea Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402400Coding Kenya Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402401Coding Philippines Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402402Coding Suriname Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402403Coding Tanzania Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402404Coding Ecuador Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402405Coding Liberian Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402406Coding Palestine Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402407Coding Chile Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402408Coding Vietnam Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402409Coding Taiwan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402410Coding Georgia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR))
0202402411Coding Guatemala Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402412Coding Montserrat Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402413Coding Uruguay Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402414Coding Nicaragua Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402415Coding Honduras Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402416Coding Bermuda Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402417Coding Curacao Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402418Coding El Salvador Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402419Coding Thailand Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402420Coding Fiji Islands Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402421Coding Algeria Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402422Coding Macao Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402423Coding Marshall Islands Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402424Coding Micronesia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402425Coding Senegal Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402426Coding Aruba Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402427Coding Gambia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402428Coding Sudan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402429Coding Uganda Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402430Coding Arab Emirates Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402431Coding Bahrain Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402432Coding Bonaire Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402433Coding Palau Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402434Coding Qatar Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402435Coding Saudi Arabia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402436Coding French Polynesia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402437Coding Moldova Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402438Coding Myanmar Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402439Coding Nepal Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402440Coding Turks and Caicos Islands Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402441Coding Brunei Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402442Coding Cameroon Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402443Coding Solomon Islands Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402444Coding Tonga Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402445Coding Yemen Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402446Coding Guyana Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402447Coding Iraq Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402448Coding New Caledonia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402449Coding Papua New Guinea Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402450Coding Andorra Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402451Coding East Timor Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402452Coding Malawi Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402453Coding Mongolia Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402454Coding Vanuatu Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402455Coding Bhutan Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402456Coding Maldives Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402457Coding Ukraine Bank Data on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)
0202402458Coding Zimbabwe Bank Data